2021-08-05 20:11:47 1 举报
Unit 1-5
Unit 1
benediction(祝福;赐福;祈求上帝赐福的仪式):A prayer that asks for God's blessing, especially a prayer that concludes a worship service.
benefactor(恩人;捐助者;施主): Someone who helps another person or group, especially by giving money.
beneficiary(受益人,受惠者):A person or organization that benefits or is expected to benefit from something, especially one that receives money or property when someone dies.
benevolence(仁慈;善行):Kindness, generosity.
AM——“to love”
amicable(友好的;友善的):Friendly, peaceful.
enamored(迷恋的;倾心的):Charmed or fascinated;inflamed with love.
amorous(多情的;恋爱的;热情的;色情的):Having or showing strong feelings of attraction or love.
paramour(情夫,情妇;情人):A lover, often secret, not allowed by law orcustom.
antebellum((美国南北)战争前的):Existing before a war, especially before the American Civil War (1861-65)
bellicose(好战的;好斗的):Warlike, aggressive, quarrelsome.
belligerence(斗争性;好战性;交战):Aggressiveness, combativeness.
rebellion(叛乱;反抗;谋反;不服从):Open defiance and opposition, sometimes armed, to a person or thing in authority.
pacify( 使平静;安慰;平定):(1) To soothe anger or agitation. (2) To subdue by armedaction.
pacifist(和平主义者):A person opposed to war or violence, especially someone who refuses to bear arms or to fight, on moral or religious grounds.
pact(协定;公约;条约;契约):An agreement between two or more people or groups; a treaty or formal agreement between nations to deal with a problem or to resolve a dispute.
pace((用于人名前,委婉提出不同意见)请…原谅):Contrary to the opinion of.
CRIM——“fault or crime”“accusation”
criminology(犯罪学;刑事学):The study of crime, criminals, law enforcement, and punishment.
decriminalize(使合法化;非刑事化):To remove or reduce the criminal status of.
incriminate(控告;暗示...有罪):To show evidence of involvement in a crime or a fault
recrimination(反责,反控;(互相)指责,批评(常复数)): (1) An accusation in answer to an accusation made against oneself. (2) The making of such an accusation.
PROB——“prove or proof”“honesty or integrity”
approbation(认可;赞许;批准):A formal or official act of approving;praise, usually given with pleasure or enthusiasm.
probate(遗嘱认证;处以缓刑):The process of proving in court that the will of someone who has died is valid, and of administering the estate of a dead person.
probity(廉洁;正直):Absolute honesty and uprightness.
reprobate(堕落的人,不道德的人;(加尔文教派用语)被上帝摈弃的人,无望受救赎者):A person of thoroughly bad character.
GRAV——“heavy, weighty, serious”
grave(重大的;严肃的;黯淡的;有沉音符的;(乐)缓慢的;墓穴,坟墓):(1) Requiring serious thought or concern. (2) Serious and formal in appearance or manner.
gravitas((拉)庄严;庄重;庄严的举止):Great or very dignified seriousness.
gravitate(受引力作用;被吸引):To move or be drawn toward something, especially by natural tendency or as if by an invisible force.
aggravate(加重;使恶化;激怒):(1) To make (an injury, problem, etc.) more serious or severe. (2) To annoy or bother.
alleviate(减轻,缓和):To lighten, lessen, or relieve, especially physical or mental suffering.
elevation(高地;海拔;提高;崇高;正面图):(1) The height of a place. (2) The act or result of lifting or raising someone or something.
cantilever(悬臂):A long piece of wood, metal, etc., that sticks out from a wall to support something above it.
levity(多变;轻浮;轻率;不稳定):Lack of appropriate seriousness.
Words from Mythology and History
cicerone(导游,向导):A guide, especially one who takes tourists to museums, monuments, or architectural sites and explains what is being seen.
hector(恃强凌弱者;自吹自擂者):To bully or harass by bluster or personal pressure.
hedonism(享乐主义,寻欢作乐,纵欲):An attitude or way of life based on the idea that pleasure or happiness should be the chief goal.
nestor(内斯特;聪明的长者):A senior figure or leader in one's field.
spartan(斯巴达的;斯巴达式的;(生活方式)简朴的,清苦的):Marked by simplicity, avoidance of luxury, and often strict self-discipline or self-denial.
stentorian(声音洪亮的):Extremely loud, often with especially deep richness of sound.
stoic(坚忍克己者,坦然面对困难的人):Seemingly indifferent to pleasure or pain.
sybaritic(奢侈逸乐的;柔弱的):Marked by a luxurious or sensual way of life.
Unit 2
kleptomania(盗窃癖):A mental illness in which a person has a strong desire to steal things.
dipsomaniac(耽酒症患者):A person with an extreme and uncontrollable desire for alcohol.
megalomaniac(夸大狂患者;妄自尊大的人):A mental disorder marked by feelings of great personal power and importance.
egomaniac(极端自我主义者;极端利己主义者):Someone who is extremely self-centered and ignores the problems and concerns of others.
psyche(灵魂;心智):Soul, personality, mind.
psychedelic(迷幻剂;引起幻觉的):(1) Of or relating to a drug (such as LSD) that produces abnormal and often extreme mental effects such as hallucinations.(2) Imitating the effects of psychedelic drugs.
psychosomatic(身心的;身心失调的;身心治疗的):Caused by mental or emotional problems rather than by physical illness.
psychotherapist(精神治疗医师):One who treats mental or emotional disorder or related bodily ills by psychological means.
reception(接待;接收;招待会;感受;反应):(1) The act of receiving. (2) A social gathering where guests are formally welcomed.
intercept(拦截;截断;窃听):To stop, seize, or interrupt (something or someone) before arrival.
perceptible(可察觉的;可感知的;看得见的):Noticeable or able to be felt by the senses.
susceptible(易受影响的;易感动的;容许……的):(1) Open to some influence; responsive. (2)Able to be submitted to an action or process.
confine(限制;禁闭;(因疾病、残疾)无法离开(床 、家、轮椅);将(自己或自己的活动)局限于;(妇女)卧床分娩):(1) To keep (someone or something) within limits. (2) To hold (someone) in a location.
definitive(最后的;最佳的;最权威的;(邮票)普通标准型的): (1) Authoritative and final. (2) Specifying perfectly or precisely.
finite(有限的;限定的):Having definite limits.
infinitesimal(无穷小的;无限小的;极小的):Extremely or immeasurably small.
interject(突然插入;插嘴):To interrupt a conversation with a comment or remark.
conjecture(推测;猜想):To guess.
projection(投射;规划;突出;发射;推测):An estimate of what might happen in the future based on what is happening now.
trajectory([物] 轨道,轨线;[航][军] 弹道):The curved path that an object makes in space, or that a thrown object follows as it rises and falls to earth.
TRACT——“drag or draw”
traction(牵引;[机][车辆] 牵引力):The friction that allows a moving thing to move over a surface without slipping.
retract(缩回;缩进;取消):(1) To pull back (something) into something larger. (2) To take back (something said or written).
protracted(拖延的;拖延;绘制;伸展):Drawn out, continued, or extended.
intractable(棘手的;难治的;倔强的;不听话的):Not easily handled, led, taught, or controlled.
DUC/DUCT——“to lead”
conducive(有益的;有助于…的):Tending to promote, encourage, or assist; helpful.
deduction(扣除,减除;推论;减除额):(1) Subtraction. (2) The reaching of a conclusion by reasoning.
induce(诱导;引起;引诱;感应):(1) Persuade, influence. (2) Bring about.
seduction(诱惑;魅力;(复数)诱惑物):(1) Temptation to sin, especially temptation to sexual intercourse. (2) Attraction or charm.
SEQU——“to follow”
sequential(连续的;相继的;有顺序的):(1) Arranged in order or in a series. (2 Following in a series.
subsequent(随后的):Following in time, order, or place; later
consequential(间接的;结果的;重要的;随之发生的;自傲的):(1) Resulting. (2) Important.
non sequitur(不合理的推论或结论):A statement that does not follow logically.from anything previously said.
Words from Mythology
Apollonian(阿波罗神的;高尚的):Harmonious, ordered, rational, calm.
bacchanalian(酒神节的;狂饮作乐的):Frenzied, orgiastic.
delphic(暧昧的,隐晦的;意义不明确的):Unclear, ambiguous, or confusing.
Dionysian(酒神节的;狂欢的;狂饮的):Frenzied, delirious.
jovial(天性快活的;主神朱庇特的):Jolly, good-natured.
mercurial(水银的;水星的;墨丘利神的;雄辩机智的;活泼善变的):Having rapid and unpredictable changes of mood.
Olympian(奥林匹斯山的,奥林匹斯山诸神的;似神的,威严的,超脱世俗的;奥林匹克运动会的):Lofty, superior, and detached.
venereal(性病的,性交传染的;性交的):Having to do with sexual intercourse or diseases transmitted by it.
Unit 3
AMBI——“on both sides”or“around”
ambiguous(模糊不清的,模棱两可的;不明确的,不明朗的;引起歧义的):(1) Doubtful or uncertain especially from being obscure or indistinct. (2) Unclear in meaning because of being understandable in more than one way.
ambient(周围的;外界的;环绕的;产生轻松氛围的):Existing or present on all sides.
ambivalent(矛盾的;好恶相克的):(1) Holding opposite feelings and attitudes at the same time toward someone or something. (2) Continually wavering between opposites or alternative courses of action.
ambit(范围;周围):The range or limit covered by something (such as a law).
EPI——“on,over”or“attached to”
epilogue(结语,收场白;尾声,后记):The final section after the main part of a book or play.
epiphyte(附生植物;体表寄生菌):A plant that obtains its nutrients from the air and the rain and usually grows on another plant for support.
epitaph(碑文,墓志铭):An inscription on a grave or tomb in memory of the one buried there.
epithet(绰号;浑名):(1) A descriptive word or phrase occurring with or in place of the name of a person or thing. (2) An insulting or demeaning word or phrase.
hypochondriac(疑病症):A person overly concerned with his or her own health who often suffers from delusions of physical disease.
hypoglycemia(低血糖症;血糖过低):Abnormal decrease of sugar in the blood.
hypothermia(降低体温;低体温症):Subnormal temperature of the body.
hypothetical(假设的;爱猜想的):(1) Involving an assumption made for the sake of argument or for further study or investigation. (2) Imagined for purposes of example
thermal(热的;热量的;保热的):(1) Of, relating to, or caused by heat. (2) Designed to insulate in order to retain body heat.
thermodynamics(热力学):Physics that deals with the mechanical actions or relations of heat.
thermonuclear( [核] 热核的;高热原子核反应的):Of or relating to the changes in the nucleus of atoms with low atomic weight, such as hydrogen, that require a very high temperature to begin.
British thermal unit(英国热量单位):The quantity of heat required to raise the temperature of one pound of water one degree Fahrenheit at a specified temperature.
polyp(息肉;珊瑚虫;水螅虫):(1) A sea invertebrate that has a mouth opening at one end surrounded by stinging tentacles. (2) A growth projecting from a mucous membrane, as on the colon or vocal cords.
polyglot(通晓(或使用)多种语言的;用多种语言写成的):(1) One who can speak or write several languages. (2) Having or using several languages.
polymer([高分子] 聚合物):A chemical compound formed by a reaction in which two or more molecules combine to form larger molecules with repeating structural units
polygraph(测谎器;复写器;多种波动描记器):An instrument for recording changes in several bodily functions (such as blood pressure and rate of breathing) at the same time; lie detector.
primal(原始的;主要的;最初的):or primitive.
primer(初级读本;识字课本;原始物):(1) A small book for teaching children to read. (2) A small introductory book on a subject.
primate(灵长目动物(包括人、猴子等);大主教;首领):Any member of the group of animals that includes human beings, apes, and monkeys.
primordial(原始的;根本的;原生的):(1) First created or developed. (2) Existing in or from the very beginning
homonym(同音异义词;同形异义词;同形同音异义词;同名异物):One of two or more words pronounced and/or spelled alike but different in meaning.
homogeneous(均匀的;[数] 齐次的;同种的;同类的,同质的):(1) Of the same or a similar kind. (2) Of uniform structure or composition throughout.
homologous(相应的;[生物] 同源的;类似的;一致的):Developing from the same or a similar part of a remote ancestor
homogenize(使均匀;使类同):(1) To treat (milk) so that the fat is mixed throughout instead of floating on top. (2) To change (something) so that its parts are the same or similar.
dissuade(劝阻,劝止):To convince (someone) not to do something.
disorient(使…迷惑;使…失去方向感):To cause to be confused or lost.
discredit(不信;使……丢脸):(1) To cause (someone or something) to seem dishonest or untrue. (2) To damage the reputation of (someone).
dislodge(逐出,驱逐;使……移动;用力移动):To force out of a place, especially a place of rest, hiding, or defense.
