好书目录-英语速读入门英文原版(The Speed Reading)
2020-08-17 10:24:14 0 举报
Mindmap. 之父Tony Buzan关于英语速读的入门基础知识和方法
Tony Buzan
One of the best learner in the world
mind map Inventor
One of the best learner of the world with 80+books published
1.The common reading problems
Reading Speed at differnet age groups
Comprehension Rate of most people
Received message from the audio
Reading by sonic
Finger pointing
Too slow to move, stay too long in a certain place
Finger stay on the page to draw attention
Regression and back skipping
Always go back
Break the pace
Less organized and less structured
purpose and plan
prethink and prestucture
Not the slower the better
The faster the better
If only u can
2. The Eye movement when reading
Jump among fixation, words group each time
Poor fixation with long pause
Poor fixation with regression
Good fixation
only absorb info only during pause
3. Meta guiding training method-use the tool like chopsticks or long thin pencil
to accerlerate eyeballs moving in a particular path when reading
to accerlerate eyeballs moving in a particular path when reading
To make eyeball movement quicker
To lessen Time of pause
To cut the chunk into pieces for eyes on
accerlerate your eye movement along the path
set your eye focus on the 5-6 words at the side of the pen
4. Photographical memory reading level
Cyclopean eye
U can see much more than ur eye s cover
Believe yourself
need special training
Soft eye focus
Brain reader-photographical ability
A big visual gulp at one time
A whole page in a glimpse
5. Mind mapping to organize
Refer to his another book on Mindmap
豆瓣书评: 速读入门书,适合学习英语一定时间后想提高阅读速度的中学生和大学生,
人是可以读很快的,书中提到3580words per min
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