4.2) remNest v20x - prodProcess_import
2015-02-17 05:45:33 1 举报
Remote Nest (remNest v20x) - prodProcess_import
Allocate imported nest parts to scheduled sales orders
Copy nest routing and plot files to local remNest directories
Create array of imported nest items and quantities
Revised: 5/29/15
Import completed nest from nesting software into temporary table
Convert all interlaced part to individual items and quantities
Update the cost of the whole production run. Cost is a customer specific formula usually based on the total area of the nests.
Remote Nest (remNest v20x) - Production Processing - Post Nesting Import
Append converted nest records to permanent imported nest table
Flag unallocated items and/or quantities as 'trash'
Append allocated parts to permanent imported items table.
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