2017-02-21 11:27:28 0 举报
Scoping是一种项目管理技术,用于明确项目的范围、目标和交付物。它包括确定项目的主要阶段、任务和活动,以及所需的资源和时间。Scoping有助于确保项目团队对项目的目标和期望有共同的理解,并为项目的顺利进行提供指导。 在项目管理中,Scoping通常在项目启动阶段进行,由项目经理和相关利益相关者共同完成。通过与客户沟通,了解他们的需求和期望,项目经理可以创建一个详细的项目范围说明书,其中包括项目的目标、范围、时间表和预算。 总之,Scoping是项目管理中至关重要的一步,它有助于确保项目团队和客户对项目的目标和期望有共同的理解,并为项目的顺利进行提供指导。
What went right and what went wrong?
Could we ask them?
What makes it important?
What went well and did not go well with these past community partners?
Are there resource limitations that could make this problem difficult to solve?
Why were they unsuccessful?
Is this an important problem?
Are there policies or laws that make this problem difficult to solve?
Who might these humans be?
What do(n't) we know about them?
Who are some relevant community partners we have worked with in the past?
What attempts were made and what went awry?
What is our travel threshold?
How do you know?
What are some constraints that teams may run into?
Who are some community partners we could cold call?
Does it affect a significant number of people?
What's happening in our community that might give us some clues?
Why hasn't this problem been solved before?
Who were the team leads?
Picture the problem
Who in our network could connect us to a community partner?
Is this problem applicable?
How far can we realistically travel to get to the problem?
Consider new community partners
Where are the potential users?
Has this problem been solved before?
Is the problem daring?
Are there discrepancies between the values of the designers and the values of the stakeholders?
Is the problem located within it?
How does it affect them
Consider past community partners
Choose the community partner
What would we say to them?
Where are they located?
What's going on in local venues? On campus? In town?
How can we solve it better?
Is the problem feasible?
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