Marriage & Morals
2021-06-01 10:03:23 6 举报
From Russell
Popular ways to characterizing society,
they actually are corelated
they actually are corelated
economic system (Marx)
those who can obtain food never solely for themselves but for families
family system (Freud)
to raise kids, people save economically
sexual morals
of communities
of communities
Postive Institutions embodied in law
enforce whatever sexual ethic is adopted by the community in question
protect the ordinary rights
of individuals in the sphere of sex
of individuals in the sphere of sex
protection of the females & non-adults
from assault & harmful exploitation
from assault & harmful exploitation
passage of laws easily evaded by professional malefactors,
while affording opportunities of blackmail against harmless people.
while affording opportunities of blackmail against harmless people.
prevention of veneral disease
effective on purely medical grounds
since veneral disease is shameful causes it to
be concealed, & not promptly or adequately treated.
be concealed, & not promptly or adequately treated.
law doesn't intervene but public opinion is emaphatic
individual discretion
effects of a sexual ethic
purely personal
adult behaviour
adult behaviour inculated by a code
early education designed to produce obedience to the code
relations between men and women
(some sex relations have more value than others.)
Love increases in value in proportion as more of the personalities of the people concerned enters into the relation
Monogamic patriarchal family
marriage decided by parties themselves
marriage decided by parents
one party can be purchased
divorce differences
Polygamic family
hygienic aspects
health of mothers
health of children
psychological effects of family on character of children
economic aspects
eugenic question
twofold task in criticizing the current ethics
eliminate superstition
new factors that make the wisdom of the past ages folly instead of wisdom of the present.
marriage customs
love and jealousy are both instinctive emotions, but religion has decreed that jealousy is bad and love is at best excusable.
the instinctive element in sex relations is much less than is usually supposed.
where human beings are concerned, instinct is extraordinarily vague
and easily turned aside from its natural course.
Only sucking in infancy can really be called instinctive.
and easily turned aside from its natural course.
Only sucking in infancy can really be called instinctive.
what we have with human is a dissatisfaction leading to various activities
and gradully at an activity which gives satisfaction and repeat.
and gradully at an activity which gives satisfaction and repeat.
mother love is instinctive for physical tie.
father love is physiological parenthood,
indirect/hypothetical/inferential (bound up with the virtue of wife)
father love is physiological parenthood,
indirect/hypothetical/inferential (bound up with the virtue of wife)
why father love child
he believes it's his child
he believes it's his wife's child.
(this works for father unknown)
(this works for father unknown)
fatherhood for
Trobriand Islanders
Trobriand Islanders
maternity uncle
no "God's children" since they don't think
anybody is the child of any male.
anybody is the child of any male.
parental feeling
physiological factor above
father recognizes the child as his "seed"
love of power
desire to survive death
family ambition
cofined to women
discovery of fatherhood make society more competitive, energetic, dynamic & hustling
more insisting on virtue of wives
jealousy, not purely instinctive, is the fear of falsification of descent.
women are kept artificially stupid and therefore uninteresting.
Love as a relation between men and women was ruined by the desire to make sure of the legitimacy of children. as well as women's contribution to civilization
fatherhood, economic motives to multiplication.
crops, flocks
female genitalia, suggested by cowry shell
to phallic worship
Moon Worship
many culture (such as Maori State) the moon has been
regarded the true father of all children.
regarded the true father of all children.
Lunar calendar
Sun Worship
Solar calendar
In Egypt, the conflict has been
the reason for a civil war.
the reason for a civil war.
victory because sun has
more influence over crops.
more influence over crops.
sacred prostitution
ordinary respectable women went to temple to have intercourse
with priest or casual stranger. some priestesses were saced harlots.
with priest or casual stranger. some priestesses were saced harlots.
anti-sexual attitude
men want no women love others, especially wife.
if men found wife betrayed, will fill with disguest for both lovers,
and easy to conclude sex is beastly.
(esp if he has impotent through excess or old age.)
and easy to conclude sex is beastly.
(esp if he has impotent through excess or old age.)
sexual fatigue
economic factor
married women & prostitutes make living by sexual charms
animals don't have it, rare among uncivilized men
priests and priestess are married to divinities
Solar calendar
In Egypt, the conflict has been
the reason for a civil war.
the reason for a civil war.
Dark ages
In marriage, wife had no rights
outside marriage, all sin, no object in curbing the natural beastliness of the uncivilized male.
Middle ages
Greco-Roman traditions of the Church
canon law
conception of the unity of Christendom
Teutonic traditions of the aristocracy
Romantic love
commonly recognized form
of passion since Middle Ages
of passion since Middle Ages
Essence: the beloved object is
difficult to possess
value of the lady =
the difficulty of obtaining her
the difficulty of obtaining her
The belief in the immense value of the lady is a psychological effect of the difficulty of obtaining her, and I think itmaybe laid down that when a man has no difficulty in obtaining a women, his feeling towards her does not take the form of romantic love.
A man who deeply loved and respected a woman would find it impossible to associate with her the idea of sexual intercourse, since all sexual intercourse would be to him more or less impure; his love would therefore take poetic and imaginative forms, and would naturally become filled with
The sentimental point of Pyramus and Thisbe, of Cephalus and Procris, lies in their tragic end in the heart-rending loss of a happiness already enjoyed.
men had so little difficulty in securing the women they desired that it hardly ever became necessary to woo them with music and poetry. From the point of view of the arts, it is certainly regrettable when women are too accessible; what is most to be desired is that they should be difficult but not impossible of access.
Romantic love as it existed in Shelley depends upon a state of unstable equilibrium, where the conventional barriers still exist but are not quite insuperable; if the barriers are rigid, or if they do not exist, romantic love is not likely to flourish.
very precious
I believe myself that romantic love is the source of the most intense delights that life has to offer.
Since French revolution, idea has grown up
that marriage should be the outcome of romantic love.
that marriage should be the outcome of romantic love.
Certain it is that when people marry without previous sexual knowledge of each other and under the influence of romantic love, each imagines the other to be possessed of more than mortal perfections, and conceives that marriage is going to be one long dream of bliss.
Marriage is something more serious than the pleasure of two people in each other’s company; it is an institution which, through the fact that it gives rise to children, forms part of the intimate texture of society, and has an importance extending far beyond the personal feelings of the husband and wife. It may be good—I think it is good—that romantic love should form the motive for a marriage, but it should be understood that the kind of love which will enable a marriage to remain happy and to fulfil its social purpose is not romantic but is something more intimate, affectionate, and realistic.
romantic love is not essential to marriage, children makes marriage important
transitional condition of sexual morals
invention of contraceptives
emancipation of women
part of democratic movement, begins with French revolution
my mother used to make speeches in favour of votes for women in the sixties.
feminism movement - at that time confined to the upper & middle classes.
Married Women’s Property Act (1882)
political right
direct influence of democratic theory
economic independent
social emancipate
virtue of women was secured by segregating not give them inward self-control
then they put women in mental prison
equality between men and women
sexual morality
female virtue
fear of hell fire
decay of theological orthodoxy
fear of pregnancy

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