Latin Borrowings
ad hoc(特别的;临时;专设):Formed or used for a particular purpose or for immediate needs.
ad hominem(诉诸人身;从个人偏好出发;个人的推论):Marked by an attack on an opponent's character rather than by an answer to the arguments made or the issues raised.
alter ego(密友;个性的另一面;至交):(1) A trusted friend or personal representative. (2) The opposite side of a personality.
de facto((法)实际上的):Being such in practice or effect, although not formally recognized; actual.
quid pro quo((拉丁)补偿物;相等物;交换条件;让步条件):Something given or received for something else.
ex post facto((拉丁语)事后的;(拉丁语)追溯的):Done, made, or formulated after the fact.
modus operandi((独特的)做法):A usual way of doing something.
modus vivendi(生活方式;临时协定;过渡办法):(1) A practical compromise or arrangement that is acceptable to all concerned. (2) A way of life.
Unit 4
VOR——“to eat”
carnivorous(食肉的;肉食性的):Meat-eating or flesh-eating.
herbivorous( [动] 食草的):Plant-eating.
insectivorous( [动] 食虫的,以虫类为食的;食虫动植物的):Feeding on insects.
voracious(贪婪的;贪吃的;狼吞虎咽的):Having a huge appetite.
carnage(大屠杀;残杀;大量绝灭):Great destruction of life (as in a battle); slaughter.
carnal(肉体的;肉欲的;淫荡的;性欲的):Having to do with bodily pleasures.
incarnate(体现,化身为,使具体化;使人格化,拟人化;(人)体现(某种品质)):Given bodily or actual form; especially, having human body
reincarnation(再生;化身):(1) Rebirth in new bodies or forms of life. (2) Someone who has been born again with a new body after death.
CRED——“to believe”or“to trust”
credence(信任;凭证;祭器台):Mental acceptance of something as true or real; belief.
credible(可靠的,可信的):(1) Able to be believed; reasonable to trust or believe.(2) Good enough to be effective.
credulity(轻信;易受骗):Readiness and willingness to believe on the basis of little evidence.
credo(信条,教义):(1) A statement of the basic beliefs of a religious faith. (2) A set of guiding principles or beliefs.
affidavit(宣誓书):A sworn statement made in writing.
diffident(羞怯的;缺乏自信的;谦虚谨慎的):Lacking confidence; timid, cautious.
fiduciary(信托的;受信托的;基于信用的;受托人;被信托者):(1) Having to do with a confidence or trust. (2) Held in trust for another.
perfidy(不诚实;背信弃义):Faithlessness, disloyalty, or treachery.
CURR/CURS——“to run”
concurrent(并发的;一致的;同时发生的;并存的):Happening or operating at the same time.
cursory(粗略的;草率的;匆忙的):Hastily and often carelessly done.
discursive(散漫的;离题的;东拉西扯的;无层次的):Passing from one topic to another.
precursor(先驱,前导;(尤指经新陈代谢形成另一种物质的)前体,前质;前兆):One that goes before and indicates the coming of another.
quadruped(四足动物): An animal having four feet.
pedigree(血统;家谱;纯种的):The line of ancestors of a person or animal.
impediment(口吃;妨碍;阻止):Something that interferes with movement or progress.
pedestrian(行人;步行者;徒步的;缺乏想象力的):Commonplace, ordinary, or unimaginative.
FLECT——“to bend”
deflect(使转向;使偏斜;使弯曲):To turn aside, especially from a straight or fixed course.
reflective(反射的;反映的;沉思的):(1) Capable of reflecting light, images, or sound waves.(2) Thoughtful.
genuflect(屈服;跪拜(尤指做宗教仪式时)):To kneel on one knee and then rise as an act of respect.
inflection(弯曲,变形;音调变化):(1) A change in the pitch, tone, or loudness of the voice. (2) The change in form of a word showing its case, gender, number, person, tense, mood, voice, or comparison.
posterior(其次的;较后的):Situated toward or on the back; rear.
posthumous(死后的;遗腹的;作者死后出版的):(1) Published after the death of the author. (2) Following or happening after one's death.
postmodern(后现代的):Having to do with a movement in architecture, art, or literature that is a reaction against modernism and that reintroduces traditional elements and techniques in odd contexts as well as elements from popular culture.
postmortem(死后的;死后发生的;验尸):(1) Occurring after death. (2) Following theevent.
Words from Mythology
calypso(卡利普索民歌(以时事为主题,流行于加勒比海地区);卡利普索音乐):A folk song or style of singing of West Indian origin that has a lively rhythm and words that are often made up by the singer.
odyssey(艰苦的跋涉;漫长而充满风险的历程):(1) A long, wandering journey full of trials and adventures. (2) A spiritual journey or quest.
palladium(钯(银白色稀有化学元素)):A precious, silver-white metal related to platinum that is used in electrical contacts and as an alloy with gold to form white gold.
Penelope(珀涅罗珀; 奥德修斯之妻,在奥德修斯远征时拒绝很多求婚者并始终忠于其夫):A modest domestic wife.
procrustean(强求一致的;迫使就范的;残暴的):Ruthlessly disregarding individual differences or special circumstances.
protean(千变万化的;一人演几个角色的;变形虫的):(1) Displaying great versatility or variety. (2) Able to take on many different forms or natures.
sibyl(女巫;女预言家):A female prophet or fortune-teller.
siren(汽笛;迷人的女人;歌声动人的女歌手):A woman who tempts men with bewitching sweetness.
Unit 5 P253
malevolent(adj. 恶毒的;有恶意的;坏心肠的):Having or showing intense ill will or hatred.
malicious(恶意的;恶毒的;蓄意的;怀恨的):Desiring to cause pain, injury, or distress to another.
malign((公开地)诽谤;有害的;邪恶的;(疾病)恶性的):To make harsh and often false or misleading statements
malnourished(营养不良的;营养失调的):Badly or poorly nourished.
cataclysm(灾难;大洪水,地震;(社会政治的)大变动):(1) A violent and massive change of the earth's
surface. (2) A momentous event that results in great upheaval and often
surface. (2) A momentous event that results in great upheaval and often
catacomb(地下墓穴;茔窟):An underground cemetery of connecting
passageways with recesses for tombs.
passageways with recesses for tombs.
catalyst([物化] 催化剂;刺激因素):(1) A substance that speeds up a chemical reaction or
lets it take place under different conditions. (2) Someone or something that
brings about or speeds significant change or action.
lets it take place under different conditions. (2) Someone or something that
brings about or speeds significant change or action.
catatonic(紧张性精神症的;紧张性精神症患者):(1) Relating to or suffering from a form of
schizophrenia. (2) Showing an unusual lack of movement, activity, or
schizophrenia. (2) Showing an unusual lack of movement, activity, or
PROT/PROTO——“first in time”or“first formed”
protagonist(主角,主演;主要人物,领导者):The main character in a literary work.
protocol(协议;草案;礼仪;拟定):(1) A code of diplomatic or military rules of
behavior. (2) A set of rules for the formatting of data in an electronic
communications system.
behavior. (2) A set of rules for the formatting of data in an electronic
communications system.
protoplasm(原生质;原浆;细胞质):The substance that makes up the living parts
of cells.
of cells.
prototype(原型;样本;标准,模范;全真模型;[电]原型滤波网络;制作原型):(1) An original model on which something is
patterned. (2) A first, full-scale, usually working version of a new type or
patterned. (2) A first, full-scale, usually working version of a new type or
ANTE——“before”or“in front of”
antechamber(前厅;接待室;对燃室):An outer room that leads to another and is
often used as a waiting room.
often used as a waiting room.
antedate(先于;前于;比实际提前的日期):(1) To date something (such as a check) with a date
earlier than that of actual writing. (2) To precede in time.
earlier than that of actual writing. (2) To precede in time.
antecedent(前情;祖先;(语法)先行词;前件;先前的;(语法)先行的):(1) A word or phrase that is referred to by a
pronoun that follows it. (2) An event or cause coming before something.
pronoun that follows it. (2) An event or cause coming before something.
anterior(前面的;先前的):(1) Located before or toward the front or head. (2)
Coming before in time or development.
Coming before in time or development.
orthodontics(畸齿矫正学,正牙术):A branch of dentistry that deals with the
treatment and correction of crooked teeth and other irregularities.
treatment and correction of crooked teeth and other irregularities.
orthodox(正统的;传统的;惯常的;东正教的;正统的人;正统的事物):(1) Holding established beliefs, especially in
religion. (2) Conforming to established rules or traditions; conventional.
religion. (2) Conforming to established rules or traditions; conventional.
orthopedics(矫形术,矫形外科学):The correction or prevention of deformities
of the skeleton.
of the skeleton.
orthography(正确拼字;正字法;正字学):The spelling of words, especially spelling
according to standard usage.
according to standard usage.
rectitude(公正;诚实;清廉):Moral integrity.
rectify(改正;精馏;整流):To set right; remedy.
rectilinear(直线运动的;形成直线的;用直线围着的):(1) Moving in or forming a straight line. (2)
Having many straight lines.
Having many straight lines.
directive(指示;指令;指导的;管理的):Something that guides or directs; especially, a general
instruction from a high-level body or official.
instruction from a high-level body or official.
eugenic(优种的;优生学的):Relating to or fitted for the production of good offspring
through controlled breeding.
through controlled breeding.
euphemism(委婉语;委婉说法):An agreeable or inoffensive word or
expression that is substituted for one that may offend or disgust.
expression that is substituted for one that may offend or disgust.
euphoria((常指较短时间的)极度兴奋,情绪高涨,狂喜):A strong feeling of well-being or happiness.
eulogy(悼词;颂词;颂扬;赞词):(1) A formal speech or writing especially in honor of a
dead person. (2) High praise.
dead person. (2) High praise.
dystopia(糟透的社会;地狱般的处境;非理想化的地方):An imaginary place where people lead dehumanized
and often fearful lives.
and often fearful lives.
dyslexia(难语症;[医] 诵读困难;阅读障碍):A disturbance or interference with the ability to
read or to use language.
read or to use language.
dyspeptic(消化不良的;患胃病的;胃弱的;暴躁的;易怒的;消化不良者):(1) Relating to or suffering from indigestion. (2)
Having an irritable temperament; ill-humored.
Having an irritable temperament; ill-humored.
dysplasia(异型增生,发育不良,发育异常):Abnormal development of cells or organs, or an
abnormal structure resulting from such growth.
abnormal structure resulting from such growth.
Latin Borrowings
a fortiori(更加;更不必说了,更有理由):All the more certainly.
a posteriori(归纳的;凭经验的):Relating to or derived by reasoning from
known or observed facts.
known or observed facts.
a priori(先天的;(拉)演绎的,推理的;先天地;演绎地;推理地):Relating to or derived by reasoning from self-evident
bona fide(真实的;真诚的):(1) Made in good faith, without deceit. (2) Authentic
or genuine.
or genuine.
carpe diem((拉丁语)及时行乐,抓住今天):Enjoy the pleasures or opportunities of the
moment without concern about the future.
moment without concern about the future.
caveat emptor(顾客留心(一经出售概不负责)):Let the buyer beware.
corpus delicti(犯罪事实):(1) The substantial and basic fact or facts
necessary to prove that a crime has been committed. (2) The material
substance, such as the murdered body, on which a crime has been committed.
necessary to prove that a crime has been committed. (2) The material
substance, such as the murdered body, on which a crime has been committed.
curriculum vitae((拉)简历):A short summary of one's career
and qualifications, typically prepared by an applicant for a position; résumé.
and qualifications, typically prepared by an applicant for a position; résumé.
Unit 6-10
Unit 6
equable(平静的;变动小的):(1) Tending to remain calm. (2) Free from harsh
changes or extreme variation.
changes or extreme variation.
adequacy(足够;适当;妥善性):Being equal to some need or requirement.
equilibrium(均衡;平静;保持平衡的能力):(1) A state in which opposing forces are
balanced so that one is not stronger or greater than the other. (2) A state of
emotional balance or calmness.
balanced so that one is not stronger or greater than the other. (2) A state of
emotional balance or calmness.
equinox(春分;秋分;昼夜平分点):A day when day and night are the same length.
QUIS——“to seek or obtain”
inquisition(调查;宗教法庭;审讯):A questioning or examining that is often
harsh or severe.
harsh or severe.
perquisite(额外补贴;临时津贴;特权):(1) A privilege or profit that is provided in
addition to one's base salary. (2) Something claimed as an exclusive
possession or right.
addition to one's base salary. (2) Something claimed as an exclusive
possession or right.
acquisitive(贪得的;想获得的;可学到的;有获得可能性的):Eager to acquire; greedy.
requisition(征用;要求;申请书;引渡要求;申请领取):A demand or request (such as for supplies)
made with proper authority.
made with proper authority.
PLE/PLEN——“to fill”
plenary(充分的;全体出席的;全体会议):(1) Including all who have a right to attend. (2)
Complete in all ways.
Complete in all ways.
complement(补语;余角;补足物;补足,补助):(1) Something that fills up or makes perfect;
the amount needed to make something complete. (2) A counterpart.
the amount needed to make something complete. (2) A counterpart.
deplete(耗尽,用尽;使衰竭,使空虚):To reduce in amount by using up.
replete(充满的;装满的;[昆] 贮蜜蚁):Fully or abundantly filled or supplied.
metric(公制的;米制的;公尺的;度量标准):(1) Relating to or based on the metric system. (2) Relating
to or arranged in meter.
to or arranged in meter.
meter(米;仪表;[计量] 公尺;韵律;用仪表测量):(1) The basic metric unit of length, equal to about 39.37
inches. (2) A systematic rhythm in poetry or music.
inches. (2) A systematic rhythm in poetry or music.
odometer((汽车的)里程表,[车辆] 里程计):An instrument used to measure distance traveled.
tachometer(转速计,转速表):A device used to measure speed of rotation.
