flowchart of methodology-2
2016-01-18 00:14:29 0 举报
流程图2(Flowchart 2)是一种用于表示和可视化复杂过程或系统的图形表示方法。它通过使用一系列箭头、形状和符号来表示过程中的步骤、决策和数据流动。流程图2的主要目的是帮助用户更好地理解和分析一个过程,以便在实施过程中做出明智的决策和优化。这种方法可以应用于各种领域,如项目管理、软件开发、业务流程分析和质量管理等。流程图2的关键组成部分包括:开始/结束点、步骤或操作、决策点、数据输入/输出和连接线。通过使用流程图2,用户可以更容易地识别潜在的问题和瓶颈,从而提高效率和成功率。总之,流程图2是一种强大的工具,可以帮助用户更好地管理和优化复杂过程和系统。
Assess of ecological stability & health condition by application of NEET
Gain enhanced eco-exergy value of indicator(s) based on NEET
Calculate the networked eco-exergy within the ecosystem in suitable snapshots
Gain direct eco-exergy flows between species (including virtual flow)
Obtain the ecosystem health condition during selected periods
Select indicator specie(s)
Attain the enhanced resistance value through disturbance period
Gain the ratio value of networked eco-exergy to total group eco-exergy
Generate direct utility matrix between species
Choose suitable snapshots in ecosystem represent the resilience process
Create an integral utility matrix for all species
Calculate ecological resistance
Choose reasonable amount of snapshots during disturbance period
Produce the enhanced resilience value
Evaluate ecological resilience
Obtain enhanced eco-exergy value of indicator(s) based on NEET
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