Untitled Diagram
2015-01-11 17:37:06 1 举报
由于您没有提供具体的图表信息,我无法为您生成准确的描述。但是,我可以为您提供一个通用的描述模板,您可以根据实际的图表内容进行修改: ”这是一张未命名的图表,展示了(图表的主题或目的)。图表中包含了(图表的主要元素或数据),并且通过(图表的类型,如柱状图、饼图等)进行了可视化呈现。从图表中我们可以看出(图表的主要发现或趋势)。这张图表为我们提供了宝贵的信息,帮助我们更好地理解(图表主题或目的)的情况。” 请提供具体的图表信息,我将很乐意为您提供更详细的描述。
Seller KYC pass rate is very low. (2014 yearly performance 10%)
FO team will provide real time support to sellers during their whole KYC process.
Duration of the investigating is too long.
FO team proactively outbound call to remind and help seller on the specific question. FO team will also follow up with KYC team on puzzling questions for sellers.
The average FCR (First Contact Resolutoin) is lower than x% and the average RAD # is 2.6 y times.
Require Additional Documents
In Progress
Not Compliant
Daily/Weekly Synch up
FO team proactively outbound call to remind and coach seller before his KYC process
Seller spents a lot of time but only can provide low quality/unnecessary docs
KYC (TRMS) Investigating
FO team will study the reason code of not compiant case and provide the improving action. Also help inactive seller to appeal to reopen their KYC process.
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