Altered Mental Status, Stoke, Seizure Protocol
2015-10-27 00:32:50 0 举报
Altered Mental Status, Stoke, Seizure Protocol是一种紧急医疗措施,旨在应对患者出现意识改变、中风和癫痫发作等严重症状。在这种情况下,医护人员需要迅速评估患者的病情,采取相应的治疗措施。首先,医护人员会观察患者的生命体征,如心率、血压和呼吸情况,以确保患者的稳定。其次,医生会根据患者的病史、体格检查和相关检查结果来判断患者的具体病因。针对中风患者,可能需要使用溶栓药物或进行血管内手术来恢复脑部血流;对于癫痫发作患者,则需要给予抗癫痫药物控制发作。在整个过程中,医护人员会密切监测患者的生命体征和病情变化,确保患者得到及时有效的救治。
General impression. Note patients position and LOC. Rule out seizure.
Perform primary assessment and maintain ABCs. Then perform secondary assessment.
Secondary assessment: SAMPLE history and OPQRST. Note Vital Signs. Glasgaw coma scale.
Render emergency care: MAINTAIN patients airway. Call ALS. Transport according to severity of seizure.
Primary Assessment: Stabilize spine (if indicated) Check ABCs
Arrive on scene. Scene size up. MOI/NOI? Remove patient from hazardous environment.
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