The DFSS project algorithm
2011-10-16 10:08:37 1 举报
The flowchart presented in Fig. 5.1 depicts the proposed DFSS algorithm. The algorithm objective is to develop design entities with unprecedented customer wants, needs (expectations), and delights for its total life at Six Sigma quality level.
Step 4.1:Analyze and Derive Concepts
Step 11: (Tolerance Design)Finalize Tolerance Settings
Step 6: (Axiomatic Design)Finalize the Functional Structureof Selected Concept
Step 6.1: (Axiomatic Design)Perform Mappings
V-alidate Phase
Step 3: (TRIZ)Understand FRs Evolution
Step 10:Design for X
Project Risk Assessment
Step 6.3:Simplify Design Using Axiom 2
Step 12:Pilot/Prototype Design
Step 14:Launch Mass Production
Step 8: (FMEA/PFMEA)Assess Risk
The DFSS project algorithm.
Step 13: Validate Design(Product/Service and Process)
I-dentify Phase
C-haracterize Phase
Step15:Celebrate Successful Completion
Step 5: (Pugh Selection)Select the Best Concept
Step 7:Initiate Design Scorecards andTransfer Function Development
Step 2: (QFD Phase I and II)Determine Customer Expectations
Step1:Form Team
Step 6.2: (Axiomatic Design)Uncouple or DecoupleSelected Concept
O-ptimize Phase
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