Manufacturing Review
2015-03-09 02:12:51 2 举报
Manufacturing Review是一种对制造过程进行全面、深入分析和评估的方法,旨在识别和解决生产过程中的问题,提高生产效率和产品质量。通过对生产线、设备、工艺、人员和管理等方面的审查,企业可以发现潜在的瓶颈、浪费和风险,从而制定相应的改进措施。这种审查通常包括对生产数据的分析、现场观察、员工访谈和专家咨询等多种方法。通过实施Manufacturing Review,企业可以实现生产过程的持续改进,降低成本,缩短交货周期,提高客户满意度,最终提升企业的竞争力。
Manufacturing Review
Outlining the key manufacturing steps
describing what the product might look like
In table 15Indicate the product manufacturing cost anf how they are driven
In Table 11List the key manufacturing requirements
In table 13List the expected costs for each of the key steps and the periods during which they will be incurred.
Outlining the overall manufacturing strategy
Estimate the product manufacturing cost
Listing the key manufacturing requirements
In tabel 10Outline the:1). Key features and likely appearance of the proposed product 2). The principle operating characteristics of any associated instrumentation.
In table 12Outline the key manufacturing steps
In table 14Outline the manufacturing startegy
•\tImportance of MR (Manufacturing review):Obviously the development of a suitable manufacturing process is of paramount importance –if you cannot cost effectively manufacture a product of suitable quality in suitable quantity when it is required then you have not got a business!•\tLimitations of MRHowever in some cases it might not be possible to formulate the manufacturing process until some of the product development has been completed. In such cases it is not possible to undertake a comprehensive review of Manufacturing Development to the same extent as that of Product Development.•\tOverall strategy of MREmploy a Contract Manufacturing Organisation (CRO).Even in such cases it is very prudent upfront to undertake your own review of manufacturing as far as possible and so develop as clear a picture as possible of the key issues and their dimensions. -In any case such an assessment would provide valuable information for use in any negotiations with prospective CROs!
Indicating the key resources that might be needed to develop the key steps
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