AUD——do with hearing
auditor(审计员;听者;旁听生):A person who formally examines and verifies financial
auditory(听觉的;听众;礼堂):(1) Perceived or experienced through hearing. (2) Of
or relating to the sense or organs of hearing.
or relating to the sense or organs of hearing.
audition(对演艺人员的)面试,试演;听觉,听能;试演,试唱;对(某人)进行面试,让(某人)试演(或试唱、试音)):A trial performance to evaluate a performer's skills.
inaudible(听不见的;不可闻的):Not heard or capable of being heard.
sonic(音速的;声音的;音波的):(1) Having to do with sound. (2) Having to do with the speed
of sound in air (about 750 miles per hour).
of sound in air (about 750 miles per hour).
dissonant(刺耳的;不谐和的;不调和的):(1) Clashing or discordant, especially in music. (2)
Incompatible or disagreeing.
Incompatible or disagreeing.
resonance([力] 共振;共鸣;反响):(1) A continuing or echoing of sound. (2) A
richness and variety in the depth and quality of sound.
richness and variety in the depth and quality of sound.
ultrasonic([声] 超声的;超音速的;超声波):Having a frequency higher than what can be
heard by the human ear.
heard by the human ear.
ERR——“to wander”or“to stray”
errant(不定的;周游的;错误的;偏离正路的):(1) Wandering or moving about aimlessly. (2) Straying
outside proper bounds, or away from an accepted pattern or standard.
outside proper bounds, or away from an accepted pattern or standard.
aberrant(异常的;畸变的;脱离常轨的;迷乱的):Straying or differing from the right, normal, or natural
erratic(不稳定的;古怪的;漂泊无定的人;古怪的人):(1) Having no fixed course. (2) Lacking in consistency.
erroneous(错误的;不正确的):Mistaken, incorrect.
CED——“to proceed”or“to yield”
cede(放弃;割让(领土)):To give up, especially by treaty; yield.
concede(承认;退让;给予,容许;让步):To admit grudgingly; yield.
accede(加入;同意;就任):(1) To give in to a request or demand. (2) To give approval
or consent.
or consent.
precedent(先例;前例;在前的;在先的):Something done or said that may be an example
or rule to guide later acts of a similar kind.
or rule to guide later acts of a similar kind.
Words from Mythology and History
Augean stable(奥吉斯国王的牛舍;污秽腐败之所):A condition or place marked by great
accumulation of filth or corruption.
accumulation of filth or corruption.
Croesus(克里萨斯王(吕底亚国最后一位国王);大富豪):A very rich person.
dragon's teeth(相互争斗的根源;龙之齿):Seeds of conflict.
Hades(冥府;地狱;阎王):The underground home of the dead in Greek mythology.
lethargic(无精打采的,懒洋洋的;昏睡的):(1) Lazily sluggish. (2) Indifferent or apathetic.
Midas touch(点石成金(书名)):The talent for making money in every venture.
Pyrrhic victory(付出极大代价而获得的胜利):A victory won at excessive cost.
stygian(阴暗的,幽暗的;地狱的):Extremely dark, dank, gloomy, and forbidding.
Unit 7
vista(远景,狭长的街景;展望;回顾):(1) A distant view. (2) An extensive mental view, as over a
stretch of time.
stretch of time.
vis-à-vis(关于;与……比较;与……相对;面对面地;共同地):In relation to or compared with.
visionary(有远见的;宗教幻觉的;空想的;梦想的;有眼光的人;出现宗教幻觉的人;梦想家):(1) A person with foresight and imagination. (2)
A dreamer whose ideas are often impractical.
A dreamer whose ideas are often impractical.
envisage(设想,想象;正视,面对):To have a mental picture of; visualize.
SPECT——“to look at”
aspect(方面;方向;形势;外貌):(1) A part of something. (2) A certain way in which
something appears or may be regarded.
something appears or may be regarded.
prospect(前途;预期;景色;勘探,找矿):(1) The possibility that something will happen in the
future. (2) An opportunity for something to happen.
future. (2) An opportunity for something to happen.
perspective(观点;远景;透视图;透视的):(1) Point of view; the angle, direction, or standpoint from which a person looks at something. (2) The art or technique of painting or drawing a scene so that objects in it seem to have depth and distance.
prospectus((学校的)简章;(企业的)招股章程):A printed statement that describes something
(such as a new business or a stock offering) and is sent out to people who
may be interested in buying or investing.
(such as a new business or a stock offering) and is sent out to people who
may be interested in buying or investing.
equivocate(说模棱两可的话;支吾, 躲闪;推诿;含糊其词):(1) To use ambiguous language, especially in
order to deceive. (2) To avoid giving a direct answer.
order to deceive. (2) To avoid giving a direct answer.
irrevocable(不可改变的;不能取消的;不能挽回的):Impossible to call back or retract.
advocate(提倡,拥护;为……辩护;拥护者;辩护者;辩护律师,出庭律师;律师;为(某团体)谋利益者):To speak in favor of.
vociferous(大声叫的,喊叫的,喧嚷的;激昂的):Making noisy or emphatic outcries.
phonics(声学;拼读法,声音基础教学法):A method of teaching beginners to read and pronounce
words by learning the characteristic sounds of letters, letter groups, and especially syllables.
words by learning the characteristic sounds of letters, letter groups, and especially syllables.
phonetic(语音的,语音学的;音形一致的;发音有细微区别的):Relating to or representing the sounds of the spoken
polyphonic(多音的;有韵律变化的;对位法的):Referring to a style of music in which two or
more melodies are sung or played against each other in harmony.
more melodies are sung or played against each other in harmony.
cacophony(刺耳的音调;不和谐音):Harsh or unpleasant sound.
CUR——“care for”
curative(有疗效的;治病的;药品;治疗法):Having to do with curing diseases.
curator(馆长;监护人;管理者):Someone in charge of something where things are on
exhibit, such as a collection, a museum, or a zoo.
exhibit, such as a collection, a museum, or a zoo.
procure(获得,取得;导致):To get possession of; obtain.
sinecure(闲职;挂名职务):A job or position requiring little work but usually
providing some income.
providing some income.
perimeter(周长;周界;[眼科] 视野计):The boundary or distance around a body or figure.
periodontal(齿根膜的,牙周的):Concerning or affecting the tissues around
the teeth.
the teeth.
peripatetic(漫游的;逍遥学派的;走来走去的人;逍遥学派的人):(1) Having to do with walking. (2) Moving or
traveling from place to place.
traveling from place to place.
peripheral(外围的;次要的;(神经)末梢区域的;外部设备):(1) Having to do with the outer edges, especially of
the field of vision. (2) Secondary or supplemental.
the field of vision. (2) Secondary or supplemental.
sensor(传感器):A device that detects a physical quantity (such as a
movement or a beam of light) and responds by transmitting a signal.
movement or a beam of light) and responds by transmitting a signal.
desensitize(使不敏感;使麻木不仁):To cause (someone or something) to react less
to or be less affected by something.
to or be less affected by something.
extrasensory(超感官的,超感觉的):Not acting or occurring through any of
the known senses.
the known senses.
sensuous(感觉上的,感官方面的;吸引人的;愉悦感官的;肉感的,性感的):(1) Highly pleasing to the senses. (2) Relating to
the senses.
the senses.
sophistry(诡辩;诡辩法):Cleverly deceptive reasoning or argument.
sophisticated(复杂的;精致的;久经世故的;富有经验的;使变得世故;使迷惑;篡改):(1) Having a thorough knowledge of the
ways of society. (2) Highly complex or developed.
ways of society. (2) Highly complex or developed.
sophomoric(一知半解的;大学或四年制中学的二年级的):Overly impressed with one's own knowledge,
but in fact undereducated and immature.
but in fact undereducated and immature.
theosophy(神智学;通神学):A set of teachings about God and the world based
on mystical insight, especially teachings founded on a blend of Buddhist and
Hindu beliefs.
on mystical insight, especially teachings founded on a blend of Buddhist and
Hindu beliefs.
Words from Mythology and History
Achilles' heel(唯一的致命的弱点):A vulnerable point.
arcadia(世外桃源;阿卡狄亚(古希腊一山区,人情淳朴,生活愉快)):A region or setting of rural pleasure and peacefulness.
Cassandra(凶事预言家;不为人所信的预言家;卡珊德拉(希腊神话人物)):A person who predicts misfortune or disaster.
cyclopean(巨大的;巨石式的;乱石堆):Huge or massive.
draconian(严厉的,苛刻的):Extremely severe or cruel.
myrmidon(家仆;部下;忠实的追随者):A loyal follower, especially one who executes
orders unquestioningly.
orders unquestioningly.
nemesis(<正式>给予惩罚的人;宿敌,死对头;报应,天罚):A powerful, frightening opponent or rival who is
usually victorious.
usually victorious.
Trojan horse(特洛伊木马;特洛伊木马(一种计算机病毒);用于掩盖真实目的或意图的人或事):Someone or something that works from within
to weaken or defeat.
to weaken or defeat.
Unit 8
PORT——“to carry”
portage(搬运;运输;转到陆上运输):The carrying of boats or goods overland from one body of
water to another; also, a regular route for such carrying.
water to another; also, a regular route for such carrying.
portfolio(公文包;文件夹;证券投资组合;部长职务;作品集;(公司或机构提供的)系列产品,系列服务;(职业类型)短期合同制的,兼职的):(1) A flat case for carrying documents or artworks.
(2) The investments owned by a person or organization.
(2) The investments owned by a person or organization.
comport(行为;举动;相称;适合;一致):(1) To be in agreement with. (2) To behave.
deportment(举止;行为;态度):Manner of conducting oneself socially.
PEND——“to hang”or“to weigh”
pendant(垂饰,坠饰;吊灯;短索;补充作品;三角旗;下垂的):Something that hangs down, especially as an
append(附加;贴上;盖章):To add as something extra.
appendage(附加物;下属;[动][解剖] 附器(如植物的枝叶和动物的腿尾)):(1) Something joined on to a larger or more
important body or thing. (2) A secondary body part, such as an arm or a leg.
important body or thing. (2) A secondary body part, such as an arm or a leg.
suspend(延缓,推迟;使暂停;使悬浮;悬浮;禁赛):(1) To stop something, or to force someone to give up
some right or position, for a limited time. (2) To hang something so that it is free on all sides.
some right or position, for a limited time. (2) To hang something so that it is free on all sides.
PAN——“all, completely, whole, general”
panacea(灵丹妙药;万能药):A remedy for all ills or difficulties; cure-all.
pandemonium(一片混乱;闹哄哄的场所):A wild uproar or commotion.
pantheism(泛神论;多神教):A system of belief that regards God as
identical with the forces and laws of the universe.
identical with the forces and laws of the universe.
panoply(华丽服饰;全套甲胄,全副盔甲):(1) A magnificent or impressive array. (2) A display
of all appropriate accessory items.
of all appropriate accessory items.
extradite(引渡;获取…的引渡):To deliver an accused criminal from one place to
another where the trial will be held.
another where the trial will be held.
extrapolate(外推;推断):To extend or project facts or data into an area
not known in order to make assumptions or to predict facts or trends.
not known in order to make assumptions or to predict facts or trends.
extrovert(外向;外倾者;性格外向者(等于extravert)):A person mainly concerned with things outside
him- or herself; a sociable and outgoing person.
him- or herself; a sociable and outgoing person.
extraneous(外来的;没有关联的;来自体外的):(1) Existing or coming from the outside. (2)
Not forming an essential part; irrelevant.
Not forming an essential part; irrelevant.
photoelectric([电子] 光电的):Involving an electrical effect produced by
the action of light or other radiation.
the action of light or other radiation.
photovoltaic([电子] 光电伏打的,光电的):Involving the direct generation of electricity
when sunlight or other radiant energy falls on the boundary between
dissimilar substances (such as two different semiconductors).
when sunlight or other radiant energy falls on the boundary between
dissimilar substances (such as two different semiconductors).
photon([物] 光子;辐射量子;见光度(等于light quantum)):A tiny particle or bundle of radiant energy.
photosynthesis(光合作用):The process by which green plants use
light to produce organic matter from carbon dioxide and water.
light to produce organic matter from carbon dioxide and water.
lucid(明晰的;透明的;易懂的;头脑清楚的):(1) Very clear and easy to understand. (2) Able to think
elucidate(阐明;说明):To clarify by explaining; explain.
lucubration(刻苦钻研;苦心而成的著作):(1) Hard and difficult study. (2) The
product of such study.
product of such study.
translucent(透明的;半透明的):Partly transparent; allowing light to pass
through without permitting objects beyond to be seen clearly.
through without permitting objects beyond to be seen clearly.
MOR/MORT——“to die”“death”
mortality(死亡数,死亡率;必死性,必死的命运):(1) The quality or state of being alive and
therefore certain to die. (2) The number of deaths that occur in a particular
time or place.
therefore certain to die. (2) The number of deaths that occur in a particular
time or place.
moribund(垂死的;停滞不前的;垂死的人):(1) In the process of dying or approaching death.
