how to read a book
2016-09-07 23:53:48 2 举报
阅读一本书是一项有益的活动,它可以帮助你扩展知识面、提高语言能力和培养思考能力。以下是一些建议,可以帮助你更好地阅读一本书: 1. 选择适合自己兴趣和水平的书籍。 2. 创造一个安静舒适的阅读环境。 3. 在阅读之前预览书籍内容,了解作者、主题和章节结构。 4. 在阅读过程中做好笔记,记录重要信息和自己的想法。 5. 保持专注,避免分心和拖延。 6. 与他人分享你的阅读体验,参加读书俱乐部或讨论小组。 7. 坚持阅读,每天安排一定的时间来阅读。 以上是一些简单的方法,可以帮助你更好地阅读一本书。记住,阅读是一种享受,不要把它看作是一项任务。愿你在阅读中获得快乐和收获!
how to read a book
read the whole thing
focus on major arguments and evidence matter
not read every word
grasp the structure of the whole
decide how much time to spend
time is limited
never to start to read without plannning when to stop
have a purpose and a stategy
the reason of reading this particular book
who is the author
what are the book's arguments?
what is the evidence that support these?
what are the book's concllusions?(不是读完之后才会得出结论吗?为什么说在未读书之前就找到结论?如何找?)
try to determine
how does the author response to this weakness?
keeping back to this questions带着问题读书,具体执行的方法
imagine that review the book for maganize
imagine having a coversation with the author
imagine an examination on this book
read actively
follow your own goals 根据自己的目的去读书,而不是书的目录的顺序读书
read it three times
overview 5-10 percent of total time
create picture of the writer's purpose
mark cotent that seem important
detail 70-80% of total time
grasp the key points
evaluate the author's evidence for his points
recall and note-taking 10-20%
memory the most important elements of the book
1-3 pages of notes per 100 pages of text
devote to each of the three stages
focus on parts with high information content
hourglass structure
begining and ends
more general information
the middle
more specific information
use personal text markup language
don't mark too much
know the auther and organiztion
know the intellectual context
pay attention to points where the author disagree with others
use your unconscious mind
rehearse and use multiple modes
after have read the book 需要进行复述
On time and timing
three one-hour reading better than one three-hour reading
hang in there再坚持一下
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