Decision-Making processes
2017-06-14 22:12:36 0 举报
decision-making processes
Decision-Making processes
rational models of DMP 理性决策模型
formulation stage 制定阶段
concept development stage 概念发展阶段
detailing process 详细过程
evaluation stage 评估阶段
implemetation stage 执行阶段
Alternatives to regional models 理性模型的替代
rational model is not realistic 不现实
more realistic to look at decision making as satisficing process
org. makers are characterized by bounded rationality 决策者具有有限理性的特征
Rationality is bounded by personal and environmental factors
Decision making can be attributed to intuitive processes of managers 管理者的直观过程
March - garbage can model 垃圾筒模型
problems 问题
sonutions 解决方案
participants 参与人员
choices 决策机会
Effective small-group decision making
Fisher's phase medel
orientation phase 定位阶段:集体成员互相熟悉,掌握问题
conflict phase 冲突阶段:提出并辩论可能解决问题的方法
emergence phase 出现阶段:小集团达到一定的共识
reinforcement phase 强化阶段:决定得到支持
group think 群体思维
low-quality decisions' results
improper seeseement
flawed information base
faulty reasoning
functional theory of group decision making 群体决策
correct understanding of the issuses 理解问题
determine the minimal characteristics 确定替代方案所需的最小特征
identify a relevant and realistic set of alternatives 确定替代方案
examine & select 评估和选择
critiques against rational approach
overly concerned with the task function
ignore socio-emotional and relational aspects
Participation in decision making
effects of PDM
attitudinal effects 态度效应:job satisfaction
cognitive effects 认知效应:enhanced use of information from wide range go mambers
behavioral impacts: 行为影响 improved the productivity and increase in effectiveness of decisions
Model of PDM
Affective model 情绪模型
Cognitive model 认知模型
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