How Much Will Health Care Reform Cost Your Business?
2013-06-24 16:11:48 2 举报
To Pay or Play, that is the question … at least for the majority of restaurant, C-Store, retail and hospitality businesses today. Whether your health care reform dollars will go toward providing coverage or toward paying fines is up to you, but both can come with a hefty cost for your bottom line. Offering health care benefits cost employers $7,225 per enrolled employee in 2012 according to ADP. How much will not offering those benefits cost your bottom line? If you think the turnover and customer satisfaction are worth the risk (a lot of brands have already found it’s not), follow the flowchart below to see if — or how much — you’ll end up paying in fines.(Source from: )
do you have at least 50 full-time eauivalent employees?
$0there's no penalty
your emplyees can buy coverage in an online marketplace(exchange) and receive a premium tax credit
Not providing affordable coverage will cost you $3K annually for every employee receiving a credit.
does your plan pay for at least 60% of coverd health care expenses for a typical population
do you offer coverage to your employees?
not so fast! these penalties increase each year by the growth in insurance premiums.
you are off the hook!Penalties don't apply to small employers.
do any employees have to pay more than 9.5% of their family income for the employer coverage?
did at least one employee receive a premium tax credit or a cost sharing subsidy in an exchange?

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