2015-09-25 01:33:41 11 举报
Emolt Stevens是一位备受赞誉的艺术家,他的作品充满了独特的创新和深深的情感。他的艺术风格独特,融合了抽象和具象的元素,创造出一种既熟悉又陌生的视觉体验。他的作品色彩丰富,线条流畅,形状和纹理的变化充满了动态感,给人以强烈的视觉冲击。Emolt Stevens的作品不仅仅是视觉的享受,更是一种情感的表达。他的作品深深反映了他对生活、对人性、对社会的深刻理解和独特见解。他的艺术创作充满了热情和活力,每一幅作品都像是他内心世界的一次冒险,让人感受到他对艺术的无尽热爱和执着追求。
remove data which are not in time series
get u and v of nearest point from fvcom`s web
find index of the nearest distance
make stick_plot and show
get wave of nearest point
use get_emolt_data to get emolt data
get depth of nearest pointfrom fvcom`s web
if method=='Bottom temp'
plot picture and show
get nearest time in fvcom`s time
subsample ponits
calculate distances between chose point and fvcom`s points
if method=='wave'
set how big of the pic you want to plot
if method==' wind'
if method=='Wave-height'
change type of time and temperature
get nearest time`s surface u and v
plot emolt data in pic and show
if method=='current'
get bottom temp of nearest point
get u and v of nearest point
get wave in bounding box
if method=='bottom temperature'
divide emolt datd in each year
calculate distances between chose site and fvcom`s points
if method=='Current'
get bottom temp in bounding box
plot fvcom temp in pic
find velocity points in bounding box
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