Swift Decoder Prop
2016-07-04 10:46:09 0 举报
Swift Decoder Prop是一种用于解码数据的协议,它定义了如何将数据从一种格式转换为另一种格式。这种协议通常用于网络通信、文件读写等场景中,以便于在不同的系统和平台之间进行数据传输。Swift Decoder Prop的主要优点是它可以灵活地适应不同的数据格式,并且可以很容易地进行扩展和修改。此外,它还提供了一些高级功能,如错误处理、数据验证等,以提高数据处理的效率和可靠性。总之,Swift Decoder Prop是一种强大而灵活的工具,可以帮助开发者更有效地处理各种类型的数据。
Result Properties
QR_EC_LEVEL(the error correction level used within a decoded QR Code symbol.)
DYNAMIC_PROCESSING(whether the processed area of an image is automatically reduced to eliminate processingthe “background”)
RESULT_LENGTHthe length (in bytes) of the decode result string.
Manual operating mode
IMPROVEMENTS(enabled certain improvements like locating algorithms)
Mirrored(the first pixel of a stored image is displayed as the upper left corner or the image)
RESULT_STRING(decoded message string of the symbol.)
Black_level(the average black level of the background on which scanned objects appear)
Pointer(set a pointer to the first pixel of an image.)
OP_MODE(the operating mode for decoding.)
SUBREGION_PROCESSING(whether certain groups of symbologies will be processed only within defined subregions.)
RESULT_BOUNDS(the vertices of rec)
Image prop
MISENCODED_SYMBOLS(whether to issue information regarding misencoded symbols.)
Unattended operating mode
LOW_CONTRAST_IMPROVEMENTS(whether certain algorithms for improved locating and/or decoding of low contrast symbolsshould enabled.)
Miscellaneous Properties
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