2015-09-25 01:09:41 1 举报
emolt_fvcom_gom3是一个复杂的模型,主要用于海洋环境模拟和预测。它基于FVCOM(Fast Variational Continuum Model)框架,结合了GOM3(General Ocean Turbulence Model 3)的湍流模型,能够准确模拟海洋的动力学过程。该模型可以用于研究海洋环流、风暴潮、海平面上升等现象,为海洋工程、海岸管理等领域提供科学依据。emolt_fvcom_gom3具有高度的灵活性和可扩展性,可以根据实际需求进行参数调整和功能扩展,以满足不同应用场景的需求。
if method=='current'
get wave of nearest point
find index of the nearest distance
calculate distances between chose point and fvcom`s points
calculate distances between chose site and fvcom`s points
get bottom temp of nearest point
get nearest time in fvcom`s time
change type of time and temperature
get u and v of nearest point from fvcom`s web
find velocity points in bounding box
if method=='Wave-height'
plot picture and show
get u and v of nearest point
plot emolt data in pic and show
get nearest time`s surface u and v
set how big of the pic you want to plot
get wave in bounding box
divide emolt datd in each year
use get_emolt_data to get emolt data
if method=='wave'
if method=='Bottom temp'
if method=='Current'
remove data which are not in time series
get depth of nearest pointfrom fvcom`s web
if method==' wind'
if method=='bottom temperature'
make stick_plot and show
plot fvcom temp in pic
subsample ponits
get bottom temp in bounding box
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