151022 C 实习 - 最近两个点
2015-10-22 17:05:21 2 举报
1. 实习地点:一家知名互联网公司。在这里,我有机会参与到各种项目中,学习到了许多实用的技能和知识。同时,公司的工作环境也非常好,同事们都非常友好,让我感到非常舒适。 2. 实习内容:我主要负责的是产品运营方面的工作。这包括了市场调研、数据分析、用户反馈收集等。通过这些工作,我深刻理解了产品运营的重要性,并且学会了如何更好地与用户沟通,提升产品的用户体验。
Sort the array by y-coordinate
Sort all the points by x-coordinate
Find the minimum distance on the left and on the right. Compare both of them and chose the smallest distance
Display the minimum distance of all pair points
Enter number of points. Default number is 150
Pick all points one by one and try the next points till the difference between y coordinates is smaller than d.
Build an array that contains points close (closer than d) to the line passing through the middle point
Pair Points Smallest Distance Flowchart
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