(2) Inactive or becoming outmoded.
(2) Inactive or becoming outmoded.
amortize(摊销(等于amortise);分期偿还):To pay off (something such as a mortgage) by
making small payments over a period of time.
making small payments over a period of time.
mortify(抑制;苦修;使…受辱;禁欲;苦行;约束;腐坏):(1) To subdue or deaden (the body) especially by selfdiscipline or self-inflicted pain. (2) To embarrass greatly.
atrophy(萎缩,萎缩症;发育停止):(1) Gradual loss of muscle or flesh, usually because of
disease or lack of use. (2) A decline or degeneration.
disease or lack of use. (2) A decline or degeneration.
hypertrophy([病理] 肥大;过度增大):(1) Excessive development of an organ or part.
(2) Exaggerated growth or complexity.
(2) Exaggerated growth or complexity.
dystrophy(营养障碍;营养失调):Any of several disorders involving the nerves and
muscles, especially muscular dystrophy.
muscles, especially muscular dystrophy.
eutrophication(富营养化;超营养作用):The process by which a body of
water becomes enriched in dissolved nutrients.
water becomes enriched in dissolved nutrients.
Words from Mythology and History
aeolian harp(风弦琴):A box-shaped instrument with strings that
produce musical sounds when the wind blows on them.
produce musical sounds when the wind blows on them.
cynosure(指针;众人瞩目的焦点):(1) A guide. (2) A center of attention.
laconic(简洁的,简明的):Using extremely few words.
mnemonic(记忆的;助记的;记忆术的):Having to do with the memory; assisting the
platonic(理想的;柏拉图哲学的;不切实际的;纯精神友谊的):(1) Relating to the philosopher Plato or his teachings.
(2) Involving a close relationship from which romance and sex are absent.
(2) Involving a close relationship from which romance and sex are absent.
sapphic(沙弗诗体的;沙弗风格的;有沙弗风格的诗):(1) Lesbian. (2) Relating to a poetic verse pattern associated
with Sappho.
with Sappho.
Socratic(古希腊哲学家)苏格拉底的;问答法的;(古希腊哲学家)苏格拉底的信徒):Having to do with the philosopher Socrates or with his
teaching method, in which he systematically questioned the student in
conversation in order to draw forth truths.
teaching method, in which he systematically questioned the student in
conversation in order to draw forth truths.
solecism(语法错误,文理不通;谬误,失礼):(1) A grammatical mistake in speaking or writing.
(2) A blunder in etiquette or proper behavior.
(2) A blunder in etiquette or proper behavior.
Unit 9
HER——“to stick”
adherent((政党、思想的)拥护者;粘着的;遵守的;(植物)联生的):(1) Someone who follows a leader, a party, or a
profession. (2) One who believes in a particular philosophy or religion.
profession. (2) One who believes in a particular philosophy or religion.
cohere(凝聚;连贯;粘着;一致):To hold together firmly as parts of the same mass.
incoherent(语无伦次的;不连贯的;不合逻辑的):(1) Unclear or difficult to understand. (2)
Loosely organized or inconsistent.
Loosely organized or inconsistent.
inherent(固有的;内在的;与生俱来的,遗传的):Part of something by nature or habit.
FUG——“to flee or escape”
centrifugal([力] 离心的;远中的;离心机;转筒):Moving outward from a center or central
refuge(避难;避难;所;庇护;给予…庇护;接纳…避难):Shelter or protection from danger or distress, or a place that
provides shelter or protection.
provides shelter or protection.
fugue(赋格曲;神游症;作赋格曲):A musical form in which a theme is echoed and imitated by
voices or instruments that enter one after another and interweave as the piece
voices or instruments that enter one after another and interweave as the piece
subterfuge(托词;借口;诡计):(1) A trick designed to help conceal, escape, or
evade. (2) A deceptive trick.
evade. (2) A deceptive trick.
cosmos(宇宙;和谐;秩序;大波斯菊):(1) The universe, especially when it is viewed as
orderly and systematic. (2) Any orderly system that is complete in itself.
orderly and systematic. (2) Any orderly system that is complete in itself.
cosmology([天] 宇宙论,[天] 宇宙学):(1) A theory that describes the nature of the
universe. (2) A branch of astronomy that deals with the origin and structure
of the universe.
universe. (2) A branch of astronomy that deals with the origin and structure
of the universe.
microcosm(微观世界;小宇宙;作为宇宙缩影的人类;缩图(等于microcosmos)):Something (such as a place or an event) that
is seen as a small version of something much larger.
is seen as a small version of something much larger.
cosmopolitan(世界性的;世界主义的,四海一家的;见多识广的;四海为家者;世界主义者;世界各地都有的东西):(1) Having international sophistication and experience. (2) Made up of persons, elements, or influences from many different parts of the world.
SCI——“to know”or“to understand”
conscientious(认真的;尽责的;本着良心的;小心谨慎的):(1) Governed by morality; scrupulous.
(2) Resulting from painstaking or exact attention.
(2) Resulting from painstaking or exact attention.
nescience(无知;不可知论):Lack of knowledge or awareness: ignorance.
prescient(预知的;有先见之明的):Having or showing advance knowledge of what is
going to happen.
going to happen.
unconscionable(不合理的;昧着良心的;肆无忌惮的;过度的):(1) Not guided by any moral sense;
unscrupulous. (2) Shockingly excessive, unreasonable, or unfair.
unscrupulous. (2) Shockingly excessive, unreasonable, or unfair.
JUNCT——“to join”
juncture(接缝;连接;接合;特定时刻,关头;交接处,接合点;音渡):(1) An important point in a process or activity. (2) A
place where things join: junction.
place where things join: junction.
adjunct(附属物;助手;修饰语;附属的;<北美>(大学教师职位)临时的,副的):Something joined or added to another thing of which it is
not a part.
not a part.
disjunction(分离;析取;分裂;折断):A break, separation, or sharp difference
between two things.
between two things.
conjunct(结合的,连接的;与连和有关的;合的;结合物;合取;连接副词):Bound together; joined, united.
bipartite(双边的;由两部分构成的;一式两份的;双方的):(1) Being in two parts. (2) Shared by two.
impartial(公平的,公正的;不偏不倚的):Fair and not biased; treating or affecting all
participle(分词):A word that is formed from a verb but used like
an adjective.
an adjective.
partisan(党派的;效忠的;偏袒的;盲目推崇的;游击队;虔诚信徒;党羽):(1) A person who is strongly devoted to a particular
cause or group. (2) A guerrilla fighter.
cause or group. (2) A guerrilla fighter.
MIS——“to send”
mission(使命,任务;代表团;布道;派遣;向……传教):(1) A task that someone is given to do, especially a
military task. (2) A task that someone considers an important duty.
military task. (2) A task that someone considers an important duty.
missionary(传教的;传教士的;传教士般的;传教士):A person undertaking a mission, and especially
a religious missionary.
a religious missionary.
emissary(使者;间谍;密使;间谍的;密使的):Someone sent out to represent another; an agent.
transmission(传动装置,[机] 变速器;传递;传送;播送):(1) The act or process of sending something
from one point to another, especially sending electrical signals to a radio,
television, computer, etc. (2) The gears by which the power is passed from
the engine to the axle in a motor vehicle.
from one point to another, especially sending electrical signals to a radio,
television, computer, etc. (2) The gears by which the power is passed from
the engine to the axle in a motor vehicle.
PEL——“to move or drive”
compel(强迫,迫使;强使发生):(1) To force (someone) to do something. (2) To make
(something) happen.
(something) happen.
expel(驱逐;开除):(1) To drive or force out. (2) To force to leave, usually by
official action.
official action.
impel(推动;驱使;激励):To urge or drive forward by strong moral force.
repel(击退;抵制;使厌恶;使不愉快):(1) To keep (something) out or away. (2) To drive back.
Words from Mythology
arachnid(蛛形纲动物的;蛛形纲动物):A member of the class Arachnida, which principally
includes animals with four pairs of legs and no antennae, such as spiders,
scorpions, mites, and ticks.
includes animals with four pairs of legs and no antennae, such as spiders,
scorpions, mites, and ticks.
calliope(蒸汽笛风琴):A musical instrument similar to an organ in which
whistles are sounded by steam or compressed air.
whistles are sounded by steam or compressed air.
dryad(德律阿得斯(希腊神话中的树神)):A wood nymph.
fauna(动物群;[动] 动物区系):Animal life, especially the animals that live naturally in a
given area or environment.
given area or environment.
flora(植物区系;植物群):Plant life, especially the flowering plants that live naturally in a
specific area or environment.
specific area or environment.
herculean(力大无比的;困难的;赫拉克勒斯的):(1) Extremely strong. (2) Extremely extensive,
intense, or difficult.
intense, or difficult.
Pandora's box(潘多拉盒子;灾难之源):A source of many troubles.
Scylla and Charybdis((前面与between连用)进退两难):Two equally dangerous
Unit 10
PUT——“to think”
reputed(号称的,普遍认为的;名誉好的;认为(repute 的过去式和过去分词)):Believed to be a certain way by popular opinion.
disrepute(不光彩,坏名声):Loss or lack of good reputation; disgrace.
impute(归罪于,归咎于;嫁祸于):To attribute.
putative(推定的,假定的):Generally supposed; assumed to exist.
physiology(生理学;生理机能):(1) A branch of biology dealing with the
processes and activities by which living things, tissues, and cells function. (2)
The life processes and activities of a living thing or any of its parts.
processes and activities by which living things, tissues, and cells function. (2)
The life processes and activities of a living thing or any of its parts.
methodology(方法学,方法论):A set of methods or rules followed in a
science or field.
science or field.
ideology(意识形态;思想意识;观念学):The set of ideas and beliefs of a group or political
cardiology([内科] 心脏病学):The study of the heart and its action and
parterre(花坛;花圃;正厅后座):(1) A decorative garden with paths between the beds of
plants. (2) The back area of the ground floor of a theater, often under the
plants. (2) The back area of the ground floor of a theater, often under the
terrarium(玻璃容器;陆地动物饲养所):An enclosure, usually transparent, with a layer of
dirt in the bottom in which plants and sometimes small animals are kept
dirt in the bottom in which plants and sometimes small animals are kept
terrestrial(地球的;陆地的,[生物] 陆生的;人间的;陆地生物;地球上的人):(1) Having to do with Earth or its inhabitants. (2)
Living or growing on land instead of in water or air.
Living or growing on land instead of in water or air.
marina(码头,[船] 小艇船坞;散步道):A dock or harbor where pleasure boats can be moored
securely, often with facilities offering supplies or repairs.
securely, often with facilities offering supplies or repairs.
aquamarine([宝] 海蓝宝石;碧绿色,浅绿色):(1) A transparent blue or blue-green gem.
(2) A pale blue or greenish blue that is the color of clear seawater in sunlight.
(2) A pale blue or greenish blue that is the color of clear seawater in sunlight.
mariner(水手;船员):A seaman or sailor.
maritime(海运的,航海的,海事的;近海的,沿海的):(1) Bordering on or having to do with the sea. (2)
Having to do with navigation or commerce on the sea.
Having to do with navigation or commerce on the sea.
pathos((境况、文章、艺术品或人的)感染力;同情,怜悯;痛苦,受难):(1) An element in life or drama that produces sympathetic
pity. (2) An emotion of sympathetic pity.
pity. (2) An emotion of sympathetic pity.
apathetic(冷漠的;无动于衷的,缺乏兴趣的):(1) Showing or feeling little or no emotion. (2)
Having no interest.
Having no interest.
empathy(神入;移情作用;执着;感同身受;共鸣):The feeling of, or the ability to feel, the emotions
and sensations of another.
and sensations of another.
telepathic(心灵感应术的):Involving apparent communication from one
mind to another without speech or signs.
mind to another without speech or signs.
PEN/PUN——“penalty”“to punish”
penal(刑事的;刑罚的):Having to do with punishment or penalties, or institutions
where punishment is given.
where punishment is given.
impunity(不受惩罚;无患;[法] 免罚):Freedom from punishment, harm, or loss.
penance(忏悔;苦修;苦差事;使忏悔;使苦修):An act of self-punishment or religious devotion to show
sorrow or regret for sin or wrongdoing.
sorrow or regret for sin or wrongdoing.
punitive(惩罚性的;刑罚的):Giving, involving, or aiming at punishment.
maternity(母性,母道;[妇产] 妇产科医院;产科的;产妇的,孕妇的):The state of being a mother; motherhood.
matriarch(女家长;女统治者;女负责人;受人尊敬的妇女):A woman who controls a family, group, or
matrilineal(母系的):Based on or tracing the family through the
matrix(矩阵;模型;社会环境;基质;母体;子宫;脉石):(1) Something (such as a situation or a set of conditions)
in which something else develops or forms. (2) Something shaped like a pattern of lines and spaces.
in which something else develops or forms. (2) Something shaped like a pattern of lines and spaces.
aquaculture([水产] 水产养殖;水产业):The farming of plants and animals (such as
kelp, fish, and shellfish) that live in the water.
kelp, fish, and shellfish) that live in the water.
aquanaut(海底观察员;海底实验室工作人员):A scuba diver who lives and works both inside and
outside an underwater shelter for an extended time.
outside an underwater shelter for an extended time.
aqueduct([水利] 渡槽;导水管;沟渠):(1) A pipe or channel for water. (2) A bridgelike
structure for carrying water over a valley.
structure for carrying water over a valley.
aquifer((美)蓄水层;含水土层):A layer of rock, sand, or gravel that can absorb and
hold water.
hold water.
