OEDashboard Security Auditting and Subscriber Notification
2016-04-12 20:53:47 0 举报
OEDashboard Security Auditting and Subscriber Notification
New security events meet notification conditions
Send out email to subscribers
Filter out unnecessarydata
Rollback every attempts tochange any db object/data
Configure SQL Server Audit
User is admin
Wait for next round
Go thru SubscriberNotification table to find subscriber
SubscriberNotification tablerelationship with Scorecard
SecurityEventAudit table
Configure Server Trigger on Database OEDashboard
Requirements:1) Subscribers receive notification in time whenever structure or data of the objects/business section they subscribe changed.2) Be able to trace back to when and where and how structure/data of crucial business objects in warehouse encounter any deletion/overwriten actons.
Store data into DB and Keep for 15 days
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