2015-09-01 22:19:58 10 举报
This is my homework.
father is a police
seven years old, wanted to be an astronaut
twenty-one years old, studied history in an university
twentu-eight years old, published a lot of cynic comments in the film, criticizing the government
be heated by the media and public
He quit his job and did not take part in the "seven years"
fifty-six years old, came back as a civil servant
Because he is not only satisfied with their own situation, but also want to promote their own band
The meaning of life is to leave some marks in this world, not just passing through the whole life.
He sometimes recalled that some things should not be done or in that way. But life should not be used to regret, we should actively face it.
Born in a very rich family, there are four thousand acres of land at home.
Never forced herself, and no one forced her.
sixteen years old, dropped out of school to go to Paris, went to a secretary of vocational school, and then found a job.
Reasons for dropping out of school:lose interest
twenty-four years old, got married
family is happy
born in a farmer's family
was interested in science as a child
twenty-one years old, studied physics in Oxford
28 years old, worked as an assistant professor in the United States, his wife is his classmate in Oxford
forty-two years old, divorced
forty-nine years old, married again
He said that the government did not attach great importance to talent like him. It seems that government did not want to develop science and technology
His greatest wish is to find a way to to get plenty of power with low cost.
He said that living on the farm, people will feel that life and death is a natural cycle, something rotten, and then return to the earth.
Paul's friend in children's home
twenty-eight years old, has five children, at that time was satisfied with families and life
Her mother died of cancer
Divorced, sometimes he can't see his children.
About Forty, married again, and gave birth to a child.
forty-nine years old, he and his wife decided to be a foster family
He says the children's greatest need is to be loved and needed, others are secondary.
seven years old, lived in the East London (civilian area)
fourteen years old, didn't want to get married early
twenty-one years old, worked in a travel agency
twenty-four years old, married, had two children
twenty-eight years old, she said that one once gets married should not only live for oneself
thirty-five years old
she divorced
did a part-time job in a company.
fourty-two years old, had a boyfriend, but did not get married until 56 years, because she did not want to have children
forty-five years old, worked as an educational administration secretary in a university
forty-nine years old, became school's supervisor, she was very fond of her work
She was satisfied with her life, not regret that she did not go to college.
seven years old
lived in a children's home in London (like a welfare home).
did not want to get married
Once wanted to be a professional athlete, but teacher said that he has to go to college first.
twenty-one years old, moved bricks in the construction site, and later worked in the factory
Now works in his wife's pension center
twenty-eighty years old, he and his wife sold the house, traveled the whole Australia
has a son and a daughter
Daughter went to the college, she is the first person in the family that goes to college
Son is a car mechanic, has been married and has 5 children
his feeling
People don't feel that they are old, you will always think that you are the same as before
Be conservative with money
Hope that the education system can continue to improve, because the book a person read can never be taken away by others
Every man in this society is valuable
Lived in Liverpool, parents are teachers
Parents gave him great pressure
fourteen years old, he felt that he should set a high goal and force himself to achieve
wanted to go to Oxford University
went to a normal university
studied the first year and then dropped out.
twenty-one years old, lived in the poor house, doing temporary porters
twenty-eight years old, homeless, with mental illness
thirty-five years old, lived in a relief type of residence and had no work
forty-two years old, he was a member in a party of London
fifty-six years old, was a member in a small place, with little income
likes writing, wrote a lot of things, but no one has ever expressed any interest in his article.
was a priest
wanted to be a missionary to help the people in the poor countries
studied math at Oxford
after graduation, he worked in a London's financial community
after a year, went to a public school to teach
thity-five, taught in Bangladesh
After returning to England, he taught until fifty-six
He felt that being engaged in the education of public school makes more contribution to the society
forty years old, married
has two sons
he said he should be the only socialist of the town that he lives


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