Words from Mythology
cereal(谷类,谷物;谷类食品;谷类植物;谷类的;谷类制成的):(1) A plant that produces grain that can be eaten as food, or
the grain it produces. (2) The food made from grain.
the grain it produces. (2) The food made from grain.
Junoesque((女子)高大匀称的;像朱诺般雍容华贵的):Having mature, poised, and dignified beauty.
martial(军事的;战争的;尚武的):Having to do with war and military life.
Promethean(普罗米修斯的;用于开创的;不畏权势的;不受约束的;如普罗米修斯般的人):New or creative in a daring way.
Sisyphean(永远做不完的;徒劳的):Endless and difficult, involving many
titanic(巨大的;四价钛的;泰坦尼克号):Having great size, strength, or power; colossal.
Triton(特里同(人身鱼尾的海神)):(1) A being with a human upper body and the lower body of
a fish; a merman. (2) Any of various large mollusks with a heavy, conical shell.
a fish; a merman. (2) Any of various large mollusks with a heavy, conical shell.
vulcanize(硫化;硬化(等于 vulcanise)):To treat crude or synthetic rubber or plastic so that it
becomes elastic and strong and resists decay.
becomes elastic and strong and resists decay.
Unit 11-15
Unit 11
cantata(大合唱;(意)清唱剧;康塔塔(一种声乐套曲)):A musical composition, particularly a religious work
from the 17th or 18th century, for one or more voices accompanied by instruments.
from the 17th or 18th century, for one or more voices accompanied by instruments.
incantation(咒语):(1) A use of spells or verbal charms spoken
or sung as part of a ritual of magic. (2) A formula of words used in, or as if
in, such a ritual.
or sung as part of a ritual of magic. (2) A formula of words used in, or as if
in, such a ritual.
cantor(合唱指挥家;独唱者):An official of a Jewish synagogue who sings or chants the
music of the services and leads the congregation in prayer.
music of the services and leads the congregation in prayer.
descant(独立高音旋律;评论;演唱独立高音旋律;最高音的):An additional melody sung above the principal melody.
linguistics(语言学):The study of human speech.
multilingual(使用多种语言的;使用多种语言的人):Using or able to use several languages.
lingua franca(通用语;混合语;共通语):A language used as a common or
commercial language among peoples who speak different languages.
commercial language among peoples who speak different languages.
linguine(意大利扁面条):A narrow, flat pasta.
spirited(精神饱满的,热情洋溢的;意志坚定的;有某种特定性格(或人生观、情绪)的;激烈的;偷偷带走,(神秘地或秘密地)窃走(spirit 的过去式和过去分词)):Full of energy or courage; very lively or determined.
dispiriting(令人沮丧的;使人气馁的;使沮丧;使气馁(dispirit的ing形式)):Causing a loss of hope or enthusiasm.
respirator(口罩;[医] 呼吸器;防毒面具):(1) A device worn over the nose and mouth to
filter out dangerous substances from the air. (2) A device for maintaining artificial respiration.
filter out dangerous substances from the air. (2) A device for maintaining artificial respiration.
transpire(发生;蒸发;泄露;使蒸发;使排出):(1) To happen. (2) To become known.
verify(核实;查证):(1) To prove to be true or correct. (2) To check or test the
accuracy of.
accuracy of.
aver(断言,极力声明;主张):To state positively as true; declare.
verisimilitude(逼真,貌似真实;逼真的事物):(1) The appearance of being true or
probable. (2) The depiction of realism in art or literature.
probable. (2) The depiction of realism in art or literature.
veracity(真实,准确;诚实):(1) Truth or accuracy. (2) The quality of being
truthful or honest.
truthful or honest.
TURB——“to throw into confusion or upset”“crowd”“confusion”
turbid(浑浊的;混乱的;雾重的):(1) Thick or murky, especially with churned-up sediment.
(2) Unclear, confused, muddled.
(2) Unclear, confused, muddled.
perturb(扰乱;使…混乱;使…心绪不宁):To upset, confuse, or disarrange.
turbine([动力] 涡轮;[动力] 涡轮机):A rotary engine with blades made to turn and generate
power by a current of water, steam, or air under pressure.
power by a current of water, steam, or air under pressure.
turbulent(动荡的;湍流的;与紊流有关的):(1) Stirred up, agitated. (2) Stirring up unrest,
violence, or disturbance.
violence, or disturbance.
VOLU/VOLV——“to roll, wind, turn around, or twist around”
voluble(健谈的;缠绕的;易旋转的):Speaking readily and rapidly; talkative.
devolve(被移交;转让;转移;移交;使滚下;衰落):((1) To pass (responsibility, power, etc.) from one person
or group to another person or group at a lower level of authority. (2) To gradually go from an advanced state to a less advanced state.
or group to another person or group at a lower level of authority. (2) To gradually go from an advanced state to a less advanced state.
evolution(演变;进化论;进展):A process of change from a lower, simpler, or
worse state to one that is higher, more complex, or better.
worse state to one that is higher, more complex, or better.
convoluted(复杂的;费解的;旋绕的):(1) Having a pattern of curved windings. (2)
Involved, intricate.
Involved, intricate.
FAC——“to make or do”
factor(因素;要素;[物] 因数;代理人;做代理商;把…作为因素计入;代理经营;把…分解成):Something that contributes to producing a result: ingredient.
factotum(家务总管;杂役;杂工):A person whose job involves doing many different
kinds of work.
kinds of work.
facile((言语或理论)轻率的,未经深思熟虑的;温和的;灵巧的;易做到的):(1) Easily accomplished. (2) Shallow, superficial.
facilitate(促进;帮助;使容易):To make (something) easier; to make (something)
run more smoothly.
run more smoothly.
lumen(流明(光束的能量单位);(管状器官内的)内腔):In physics, the standard unit for measuring the rate of the
flow of light.
flow of light.
luminous(发光的;明亮的;清楚的):(1) Producing or seeming to produce light. (2) Filled
with light.
with light.
bioluminescent(生物性发光的):Relating to light given off by living organisms.
luminary(发光体;杰出人物;知识渊博的人):A very famous or distinguished person.
Words from Mythology and History
muse(沉思;冥想;沉思地说;凝望):A source of inspiration; a guiding spirit.
iridescent((因光线不同而)色彩斑斓的;彩虹色的;荧光色的):Having a glowing, rainbowlike play of color that
seems to change as the light shifts.
seems to change as the light shifts.
mausoleum(陵墓;阴森森的大厦):(1) A large tomb, especially one built
aboveground with shelves for the dead. (2) A large, gloomy building or room.
aboveground with shelves for the dead. (2) A large, gloomy building or room.
mentor(指导者,良师益友;指导):A trusted counselor, guide, tutor, or coach.
narcissism([心理] 自恋,自我陶醉):(1) Extreme self-centeredness or fascination
with oneself. (2) Love or desire for one's own body.
with oneself. (2) Love or desire for one's own body.
tantalize(逗弄;使干着急;令人干着急):To tease or torment by offering something desirable
but keeping it out of reach.
but keeping it out of reach.
thespian(戏剧的;悲剧性的;泰斯庇斯的;悲剧演员;演员):An actor.
zephyr(和风;西风;轻薄织物):(1) A breeze from the west. (2) A gentle breeze.
Unit 12
umber(棕土;焦茶色;棕土的;棕色的;涂以红褐色):(1) A darkish brown mineral containing manganese and
iron oxides used for coloring paint. (2) A color that is greenish brown to dark reddish brown.
iron oxides used for coloring paint. (2) A color that is greenish brown to dark reddish brown.
adumbrate(预示;画…的轮廓;遮蔽):(1) To give a sketchy outline or disclose in part.
(2) To hint at or foretell.
(2) To hint at or foretell.
penumbra(半影):(1) The partial shadow surrounding a complete
shadow, as in an eclipse. (2) The fringe or surrounding area where something
exists less fully.
shadow, as in an eclipse. (2) The fringe or surrounding area where something
exists less fully.
umbrage(不快,生气;树荫;怀疑):A feeling of resentment at some slight or insult, often
one that is imagined rather than real.
one that is imagined rather than real.
VEST——“to clothe”or“to dress”
divest(剥夺;使脱去,迫使放弃):(1) To get rid of or free oneself of property, authority, or
title. (2) To strip of clothing, ornaments, or equipment.
title. (2) To strip of clothing, ornaments, or equipment.
investiture(授职仪式;授权仪式;装饰或覆盖物):The formal placing of someone in office.
transvestite(异性装扮癖者,易装癖者;爱穿异性服装的,易装癖的):A person, especially a male, who wears the
clothing and adopts the mannerisms of the opposite sex.
clothing and adopts the mannerisms of the opposite sex.
travesty(歪曲;滑稽作品;拙劣的模仿作品;滑稽地模仿):(1) An inferior or distorted imitation. (2) A broadly
comic imitation in drama, literature, or art that is usually grotesque and ridiculous.
comic imitation in drama, literature, or art that is usually grotesque and ridiculous.
apotheosis(神化;崇拜,颂扬;尊奉为神):(1) Transformation into a god. (2) The
perfect example.
perfect example.
atheistic(无神论的;无神论者的):Denying the existence of God or divine power.
pantheon(万神殿;名流群):(1) A building serving as the burial place of or
containing memorials to the famous dead of a nation. (2) A group of notable
persons or things.
containing memorials to the famous dead of a nation. (2) A group of notable
persons or things.
theocracy(神政;神权政体;神治国(复数theocracies)):(1) Government by officials who are regarded as
divinely inspired. (2) A state governed by a theocracy.
divinely inspired. (2) A state governed by a theocracy.
icon(图标;偶像;肖像,画像;圣像):(1) A religious image usually painted on a small wooden panel:
idol. (2) Emblem, symbol.
idol. (2) Emblem, symbol.
iconic(偶像的,图符的;与图像有关的,图像性的;以传统风格刻画得胜运动员的):(1) Symbolic. (2) Relating to a greatly admired and
successful person or thing.
successful person or thing.
iconoclast(偶像破坏者;提倡打破旧习的人):(1) A person who destroys religious images or
opposes their use. (2) A person who attacks settled beliefs or institutions.
opposes their use. (2) A person who attacks settled beliefs or institutions.
iconography(肖像研究;肖像学;图解):(1) The imagery and symbolism of a work
of art or an artist. (2) The study of artistic symbolism.
of art or an artist. (2) The study of artistic symbolism.
urbane(彬彬有礼的,温文尔雅的;都市化的):Sophisticated and with polished manners.
exurban(城市远郊的):Relating to a region or settlement that lies outside a
city and usually beyond its suburbs and often is inhabited chiefly by well-todo families.
city and usually beyond its suburbs and often is inhabited chiefly by well-todo families.
interurban(市间铁路;都市间的):Going between or connecting cities or towns.
urbanization(都市化;文雅化):The process by which towns and cities
are formed and become larger as more and more people begin living and
working in central areas.
are formed and become larger as more and more people begin living and
working in central areas.
acculturation(文化适应;文化移入;文化互渗(不同文化在频繁交流中的互相影响)):(1) Modification of the culture of an
individual, group, or people by adapting to or borrowing traits from another
culture. (2) The process by which a human being acquires the culture of a
particular society from infancy.
individual, group, or people by adapting to or borrowing traits from another
culture. (2) The process by which a human being acquires the culture of a
particular society from infancy.
cross-cultural(跨文化的;交叉文化的):Dealing with or offering comparison
between two or more different cultures or cultural areas.
between two or more different cultures or cultural areas.
horticulture(园艺,园艺学):The science and art of growing fruits,
vegetables, flowers, or ornamental plants.
vegetables, flowers, or ornamental plants.
subculture(亚文化群;作再次培养):A group whose beliefs and behaviors are
different from the main groups within a culture or society.
different from the main groups within a culture or society.
demographic(人口结构的;人口统计的;特定年龄段的人口;(demographics)人口统计数据,人口统计资料):Having to do with the study of human populations, especially their size, growth, density, and patterns of living.
endemic(地方性的;风土的;地方病):(1) Found only in a given place or region. (2) Often
found in a given occupation, area, or environment.
found in a given occupation, area, or environment.
demagogue(煽动者;煽动家;煽动政治家):A political leader who appeals to the emotions
and prejudices of people in order to arouse discontent and to advance his or
her own political purposes.
and prejudices of people in order to arouse discontent and to advance his or
her own political purposes.
demotic(通俗的,民众的):Popular or common.
populist(平民党党员;平民主义者,平民论者;民粹派;平民主义的;平民主义者的;民粹主义的(等于 populistic)):A believer in the rights, wisdom, or virtues of the common people.
populace(大众;平民;人口):(1) The common people or masses. (2) Population.
populous(人口稠密的;人口多的):Numerous, densely settled, or having a large
vox populi(舆论;民意):Popular sentiment or opinion.
