Purchase Product Stock
2014-09-22 03:09:15 7 举报
Purchase Product Stock是指购买产品库存。这通常涉及到从供应商或制造商处购买一定数量的产品,以便在销售过程中有足够的库存可供客户购买。这个过程可能包括研究市场上的需求,选择合适的供应商,谈判价格和交货时间,以及管理库存水平。 采购产品库存是任何企业成功运营的重要组成部分。它确保了企业在任何时候都有足够的产品供应,以满足客户的需求。此外,采购产品库存还可以帮助企业节省成本,因为批量购买通常比单独购买更便宜。 总之,Purchase Product Stock是一个关键的商业活动,它有助于确保企业能够及时、有效地满足客户需求,并保持竞争力。
store purchase order
list of products &quantity to purchase
send purchase order
sd: Purchase Product Stock
User Interface
Business Logic
request to supply
call the logic to purchase products
shipment informationand invoice
admin selects productsand accepts the offer
multiple items are purchased but each is treated like a seperate case
store invoice
present the data and wait for decission
create purchase order
reply with supply amount & quantity
Persistent Objects
he can accept some items and discard others
show shipping info
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