Interaction of Systems in the Payroll Process

2012-10-19 11:12:44 0 举报
Interaction of Systems in the Payroll Process
PWGSC maintains the Regional Pay System (RPS) that is used to calculate employee pay and deductions and to send requests to the Standard Payment System (SPS) for the issue of payment. The RPS provides detailed pay data to individual departments for recording in their departmental financial systems' payroll expense accounts. PWGSC also maintains a separate pay system for members of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP). As part of PWGSC's role, various rules and edits based on legislation and collective agreements are applied on behalf of the departments in the gross pay calculations. PWGSC is responsible for analyzing compensation policies and legislation and, in turn, implementing the controls to adhere to any changes. PWGSC also ensures the integrity of the data from departments using primary and secondary edits and provides departments with pay reports and statistics.
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