Animal Words
aquiline(鹰的;像鹰的;钩状的,鹰嘴似的):(1) Relating to eagles. (2) Curving like an eagle's
asinine(驴的;愚蠢的,固执的;驴子似的):Foolish, brainless.
bovine(牛的;似牛的;迟钝的;牛科动物):(1) Relating to cows and oxen. (2) Placid, dull,
canine(犬的;犬齿的;犬科的;似犬的;犬;[解剖] 犬齿):Relating to dogs or the dog family; doglike.
feline(猫科的;猫一样的;狡猾的;猫科动物):(1) Relating to cats or the cat family. (2) Like a cat in being
sleek, graceful, sly, treacherous, or stealthy.
sleek, graceful, sly, treacherous, or stealthy.
leonine(狮子的,狮子般的):Relating to lions; lionlike.
porcine(猪的;像猪的,猪一样的):Relating to pigs or swine; piglike.
vulpine(狐狸的;诡计多端的):(1) Relating to foxes; foxlike. (2) Sneaky, clever, or
crafty; foxy.
crafty; foxy.
Unit 13
accord(符合;一致;协议;自愿;使一致;给予):(1) To grant. (2) To be in harmony; agree.
concord(和谐;和睦;一致;协调):(1) A state of agreement: harmony. (2) A formal
cordial(热情友好的;由衷的;兴奋的;甜果汁饮料;镇定药;兴奋剂;甜香酒):Warm, friendly, gracious.
discordant(不和谐的,刺耳的;不一致的):Being at odds, conflicting, not in harmony.
culpable(有罪的;该责备的;不周到的;应受处罚的):Deserving to be condemned or blamed.
exculpate(开脱;使无罪):To clear from accusations of fault or guilt.
inculpate(使连累;使负罪;控告):To accuse or incriminate; to show evidence of
someone's involvement in a fault or crime.
someone's involvement in a fault or crime.
mea culpa(我应负的责任;我的过失):An admission of personal fault or error.
DICT——“to speak”
diction(用语;措词):(1) Choice of words, especially with regard to
correctness, clearness, or effectiveness. (2) Clarity of speech.
correctness, clearness, or effectiveness. (2) Clarity of speech.
edict(法令;布告):(1) An official announcement that has the force of a law. (2)
An order or command.
An order or command.
jurisdiction(司法权,审判权,管辖权;权限,权力):(1) The power or right to control or exercise
authority. (2) The territory where power may be exercised.
authority. (2) The territory where power may be exercised.
dictum(格言;声明;法官的附带意见):A formal and authoritative statement.
GNI/GNO——“to know”
cognitive(认知的,认识的):(1) Having to do with the process of knowing,
including awareness, judgment, and understanding. (2) Based on factual
knowledge that has been or can be gained by experience.
including awareness, judgment, and understanding. (2) Based on factual
knowledge that has been or can be gained by experience.
agnostic(不可知论者;不可知论的;怀疑的):A person who believes that whether God exists is not
known and probably cannot be known.
known and probably cannot be known.
incognito(伪装的,隐姓埋名的;隐瞒身份地,化名地;虚假身份):In disguise, or with one's identity concealed.
prognosis([医] 预后;预知):(1) The chance of recovery from a given disease
or condition. (2) A forecast or prophecy.
or condition. (2) A forecast or prophecy.
GRAPH——“to write”
calligraphy(书法;笔迹):The art of producing beautiful handwriting.
hagiography(圣徒传记;圣徒言行录):(1) Biography of saints. (2) Biography that
idealizes or idolizes.
idealizes or idolizes.
choreography(编舞;舞蹈艺术;舞艺):(1) The art of composing and arranging
dances and of representing them in symbolic notation. (2) The movements by
dancers in a performance.
dances and of representing them in symbolic notation. (2) The movements by
dancers in a performance.
lithograph(平版印刷;用平版印刷术印刷):A picture made by printing from a flat surface
(such as a smooth stone) prepared so that the ink will only stick to the design
that will be printed.
(such as a smooth stone) prepared so that the ink will only stick to the design
that will be printed.
artful(巧妙的;狡猾的;有技巧的;欺诈的):(1) Skillful. (2) Wily, crafty, sly.
artifact(人工制品,手工艺品;非自然存在物体(artefact 的另一种拼法)):A usually simple object made by human workmanship,
such as a tool or ornament, that represents a culture or a stage in a culture's development.
such as a tool or ornament, that represents a culture or a stage in a culture's development.
artifice(诡计;欺骗;巧妙的办法):(1) Clever skill. (2) A clever trick.
artisan(工匠,技工):A skilled worker or craftsperson.
fortify(加强;增强;(酒)的酒精含量;设防于;筑防御工事):To strengthen.
fortification([军] 设防;[军] 防御工事;加强;配方):(1) The building of military defenses to
protect a place against attack. (2) A structure built to protect a place.
protect a place against attack. (2) A structure built to protect a place.
forte(长处;特长;强音的;响的;响亮地):Something that a person does particularly well;
one's strong point.
one's strong point.
fortitude(刚毅;不屈不挠;勇气):Mental strength that allows one to face danger, pain,
or hardship with courage.
or hardship with courage.
CIS——“to cut, cut down, or slay”
concise(简明的,简洁的):Brief and condensed, especially in expression or
excise(消费税,货物税;切除;删除;收税,征税):To cut out, especially surgically.
incisive(深刻的;敏锐的;锋利的):Impressively direct and decisive.
precision(精度,[数] 精密度;精确;精密的;精确的):Exactness and accuracy.
Animal Words
apiary(养蜂场;蜂窝群):A place where bees are kept for their honey.
caper(雀跃;刺山柑花蕾;不法活动;惊险喜剧片;跳跃;刺山柑;滑稽怪诞的行为):(1) A playful leap. (2) A prank or mischievous adventure.
equestrian(马术;骑手;骑马者;马的;骑马的;骑术的):Of or relating to horseback riding.
lupine(羽扇豆;狼似的;狼(群)的):Like a wolf; wolfish.
ovine(绵羊的,似绵羊的):Of, relating to, or resembling sheep.
ornithologist(鸟类学家,鸟类学者):A person who studies birds.
serpentine(蜒的,弯弯曲曲的;复杂的,阴险的;使迂回曲折地行进;蛇形排列;蛇形湖(伦敦海德公园中的湖,the Serpentine)):Like a snake or serpent in shape or movement; winding.
simian(像猿(或猴)的;猿(或猴)的;猿;猿猴;类人猿):Having to do with monkeys or apes; monkeylike.
Unit 14
crypt(土窖,地下室;腺窝):(1) A room completely or partly underground, especially under
the main floor of a church. (2) A room or area in a large aboveground tomb.
the main floor of a church. (2) A room or area in a large aboveground tomb.
encrypt(把……加密,将……译成密码):(1) To convert into cipher. (2) To convert a message into
cryptic(神秘的,含义模糊的;[动] 隐藏的):(1) Mysterious; puzzlingly short. (2) Acting to hide or
cryptography(密码学;密码使用法):(1) Secret writing. (2) The encoding and
decoding of messages.
decoding of messages.
abscond(逃匿,潜逃;避债):To depart in secret and hide.
abstemious(节约的,节省的;有节制的):Restrained, especially in the consumption of
food or alcohol.
food or alcohol.
abstraction(抽象;提取;抽象概念;空想;心不在焉):The consideration of a thing or idea without
associating it with a particular example.
associating it with a particular example.
abstruse(深奥的;难懂的):Hard to understand; deep or complex.
pedagogy(教育;教育学;教授法):The art, science, or profession of teaching.
pedant(学究;书呆子;卖弄学问的人;空谈家):(1) A formal, unimaginative teacher. (2) A person who
shows off his or her learning.
shows off his or her learning.
pediatrician(儿科医生(paediatrician 的美式拼写)):A doctor who specializes in the diseases,
development, and care of children.
development, and care of children.
encyclopedic(渊博的;知识广博的):(1) Of or relating to an encyclopedia. (2)
Covering a wide range of subjects.
Covering a wide range of subjects.
tropism(取向;向性;[生物] 趋性;向性运动):Automatic movement by an organism unable to move
about from place to place, especially a plant, that involves turning or growing toward or away from a stimulus.
about from place to place, especially a plant, that involves turning or growing toward or away from a stimulus.
entropy([热] 熵(热力学函数)):(1) The decomposition of the matter and energy in the
universe to an ultimate state of inactive uniformity. (2) Chaos, randomness.
universe to an ultimate state of inactive uniformity. (2) Chaos, randomness.
heliotrope(天芥菜属植物;[植] 向阳植物;淡紫色;鸡血石):Any of a genus of herbs or shrubs having small
white or purple flowers.
white or purple flowers.
psychotropic(治疗精神病的):Acting on the mind.
neoclassic(新古典主义的(等于neoclassical)):Relating to a revival or adaptation of the styles of
ancient Greece and Roman, especially in music, art, or architecture.
ancient Greece and Roman, especially in music, art, or architecture.
Neolithic(新石器时代的;新石器时代):Of or relating to the latest period of the Stone Age,
when polished stone tools were used.
when polished stone tools were used.
neoconservative(新保守派):A conservative who favors
strongly encouraging democracy and the U.S. national interest in world
affairs, including through military means.
strongly encouraging democracy and the U.S. national interest in world
affairs, including through military means.
neonatal(新生的;初生的):Of or relating to babies in the first month after their
novice(初学者,新手):(1) One who has no previous training or experience in a
specific field or activity; beginner. (2) A new member of a religious order
who is preparing to become a nun or monk.
specific field or activity; beginner. (2) A new member of a religious order
who is preparing to become a nun or monk.
novel(新奇的;异常的;小说):(1) New and not resembling something formerly known or
used. (2) Original and striking, especially in conception or style.
used. (2) Original and striking, especially in conception or style.
innovation(创新,革新;新方法):(1) A new idea, device, or method. (2) The
introduction of new ideas, devices, or methods.
introduction of new ideas, devices, or methods.
supernova([天] 超新星):(1) The explosion of a star that causes it to
become extremely bright. (2) Something that explodes into prominence or
become extremely bright. (2) Something that explodes into prominence or
POS——“to put”or“to place”
impose(利用;欺骗;施加影响;强加;征税;以…欺骗):(1) To establish or apply as a charge or penalty or in a
forceful or harmful way. (2) To take unfair advantage.
forceful or harmful way. (2) To take unfair advantage.
juxtapose(并列;并置):To place side by side.
transpose(调换;移项;颠倒顺序;进行变换;转置阵):(1) To change the position or order of (two things).
(2) To move from one place or period to another.
(2) To move from one place or period to another.
superimpose(添加;重叠;附加;安装):To put or place one thing over something
TEN——“hold”or“hold on to”
tenure(任期;占有;授予…终身职位):(1) The amount of time that a person holds a job, office, or
title. (2) The right to keep a job, especially the job of teacher or professor.
title. (2) The right to keep a job, especially the job of teacher or professor.
tenacious(顽强的;坚韧的;固执的;紧握的;黏着力强的):Stubborn or determined in clinging to something.
tenable((主张等)站得住脚的;可维持的):Capable of being held or defended; reasonable.
tenet(原则;信条;教义):A widely held principle or belief, especially one held in
common by members of a group or profession.
common by members of a group or profession.
Number Words
monogamous(一夫一妻的;[动] 单配的):Being married to one person or having one
mate at a time.
mate at a time.
monoculture(单作;单一栽培):(1) The cultivation of a single crop to the
exclusion of other uses of land. (2) A culture dominated by a single element.
exclusion of other uses of land. (2) A culture dominated by a single element.
monolithic(整体的;巨石的,庞大的;完全统一的;单块集成电路,单片电路):(1) Appearing to be a huge, featureless, often
rigid whole. (2) Made up of material with no joints or seams.
rigid whole. (2) Made up of material with no joints or seams.
monotheism(一神教,一神论):The worship of a single god.
unicameral(单院的;一院制的):Having only one lawmaking chamber.
unilateral(单边的;[植] 单侧的;单方面的;单边音;(父母)单系的):(1) Done by one person or party; one-sided. (2)
Affecting one side of the body.
Affecting one side of the body.
unison(和谐;齐唱;同度;[声] 同音):(1) Perfect agreement. (2) Sameness of musical pitch.
unitarian(中央集权支持者;中央集权的;(Unitarian) 上帝一位论派教徒;(Unitarian) 上帝一位论派教徒的):Relating or belonging to a religious group that believes that God exists only in one person and stresses individual freedom of belief.
