CPIM Part2 知识架构
2019-07-04 11:36:27 1 举报
CPIM(Part2 思维导图)
1. Developing a Business Strategy
The Role of Strategy
Strategic Planning and Management Process
2. Gathering and Analyzing internal/External information
Analyzing the External Environment
PESTEL Analysis (identify threats and opportunity
Five Forces Framework (Market Press)
Analyzing the Internal Environment (organization's current position)
Resource and Capability analysis
SWOT analysis
Value Chain analysis
Product Life Cycle analysis
3. 1 Where will be compete
& How will be compete
Where :
Product-Market Growth Matrix
Horizontal and Vertical Scope of Operation
Horizontal Scope of Operations
(similar products in various geographical)
Vertical Integration
(value-adding stage from suppliers to ultimate customers)
Outsourcing and Integration
Strategic Alliances,Strategic Partnerships,and Joint Ventures
(virtual organization)
The case for Global Expansion
(three basic drivers for globalization)
Using Globalization to Create Competitive Advantage
( by three different way)
Analyzing Globalization Opportunities
( by PETEL or SWOT)
Types of International Strategies
(Global Strategy Orientation, Global or Local)
Option for Entering Global Markets
(export,License,Franchise,Subsidiaries ,Strategic Alliances and Joint Ventures)
(spread risk over serval product lines)
When Diversification Can Be an Effective Strategy
Related and Unrelated Diversification Strategies
Assessing Diversification Opportunities
(Industry Attractiveness/ Competitive Strength Matrix )
How :
Generic Business Strategy
Low-Cost Provider Strategy
Differentiation Strategy
Focus Strategy
(Focused differentiation and Focused low-cost)
Best-Cost Providers Strategy
3.2 Sustainability and Strategy
Organizations and Sustainability
Areas of Focus in Sustainability
(Nine Areas of Sustainable Performance)
Forces Driving Sustainability
Tripie Bottom Line
(fundamental aspect of sustainability)
Sustainbility Strategy
Benefits of Strategy Approach to Sustainability
Choosing a strategy Focus
Strategy of Organizational Maturity in Sustainability Strategies
Developing and implementing a sustainability strategy
(Corporate Sustainability Model)
1. Inputs to the Sustainability Strategy
2. The Role of Leadership
3. Toward a Circular Economy
(3Rs of Kobe Action Plan: reduce, reuse, recycle)
4. Measuring and Reporting Sustainability Performance
4. Sustainability Audits: a major governace tool to create transparency
4. Business Planning and Finance & Cost Methods and Tools
Financial Statements: describing the statements
Financial Statement Analysis: how to analyze financial performance
Budgeting Basics: describe the organization's financial accomplishments
Capital Budgeting
Costing Basics
Costing Methodologies :
Job-Order Costing(specific jobs:ETO/MTO)
Process Costing:MTS
Operation Costing:MTO
Activity-Based Cost Accounting
Standard Cost and Variance Analysis
Cost-Volume-Profit(CVP) Analysis Tools
5.1 Aligning Operations Strategically
Operation Strategy
Operations Performance Objectives
Five Generic Performance Objectives
Detailed Performance Measures: SMART
Factors Affecting the Weight of (Five)Performance Objectives
Setting Performance Targets through Benchmarking
Capacity Strategy(high-level capacity planning)
Factors Affecting Resource Planning
Number and Size of Sites
Changing Capacity
Locating Capacity
Supply Chain Network Strategy
Supply Chain Dynamic: Bullwhip Effect (control the bullwhip effect)
Supply Relationships (base on a number of factors)
Supply Chain Risks (multiple sources of risk)
5.2 Technology and Improvement
Technology Strategy
Aligning Manufacturing Strategy with Market and Operation
How MPC components Fit into Business Hierarchy
Enterprise Resources Planning(CRM,SCM,APS,MES,SRM,HR,SALES)
APS Systems
Technology Selection Criteria(view from different perspectives)
