2019-06-28 10:17:03 1 举报
EDL M-Hall
7:User pay the bill amount.
5: Generate the payment page according to the bill amount and unique SN
11:Return the payment result and bill info.
10: EPMS Payment Process.
BCEL APP/Website
1:Login and query the Bill
3:User choose to pay the bill through BCEL i-Bank.
9:Return the Payment infoand the unique SN.
6: Bank Payment process.
8: Bank Payment Process.
6:Return the QR code/payment page to users.
3:User choose to pay the bill through One-pay
BCEL One-Pay
4:Send the bill amount and the unique SN. Jump to the BCEL One APP.
2:Present the Bill info to User
5: Generate the QR code/payment page according to the bill amount and unique SN
EDL APP/Website
4:Send the bill amount and the unique SN. Jump to the BCELi-Bank payment page.
BCEL i-Bank
10:Present the Payment and Bill info to User
2:Request for Bill info by User NO.and with a unique SN.
3:User choose to pay the bill through One APP
4:Present the Bill info to User
6:Return the payment page to users.
8: EPMS Payment Process.
4:Send the bill amount and the unique SN. Jump to the BCEL payment page.
3:Return the Bill infoand with the unique SN.
EDL Website
1:Login and input User NO. of the Bill
5:Pay the bill
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