Unit 15
TERM/TERMIN——“to limit, bound, or set limits to”
“limit or boundary”
“limit or boundary”
terminal(航空站;终点站;终端机;线接头;末端;晚期病人;晚期的;无可挽回的;末端的;终点的;期末的;(花朵等)顶升的):(1) Forming or relating to an end or limit. (2) Fatal.
indeterminate(不确定的;模糊的;含混的):Not precisely determined; vague.
interminable(冗长的;无止尽的):Having or seeming to have no end;
tiresomely drawn out.
tiresomely drawn out.
terminus(终点;终点站;界标;界石):(1) The end of a travel route (such as a rail or bus
line), or the station at the end of a route. (2) An extreme point; tip.
line), or the station at the end of a route. (2) An extreme point; tip.
geocentric(以地球为中心的;由地心开始测量的):Having or relating to the Earth as the center.
geophysics(地球物理;地球物理学):The science that deals with the physical processes
and phenomena occurring especially in the Earth and in its vicinity.
and phenomena occurring especially in the Earth and in its vicinity.
geostationary(与地球旋转同步的):Being or having an orbit such that a
satellite remains in a fixed position above the Earth, especially having such
an orbit above the equator.
satellite remains in a fixed position above the Earth, especially having such
an orbit above the equator.
geothermal([地物] 地热的;[地物] 地温的):Of, relating to, or using the natural heat
produced inside the Earth.
produced inside the Earth.
spherical(球形的,球面的;天体的):Relating to a sphere; shaped like a sphere or one of its
stratosphere(平流层,同温层;最上层;最高阶段):(1) The part of the earth's atmosphere that
extends from about seven to about 30 miles above the surface. (2) A very high or the highest region.
extends from about seven to about 30 miles above the surface. (2) A very high or the highest region.
biosphere(生物圈):(1) The part of the world in which life can exist. (2)
Living things and their environment.
Living things and their environment.
hemisphere(半球):Half a sphere, especially half the global sphere as
divided by the equator or a meridian.
divided by the equator or a meridian.
VERT——“to turn”“to turn around”
divert(转移;使…欢娱;使…转向):(1) To turn from one purpose or course to another. (2) To
give pleasure to by distracting from burdens or distress.
give pleasure to by distracting from burdens or distress.
converter((使)转变的人(或物);转换器;整流器;变频器;转换程序;变焦镜):A device that changes something (such as radio
signals, radio frequencies, or data) from one form to another.
signals, radio frequencies, or data) from one form to another.
avert(避免,防止;转移):(1) To turn (your eyes or gaze) away or aside. (2) To avoid or
revert(回复;重提;返祖遗传;归还;使恢复原状;恢复原状者):(1) To go back or return (to an earlier state, condition,
situation, etc.). (2) To be given back to (a former owner).
situation, etc.). (2) To be given back to (a former owner).
amorphous(无定形的;无组织的;[物] 非晶形的):Without a definite shape or form; shapeless.
anthropomorphic(拟人化的,赋予人性的):(1) Having or described as
having human form or traits. (2) Seeing human traits in nonhuman things.
having human form or traits. (2) Seeing human traits in nonhuman things.
metamorphosis(变形;变质):(1) A physical change, especially
one supernaturally caused. (2) A developmental change in an animal that
occurs after birth or hatching.
one supernaturally caused. (2) A developmental change in an animal that
occurs after birth or hatching.
morphology(形态学,形态论;[语] 词法,[语] 词态学):(1) The study of the structure and form of plants
and animals. (2) The study of word formation.
and animals. (2) The study of word formation.
format(格式;版式;开本;使格式化;规定…的格式;设计版式):(1) The shape, size, and general makeup of something. (2)
A general plan, arrangement, or choice of material.
A general plan, arrangement, or choice of material.
conform(符合;遵照;适应环境;使遵守;使一致;使顺从;一致的;顺从的):(1) To be similar or identical; to be in agreement or
harmony. (2) To follow ordinary standards or customs.
harmony. (2) To follow ordinary standards or customs.
formality(礼节;拘谨;仪式;正式手续):(1) An established custom or way of behaving that
is required or standard. (2) The following of conventional rules.
is required or standard. (2) The following of conventional rules.
formative(形成的;造型的;格式化的;构成要素):(1) Giving or able to give form or shape;
constructive. (2) Having to do with important growth or development.
constructive. (2) Having to do with important growth or development.
DOC/DOCT——“to teach”
doctrine(主义;学说;教义;信条):(1) Something that is taught. (2) An official principle,
opinion, or belief.
opinion, or belief.
docent(讲师;讲解员):(1) Teacher, lecturer. (2) A person who leads guided tours,
especially through a museum.
especially through a museum.
doctrinaire(教条主义的;空谈理论的;教条主义者;空论家,纯理论家):Tending to apply principles or theories without
regard for practical difficulties or individual circumstance.
regard for practical difficulties or individual circumstance.
indoctrinate(灌输;教导):(1) To teach, especially basics or
fundamentals. (2) To fill someone with a particular opinion or point of view.
fundamentals. (2) To fill someone with a particular opinion or point of view.
TUT/TUI——“to look after”“guide”
tutorial((与)大学导师(有关)的;(与)家庭教师(有关)的;(与)大学助教(有关)的;(与)辅导(有关)的;(大学导师)个别指导时间,辅导课;辅导材料,使用说明书;软件教程):(1) A class for one student or a small group of students. (2) An instructional program that gives information about a specific subject.
tuition(学费;讲授):(1) The act of teaching; instruction. (2) The cost of or
payment for instruction.
payment for instruction.
intuition(直觉;直觉力;直觉的知识):(1) The power of knowing something
immediately without mental effort; quick insight. (2) Something known in
this way.
immediately without mental effort; quick insight. (2) Something known in
this way.
tutelage(监护;指导):Instruction or guidance of an individual; guardianship.
Number Words
dichotomy(二分法;两分;分裂;双歧分枝):(1) A division into two often contradictory
groups. (2) Something with qualities that seem to contradict each other.
groups. (2) Something with qualities that seem to contradict each other.
dimorphic([动][植] 二态的;[晶体] 双晶的):Occurring in two distinguishable forms (as of color
or size).
or size).
duplex(成对物;连栋式的两栋住宅,联式房屋;占两层楼的公寓套房,复式住宅;半独立式房屋;双股多核苷酸分子;二倍的,双重的;复式的,占两层楼的;双层的;双螺旋的;双面打印的;(信号)双向的):(1) Having two principal elements; double. (2) Allowing
electronic communication in two directions at the same time.
electronic communication in two directions at the same time.
duplicity(口是心非;表里不一;不诚实):Deception by pretending to feel and act one way
while acting in another.
while acting in another.
bipartisan(两党连立的;代表两党的):Involving members of two political parties.
binary([数] 二进制的;二元的,二态的):(1) Consisting of two things or parts; double. (2)
Involving a choice between two alternatives.
Involving a choice between two alternatives.
biennial(两年一次的;[植] 二年生植物):(1) Occurring every two years. (2) Continuing or
lasting over two years.
lasting over two years.
bipolar(有两极的,双极的):Having two opposed forces or views; having two poles
or opposed points of attraction.
or opposed points of attraction.
Unit 16-20
Unit 16
topical(局部的;论题的;时事问题的;局部地区的):(1) Designed for local application to or treatment of a
bodily part. (2) Referring to the topics of the day.
bodily part. (2) Referring to the topics of the day.
ectopic(异位的;异常的):Occurring or originating in an abnormal place.
utopian(乌托邦的;空想的;理想化的;空想家;乌托邦的居民):Relating to an imaginary place in which the
government, laws, and social conditions are perfect.
government, laws, and social conditions are perfect.
topography(地势;地形学;地志):(1) The art of showing the natural and manmade features of a region on a map or chart. (2) The features of a surface, including both natural and man-made features.
CENTR/CENTER——“sharp point”or“center point of a circle”
eccentric(古怪的,反常的;古怪的人):(1) Not following an established or usual style or
conduct. (2) Straying from a circular path; off-center.
conduct. (2) Straying from a circular path; off-center.
epicenter(震中;中心):(1) The location on the earth's surface directly
above the focus of an earthquake. (2) The center or focus of activity.
above the focus of an earthquake. (2) The center or focus of activity.
egocentric([心理] 自我中心的;利己主义的;利己主义者):Overly concerned with oneself; self-centered.
ethnocentric(种族优越感的;民族中心主义的):Marked by or based on the attitude that
one's own group is superior to others.
one's own group is superior to others.
dominion(主权,统治权;支配;领土):(1) An area over which one rules; domain. (2)
Supreme authority.
Supreme authority.
predominant(主要的;卓越的;支配的;有力的;有影响的):Greater in importance, strength,
influence, or authority.
influence, or authority.
domineering(跋扈的;专横的;盛气凌人的;实行暴政;高耸;流行(domineer的ing形式)):Tending to control the behavior of others in a
bossy manner.
bossy manner.
domination(控制;支配):(1) Supremacy or power over another. (2)
The exercise of governing or controlling influence.
The exercise of governing or controlling influence.
omnivore([动] 杂食动物;不偏食的人):An animal that eats both plants and other animals.
omnipotent(无所不能的;全能的;有无限权力的):Having complete or unlimited power; all-powerful.
omnibus(公共汽车;精选集;文集):Of or including many things.
omniscient(全知的;无所不知的;上帝;无所不知者):Knowing everything; having unlimited
understanding or knowledge.
understanding or knowledge.
holistic(整体的;全盘的):Relating to or concerned with wholes or with complete
systems rather than with the analysis of, treatment of, or dissection into parts.
systems rather than with the analysis of, treatment of, or dissection into parts.
hologram([激光] 全息图;全息摄影,全息照相):A three-dimensional image reproduced from a
pattern of interference produced by a beam of radiation such as a laser.
pattern of interference produced by a beam of radiation such as a laser.
Holocene(全新世的;全新统的):Of, relating to, or being the present geologic epoch.
holocaust(大屠杀;毁灭):(1) (usually capitalized) The mass slaughter of
European civilians and especially Jews by the Nazis during World War II. (2)
A thorough destruction involving extensive loss of life, especially through
European civilians and especially Jews by the Nazis during World War II. (2)
A thorough destruction involving extensive loss of life, especially through
retroactive(追溯的;有追溯效力的;反动的):Intended to apply or take effect at a date in the
retrofit(改进;[计] 更新;式样翻新;式样翻新;花样翻新):To furnish something with new or modified parts or
equipment that was optional or unavailable at the time of manufacture.
equipment that was optional or unavailable at the time of manufacture.
retrogress(倒退至之前的(更差的)状态,倒退):To return to an earlier and usually worse or more
primitive state.
primitive state.
retrospective(回顾的;怀旧的;可追溯的;回顾展):A generally comprehensive exhibition or
performance usually covering an artist's output to date.
performance usually covering an artist's output to date.
temporal(暂时的;当时的;现世的;世间万物;暂存的事物):(1) Having to do with time as opposed to eternity;
having to do with earthly life as opposed to heavenly existence. (2) Having to
do with time as distinguished from space.
having to do with earthly life as opposed to heavenly existence. (2) Having to
do with time as distinguished from space.
contemporary(发生(属)于同时期的;当代的;同代人,同龄人;同时期的东西):(1) Occurring or existing during the
same period of time. (2) Having to do with the present period; modern or current.
same period of time. (2) Having to do with the present period; modern or current.
extemporaneous(即席的,临时的;无准备的;不用讲稿的;善于即席讲话的):(1) Composed, performed,
spoken, or done on the spur of the moment; impromptu or improvised. (2) Carefully prepared but delivered without notes.
spoken, or done on the spur of the moment; impromptu or improvised. (2) Carefully prepared but delivered without notes.
temporize(拖延;妥协;顺应时势;迎合潮流):(1) To act in a way that fits the time or occasion; to
give way to current opinion. (2) To draw out discussions to gain time.
give way to current opinion. (2) To draw out discussions to gain time.
chronic(慢性的;长期的;习惯性的):(1) Lasting a long time or recurring frequently. (2)
Always present; constantly annoying or troubling; habitual.
Always present; constantly annoying or troubling; habitual.
chronology(年表;年代学):(1) A sequence of events in the order they
occurred. (2) A table, list, or account that presents events in order.
occurred. (2) A table, list, or account that presents events in order.
anachronism(时代错误;不合潮流的人或物):(1) The error of placing a person or thing
in the wrong time period. (2) A person or thing that is out of its own time.
in the wrong time period. (2) A person or thing that is out of its own time.
synchronous(同步的;同时的):(1) Happening or existing at exactly the same
time; simultaneous. (2) Recurring or acting at exactly the same intervals.
time; simultaneous. (2) Recurring or acting at exactly the same intervals.
Number Words
triad(三和音;三个一组;三价元素;三合会(华人黑社会);三合会成员;三人组合;三件套;三和弦;三题词):(1) A group of three usually related people or things. (2) A secret Chinese criminal organization.
trilogy(三部曲;三部剧):A series of three creative works that are closely related and
develop a single theme.
develop a single theme.
triceratops(三角恐龙):One of a group of large dinosaurs that lived
during the Cretaceous period and had three horns, a bony crest or hood, and
hoofed toes.
during the Cretaceous period and had three horns, a bony crest or hood, and
hoofed toes.
trident(三叉戟;[数] 三叉线;三齿鱼叉):A three-pronged spear, especially one carried by various
sea gods in classical mythology.
sea gods in classical mythology.
trimester(三个月;一学期):(1) A period of about three months, especially one
of three such periods in a human pregnancy. (2) One of three terms into
which an academic year is sometimes divided.
of three such periods in a human pregnancy. (2) One of three terms into
which an academic year is sometimes divided.
trinity(三位一体;三人一组;三个一组的东西;三倍):(1) (capitalized) The unity of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit
as three persons in one God in Christian belief. (2) A group of three people.
as three persons in one God in Christian belief. (2) A group of three people.
triptych(三幅一联;三张相联):(1) A picture or carving made in the form of three panels
side by side. (2) Something composed or presented in three sections.
side by side. (2) Something composed or presented in three sections.
trivial(不重要的,琐碎的;琐细的):Of little value or importance.
