2018-09-22 08:42:53 26 举报
Supplychain management issues
Configuration-level issues
Procurement and Supplier Decisions
How many and what kinds of suppliers are necessary?
Which parts should be outsourced and which should be keptin house?
How can procurement practices be streamlinedand standardized?
How should long-term andshort-term contracts be used with suppliers?
Production Decisions
where and how many manufacturing sitesshould be operational
How much capacity should beinstalled at each of these sites
What kinds of productsand services are going to be supported throughthe supply chain?
How much variety should be providedto customers?
What degree of commonality isrequired across the product portfolio
Distribution Decisions
What kind of distributionchannels should a firm have
How many andwhere should the distribution and retail outlets belocated?
What kinds of transportation modes androutes should be used?
How should a firm exploitrisk-pooling opportunities?
Information Support Decisions
Should enterpriseresource planning software be standardized acrossthe functional units of a firm?
Should the supplychain work on standard protocols or on proprietarystandards?
Coordination level issues
Material Flow Decisions
How much inventory ofdifferent product types should be stored to realize theexpected service levels?
Should inventory be carriedin finished form or semifinished form?
Should a firm makeinventory decisions or is it better to have the vendormanage the inventory?
Should suppliers be requiredto deliver goods just in time?
Information Flow Decisions
How much collaborationoccurs among the supply chain partners during newproduct development?
the coordination strategies between information sharing entities
Cash Flow Decisions
When do suppliers get paidfor their deliveries?
What prices should be chargedfor products?
What kinds of cost reduction effortsare taken across the supply chain (or expected ofsuppliers)?
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