Improvement Strategy
Strategic management emphasizes the importance of measuring result reason
Performance Improvement
changes to improve performance
Continuous Improvement
Knowledge Management Systems
Decision Support Systems
5.3 Infrastructure
Management Toolboxes
Total Quality Management(Quality)
Six Sigma (measuring performance)
Theory of Constraints (improve throughout)
Lean Production (Synchronized production)
Business Process Reengineering(BPR higher efficiency and effectiveness)
Structure and Strategy
Organizational Structures
Simple: small organization, fast and clear communication
Functional: shorter learning times, economies of scale, repositories of expertise (process focused structures)
Multidivisional: more agile, customer/market focused, flexibility and innovation,new products (product focused structures)
Matrix: has more than one reporting lines, flexibility with resource sharing
Management Layers
vertical or hierarchical structure: costly and hinder rapid communication and decision making
Horizontal or flat organizations: quicker decisions and less cost,automation, highly skilled and self-managing workers, employee involvement
Lines of Authority
Centralized Structures: decision-making and planning occurs at the top
Decentralized Structures: employee empowerment, poorly defined reporting lines
Leadership, Culture, and Human Resources
Skilled Managers
Effective Policies and Procedures
Performance Management Systems
Change Management
Sources of Change
Resistance to Change
Change Management Process
Characteristics of Organizations Successful at Managing Change
Risk Management
Response to Risk (take different approaches depend on )
Governance and Risk Management (risk register)
Recovery Strategies (Contingency planning)
1. 1 Demand Management Principles
Customer and Supplier Objectives
Demand Management Input and Process
Manufacturing Process Types and Environments
Forecast Uses
1.2 Forecasting Techniques
Quality Forecasting Techniques
Quantitative Forecasting Techniques (extrinsic and intrinsic)
Information Use and Forecast Selection
Evaluation of Forecast Performance
Collaborative Planning,Forecasting, and Replenishment (CPFR)
1.3 Customer Interface Management
Customer Relationship Management ()developed,maintained,measured)
Customer Service Tradeoffs: Inventory,Backlog, Capacity (Inventory Terms, Planning Factor Tradeoff by Production Strategy)
Effective Communication
2. Sales and Operations Planning Principles &Techniques
Integrating Role of S&OP (overview)
Balancing Supply and Demand: volume level/overall sale volume (Production rate, Aggregate inventory, Order backlog)
Evaluating Alternative Plans and Related Risks (financial implications)
Defining S&OP Roles and Responsibilities
S&OP Process Steps and Performance Measures
Production Plan Development and Validation
Executing Resource Planning and Next Steps
3. Master Scheduling Principle & Process Techniques
Master Scheduling Basics
(contribution to organization goals)
Role of Master Scheduling
(decision making:supply & supply)
Linkages with Other Planning Processes
(Master Scheduling Process Relationships)
Master Scheduling,
Capacity Management, and Materials Management
Influences on Master Scheduling
Impact of Different Environments on Master Scheduling (MTO/ETO, ATO,MTS)
Impact of Product Structure on Master Scheduling
Master Scheduling Roles and Responsibilities
Master Schedule Stability(basic concepts),
Managing Changes(basic concepts),
and other Promising(ATP &PAB calculation)
Ongoing Management of the Master Schedule
(Environment, customers, suppliers,product/process design, time Fences, backlog)
Other MPS Challenges and Complexities
(resource, capacity, BOM level,material,lead time,safety inventory)
Validating Master Scheduling Performance
(complete ontime, within the budget, successful expected parameters)
