2015-10-14 08:43:43 9 举报
由于您没有提供具体的新闻主题,我将为您生成一个关于全球气候变化的新闻描述。 标题:全球气候变化加剧,人类面临巨大挑战 全球气候变化的问题日益严重,对人类生活产生了深远影响。科学家警告,如果不采取行动,全球平均温度可能在本世纪内上升超过3摄氏度,这将导致极端天气事件的频率和强度增加,海平面上升,以及生物多样性的丧失。此外,气候变化还将对农业、水资源和人类健康产生严重影响。各国政府和国际组织正在努力减少温室气体排放,以减缓气候变化的速度。然而,实现这一目标需要全球的共同努力和长期的坚持。气候变化不仅是环境问题,也是经济和社会问题,需要我们共同面对和解决。
news category
nature of the reported news
hard news
soft news
by content
economic news
political news
sports news
entertainment news
technology news
by region
international news
domestic news
regional news
local news
by issuing medium
print news
broadcast news
tv news
online news
function of headline
summarize the news
attract readers'attention with large print and sometimes with language of shocking or sensational effect
index the news
fill the page
decorate the page
news value
human interest
Lexical Features
the extensice use of proper nouns and numbers
the extensive use of shortened words
the appropriate use of modals and reporting verbs.
the extensive use of new words
the extensive use of vivid words
the extensive use of foreign words
basic leads
direct lead
delayed lead
it captures the essence of the event
it attract listeners or readers into staying awhile
straight summary lead
picture or dramatic lead
background lead
quotation lead
ironic or contrast lead
punch lead
suspense or blind lead
inverted pyramid
save readers time and effort
save copy editors time and effort
save copy reports time and effort
offers a quick organizing tool
offers faster headline prepatation
allows for faster writing of a story
offers easier editing
easier to add to a story
features less repetition
offers quick reading
this style doesn't always encourage readers to continue to the end of a story because the important elements come first
it's backward ;you give away the "punchline"at the top
can be somewhat formulaic;it gives more value to substance rather than style.
there's less allowance for creativity.
martini glass
the lead
key facts in inverted-pyramid form
chronology of events
You begin with an inverted pyramid summary of the story's most important facts. This is usually just a few short paragraphs.
Once that's done, you shift into a chronological order of what happened. Then detail what happened step by step.
If possible, end with a kicker (a surprise twist or strong closing quote).
This approach works well for crime stories.
Main facts are told, in decreasing order of importance, in the first paragraphs
Events are told in chronological order in the second part of the story
Chronological narration is introduced by a turn
Main facts are told quickly in the first paragraphs
Real ending
Makes the story more balanced
Motivates readers to read story to the end
Discourages editors from cutting from the bottom
Some information appearing at the top of the story may be repeated in the chronological portion, making the story longer.
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