NEET theroy
2016-09-26 08:48:36 0 举报
NEET现象,即Not in Education, Employment or Training,指的是那些既不在上学、也不在工作或接受培训的18至24岁年轻人。这个群体在全球范围内日益扩大,特别是在经济不景气和就业市场竞争激烈的国家和地区。NEET青年通常面临着较高的失业率、较低的收入水平和较差的生活质量。他们可能因为缺乏教育和技能、家庭背景不佳、心理健康问题等原因而陷入这种困境。政府和社会需要采取措施,如提供职业培训、心理支持和创业机会,帮助NEET青年融入社会,实现自身价值。
Gain the value of virtual biomass flows between species
Define the relationship of non-mass-transfer benefits between species in an ecosystem
Obtain the value of eco-exergy flows between species
Obtain weighting factors (β) for each specie in an ecosystem
Evaluate the group eco-exergy for different species
Gain biomass information from different species in an ecosystem
Calculate the vritual biomass coefficient between species
Calculate the virtual eco-exergy flows between species
Retrieve mass flows information between species in an ecosystem
Obtain the direct utility matrix
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