4. Distribution Planning Principle & Techniques
1. 1 Distribution Planning Strategy and Channel Design 分销战略与渠道设计
1.2 Delivery Channels 分销渠道(结构)
1.3 Transportation Management 运输渠道与分销管理(支持分销渠道与战略)
2.1 Distribution Center Network Design and Performance Measurement (分销)
2.2 Replenishment Planning Parameters and Inventory Control: where to order? (补货地点)
2.3 Warehouse Replenishment Systems : when to order?
(replenishment techniques/system) 补货方式
2.3.1 Distribution Requirement Planning (TPOP replenishment) DRP补货方式
2.3.2 Methods to Link DRP,S&OP, and Master Scheduling Processes DRP与MPC
2.4 Distribution Performance Measurement and Feedback 分销绩效评估
1.1 Aggregate Inventory Management
Purposes and Goals of Inventory
Inventory Terminology
Inventory in the Supply Chain (from supplier to customer)
Inventory Functions (purpose or function: production, demand,purchasing)
What Happens to Inventory over time (the risk lose its value increases)
Inventory in Service Industry
Aggregate Inventory Policy
Negotiating Tradeoff Among Competitive Views
Inventory Valuation
Aggregate Inventory Metrics
1.2 Itemized Inventory Policy & Management
Itemized Inventory Policy
ABC Classification (derive from the 80/20 rules of Vilfredo Pareto)
Inventory Costs and Risk Pooling
Economic Order Quantity (EOQ)
Safety Stock : Calculating the Amount of Safety Stock
Itemized Inventory Management
How much to Order: independent/dependent demand
When to Order: independent demand(dependent demand by MRP)
Alternative Approaches to Managing Inventory
Inventory Accuracy
Inventory Storages, Flow, and Handing
2. Material Requirements Planning(MRP) Design & MRP System
MRP in Various Manufacturing Environments and Systems
MRP Inputs and Outputs
Designing the MRP System
Using MRP
MRP Grid: a row and a column is a time bucket
MRP process involves three operation
MRP Calculation Process
Managing the MRP System and Evaluating Performance
Planner's Role in MRP (continue improvement)
Evaluating MRP Performance
3. Detailed Capacity Planning & CRP
Detailed Capacity Planning Goals and Challenges
Capacity Planning by Manufacturing Environment
Capacity Planning in continuous(flow) Manufacturing Environments
Capacity Planning in Repetitive Manufacturing Environments
CRP in Remanufacturing Industries (job shop types)
Capacity Requirement Planning
CRP Inputs, Tools, and Outputs
Loading and Balancing Techniques
Measuring Capacity Planning Performance
4. Managing Projects
Project Management Concepts and Terminology
Project Planning and Management Tools
Work Breakdown Structure : a hierarchical description of a project
Scheduling Methodologies: timed activities to arrive at an end date
Budgeting Methodologies
Managing the Project Team
Responsibility Chart: RACI matrix
Managing Team Dynamics
Controlling the Project and Managing Change
Tools for Controlling Cost and Time Performance : variance analysis
Scope Change Control
5. Planning Procurement and External Sources of Supply
Make versus Buy and Procurement Goals
Supplier Relationships and Sourcing Strategies
Examples of Collaborative Supplier Relationships
Monitoring and Evaluating Supplier Performance
1.1 Execution of Operations
Manufacturing Environments, Process Types and Layouts
Intermittent and Flow Manufacturing Principles
Push versus Pull Systems in Intermittent and Flow Process (bring control to the supply side of demand)
Production Activity Control
PAC Feedback Loop(continuous process control)
Lead Time and PAC
(to shorten lead time)
Total manufacturing lead time
Overlapping: move cost
Lot splitting : setup time
Lot-Size reduction
PAC Techniques
Sequencing: should not overly complex and applied consistently
Scheduling (including load operation)
Shop Floor System
1.2 Scheduling, Implementation and Capacity Control
The Introduction to Scheduling
(Scheduling Tools)
Management of Lead-time Requirement Using Operation Setback Chart
Gantt Charts and Control Boards (projected process type)
Vertical and Horizontal Loading (work center schedule)
Job shop scheduling , Block scheduling (work center & service industry)
forward,backward scheduling (in Section A Topic 4)
MRP-Based Scheduling
Scheduling Interfaces
Capacity and Loading
Executing the MRP Schedule
Theory of Constraints Scheduling
Lean Scheduling
Effects of Lean Scheduling
(standardize, simplify, less complex, less detailed)
Production Leveling
(no wastes)
Supporting Flow Process in Production
(no interruption)
Operation Plans
MRP-Based Production Activity Control
Batch Production and Flow Manufacturing Traits
Control Techniques
Control Goals
Lean-Based Production Activity Control
Takt Time :
Kanban Systems
Lean Documentation
Controlling Process Variation
Statistical Process Control (SPC) and Control Charts
a strategic advantage
Statistical Quality Control : dependent variables
a feedback system (Acceptance sampling)
Process Capacity Analysis
Controlling Operation Costs
2. Principles & Techniques of Quality,Communication,and Continuous Improvement
Quality Planning and Assurance/Control
(Quality trilogy)
Management Actions to Demonstrate Leadership
Employee Participation and Involvement
Principles of Effective Teams
Principles of Effective Individuals
Measuring Quality Cost
Seven Basis Quality Tools
Additional Quality Tools
Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA):
Shewhart /Deming(PDCA) Cycle
A3 Problem Solving
(subprocess for other quality tools, both or small and large groups)
Nominal Group Technique
(similar to brainstorming, ask to silently come with ideas)
Root Cause Analysis (core problem)
3. Principles & Techniques of Design Concepts and Tradeoffs
1. Quality Function Deployment (QFD)
2. 1 Local Process Design Principles
2.2 Local Process Design Consideration, Tradeoffs, Tools, and Models
2.3 Application of Lean Principles to Local Process Design
2.4 Local Process Design Parameter Tradeoffs
3.1 Network Design Principles
3.2 Establishing Customer and Suppliers Relationships
3.3 Measuring and Managing customer and Supplier Performance
4. Global Design Principles
Continuous Improvement Design Activities
Work Area Design Activities
Collaboration and Visual Techniques
Mitigating Risk in Design
(to reduce the negative the negative consequences of design risks)
![CPIM Part2 知识架构](https://www.processon.com/chart_image/template/thumb/5d1d743be4b0c45013d92cd5.png?tid=5d1d7367e4b0aad4c924a4d1)
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