Unit 17
animated(使)生机勃勃;把……制成动画片;(使)有生命;鼓励,激励(animate 的过去式及过去分词);生机勃勃的;活跃的;热烈的;栩栩如生的;动画的;活动的):(1) Full of life; lively, vigorous, active. (2) Seeming or appearing to be alive.
magnanimous(宽宏大量的;有雅量的;宽大的):(1) Showing a lofty and courageous
spirit. (2) Generous and forgiving.
spirit. (2) Generous and forgiving.
animosity(憎恶,仇恨,敌意):Ill will or resentment.
inanimate(无生命的;无生气的):(1) Not alive; lifeless. (2) Not lively; dull.
FIG——“to shape or mold”“a form or shape”
figurative(比喻的;修饰丰富的;形容多的):(1) Representing form or figure in art. (2) Saying
one thing in terms normally meaning or describing another thing.
one thing in terms normally meaning or describing another thing.
configuration(配置;结构;外形):An arrangement of parts or elements;
shape, design.
shape, design.
effigy(雕像,肖像):An image of a person, especially a crude representation of a
hated person.
hated person.
figment(虚构的事;臆造的事物):Something made up or imagined.
annuity(年金,养老金;年金保险;年金享受权):Money that is payable yearly or on some regular basis,
or a contract providing for such payment.
or a contract providing for such payment.
superannuated(过时的;退休的;老朽的;退休;变陈旧(superannuate的过去分词)):(1) Outworn, old-fashioned, or
out-of-date. (2) Forced to retire because of old age or infirmity.
out-of-date. (2) Forced to retire because of old age or infirmity.
millennium(千年期(尤指公元纪年);千周年纪念日;新千年开始的时刻):(1) A period of time lasting 1,000 years, or the
celebration of a 1,000-year anniversary. (2) A period of great happiness and perfection on earth.
celebration of a 1,000-year anniversary. (2) A period of great happiness and perfection on earth.
perennial(多年生的;常年的;四季不断的;常在的;反复的;多年生植物):(1) Continuing to grow for several years. (2)
Enduring or continuing without interruption.
Enduring or continuing without interruption.
coeval(同时代的;同时代的人):Having the same age or lasting the same amount of time;
longevity(长寿,长命;寿命):(1) A long duration of life. (2) Length of life; long
medieval(中世纪的;原始的;仿中世纪的;老式的):(1) Relating to the Middle Ages of European
history, from about A.D. 500 to 1500. (2) Extremely out-of-date.
history, from about A.D. 500 to 1500. (2) Extremely out-of-date.
primeval(原始的;初期的(等于primaeval)):(1) Having to do with the earliest ages; primitive or
ancient. (2) Existing from the beginning.
ancient. (2) Existing from the beginning.
corporeal(物质的,有形的;肉体的):Having or relating to a physical body; substantial.
corpulent(肥胖的):Having a large, bulky body; obese.
corporal(下士;(舰艇的)纠察长助理;圣餐布;肉体的,身体的):Relating to or affecting the body.
incorporate(包含,吸收;体现;把……合并;合并;混合;组成公司;一体化的;组成公司的):(1) To blend or combine into something
already existing to form one whole. (2) To form or form into a corporation.
already existing to form one whole. (2) To form or form into a corporation.
TANG/TACT——“to touch”“sense of touch”
tact(机智;老练;圆滑;鉴赏力):The ability to deal with others without offending them.
tactile([生理] 触觉的,有触觉的;能触知的):(1) Able to be perceived by touching. (2) Relating to the
sense of touch.
sense of touch.
tangential([数] 切线的,[数] 正切的;离题的,扯远的;正切,切线):Touching lightly; incidental.
tangible(有形的;切实的;可触摸的;有形资产):Able to be perceived, especially by touch; physical,
CODI/CODE——“trunk of a tree”“document written on wooden tablets”
codex(法典;古抄本;药典):A book in handwritten form, especially a book of
Scripture, classics, or ancient texts.
Scripture, classics, or ancient texts.
codicil(遗嘱的附录):(1) An amendment or addition made to a will. (2) An
appendix or supplement.
appendix or supplement.
codify(编纂;将...编成法典;编成法典):To arrange according to a system; classify.
decode(解码,破译;转换;译解,理解(外文);<非正式>密码译文):(1) To put a coded message into an understandable form.
(2) To find the underlying meaning of; decipher.
(2) To find the underlying meaning of; decipher.
SIGN——“mark or sign”
signify(表示;意味;预示;有重要性;要紧;冒充内行):(1) To be a sign of something; to mean something. (2) To
show or make known, especially by a sign.
show or make known, especially by a sign.
insignia(记号,标志;徽章;荣誉):A badge of authority or honor; a distinguishing sign
or mark.
or mark.
signatory((协议的)签名人,签约国;签署的,签约的):A person or government that signs an agreement
with others; especially a government that agrees with others to abide by a signed agreement.
with others; especially a government that agrees with others to abide by a signed agreement.
signet(印;图章;盖章于):(1) A seal used instead of a signature to give personal or
official authority to a document. (2) A small engraved seal, often in the form of a ring.
official authority to a document. (2) A small engraved seal, often in the form of a ring.
Number Words
quadrant(象限;[海洋][天] 象限仪;四分之一圆):(1) A quarter of a circle. (2) Any of the four quarters
into which something is divided by two lines intersecting at right angles.
into which something is divided by two lines intersecting at right angles.
quadrille(四对方舞;四对方舞曲;有方格的;有小方格图案的):A square dance popular in the 18th and 19th century,
made up of five or six patterns for four couples.
made up of five or six patterns for four couples.
quadriplegic(四肢瘫痪者;四肢瘫痪的):Paralyzed in both arms and both legs.
quartile(四分位数;四分点):One of four equal groups each containing a quarter of a
statistical population.
statistical population.
tetracycline([药] 四环素(抗生素的一种)):A yellow broad-spectrum antibiotic.
tetrahedron([晶体] 四面体):A solid shape formed by four flat faces.
tetralogy(四部曲;四联剧):A set of four connected literary, artistic, or musical
tetrapod(四足动物;(有四足支撑的)四脚物;四足动物的):A vertebrate with two pairs of limbs.
Unit 18
capitalism(资本主义):An economic system based on private
ownership, private decisions, and open competition in a free market.
ownership, private decisions, and open competition in a free market.
capitulate(认输,屈服;屈从,停止反抗;有条件投降;让步):To surrender or stop resisting; give up.
decapitate(斩首;解雇;使无效):(1) To cut off the head; behead. (2) To destroy or
make useless.
make useless.
recapitulate(概括;重述要点;摘要):To repeat or summarize the most
important points or stages.
important points or stages.
ANTHROP——“human being”
anthropoid(类人的,(猿等)似人类的;类人猿的;与高等灵长类有关的;(非正式)举止像猿猴的;类人猿;灵长目;(非正式)猿猴似的人):Any of several large, tailless apes.
anthropology(人类学;人类学家):The science and study of human beings.
misanthropic(厌恶人类的;不愿与人来往的):Hating or distrusting humans.
lycanthropy(把人化为狼的神通;变狼狂):(1) A delusion that one has become a wolf.
(2) Transformation into a wolf through witchcraft or magic.
(2) Transformation into a wolf through witchcraft or magic.
kinesiology(运动机能学;人体运动学):The scientific study of human movement.
hyperkinetic(运动过度的;运动机能亢进的):(1) Relating to or affected with
hyperactivity. (2) Characterized by fast-paced or frantic activity.
hyperactivity. (2) Characterized by fast-paced or frantic activity.
kinescope(映像真空管;电视显像管;电视节目录像):A motion picture made from an image on a picture
telekinesis(心灵遥感;心灵促动;远距运动):The movement of objects without contact or
other physical means, as by the exercise of an occult power.
other physical means, as by the exercise of an occult power.
dynamic(动态的;动力的;动力学的;有活力的;动态;动力):(1) Relating to physical force or energy. (2)
Continuously and productively active and changing; energetic or forceful.
Continuously and productively active and changing; energetic or forceful.
dynamo(发电机;精力充沛的人):(1) A power generator, especially one that produces
direct electric current. (2) A forceful, energetic person.
direct electric current. (2) A forceful, energetic person.
aerodynamics(空气动力(特性);空气动力学):(1) A science that studies the movement
of gases such as air and the way that objects move through such gases. (2)
The qualities of an object that affect how easily it is able to move through the
of gases such as air and the way that objects move through such gases. (2)
The qualities of an object that affect how easily it is able to move through the
hydrodynamic(水力的;流体动力学的):Having to do with the science that
studies fluids in motion and the forces that act on bodies surrounded by
studies fluids in motion and the forces that act on bodies surrounded by
gradation((色彩、颜色、次序、音调等的)渐变;分等级;(各种状态、性质等的)分阶段渐变;元音交替):(1) A series made up of successive stages. (2) A step in an ordered scale.
degrade(贬低;使……丢脸;使……降级;使……降解;降级,降低;退化):(1) To treat someone or something poorly and without
respect. (2) To make the quality of something worse.
respect. (2) To make the quality of something worse.
gradient(梯度,陡度; (温度、气压等);倾斜度,坡度;变化率,梯度变化曲线;倾斜的; 步行的,能步行的):(1) Slope, grade. (2) A continuous change in measure, activity, or substance.
retrograde(倒退的;退化的;次序颠倒的;逆行;倒退;退步;倒退地;向后地):(1) Moving or performed in a direction that is
backward or opposite to the usual direction. (2) Moving toward a worse or earlier state.
backward or opposite to the usual direction. (2) Moving toward a worse or earlier state.
regimen([医] 养生法;生活规则;政体;支配):A regular course of treatment, usually involving food,
exercise, or medicine.
exercise, or medicine.
interregnum(中断;空位期;过渡期;间歇):(1) The time during which a throne is vacant
between two successive reigns or regimes. (2) A period during which the normal functions of government or control are suspended.
between two successive reigns or regimes. (2) A period during which the normal functions of government or control are suspended.
regalia(标记;徽章;王权):(1) The emblems and symbols of royalty. (2) Special or
official dress.
official dress.
regency(摄政;摄政统治;摄政权):A government or period of time in which a regent rules
in place of a king or queen.
in place of a king or queen.
CRIT——“to judge”or“to decide”
criterion((批评判断的)标准;准则;规范;准据):A standard by which a judgment or decision is made.
critique(批评;评论文章;批判;评论):A judgment or evaluation, especially a rating or discussion
of merits and faults.
of merits and faults.
hypercritical(吹毛求疵的,苛评的):Overly critical.
hematocrit(分血器,血球容积(量)计):The ratio of the volume of red blood cells to
whole blood.
whole blood.
JUR——“to swear, take an oath”
jurisprudence(法律体系;法学及其分支;法律知识;法院审判规程):(1) A system of law. (2) The study and
philosophy of law.
philosophy of law.
abjure(发誓放弃;公开放弃;避免):To reject formally.
perjury(伪证;伪誓;背信弃义):The crime of telling a lie under oath.
de jure(法律上的;权利上的):Based on or according to the law.
Number Words
pentathlon(五项运动;五项全能运动):An athletic contest in which each athlete
competes in five different events.
competes in five different events.
Pentateuch(摩西五经):The first five books of the Old Testament,
traditionally said to have been written by Moses.
traditionally said to have been written by Moses.
pentameter(五步格诗;有五音步的):A line of poetry consisting of five metrical
Pentecostal(五旬节的,圣灵降临节的;五旬节派教会的;五旬节教派教徒):Of or relating to any of various fundamentalist
sects that stress personal experience of God and vocal expression in worship.
sects that stress personal experience of God and vocal expression in worship.
quincentennial(五百年的;第五百年的):A 500th anniversary, or the
celebration of such an event.
celebration of such an event.
quintessential(典型的,完美的;精髓的):Representing the purest or most perfect
example of something.
example of something.
quintet(五重奏乐团; 五重唱组合; 五重奏(曲); 五重唱(曲)):(1) A musical piece for five instruments or voices. (2) A
group of five, such as the performers of a quintet or a basketball team.
group of five, such as the performers of a quintet or a basketball team.
quintile(五分位数,五分位值;(天体的)五分一对座):One or another of the values that divide a tested
population into five evenly distributed classes, or one of these classes.
population into five evenly distributed classes, or one of these classes.
Unit 19
bionic(仿生学的;利用仿生学的):Made stronger or more capable by electronic or mechanical
biopsy(活组织检查;活组织切片检查;切片检查法):The removal and examination of tissue, cells, or fluids
from a living body.
from a living body.
biodegradable(可生物降解的):Able to be broken down into harmless
substances by microorganisms or other living things.
substances by microorganisms or other living things.
symbiosis([生态] 共生;合作关系;共栖):(1) The close living together of two different
forms of life in a way that benefits both. (2) A cooperative relationship between two people or groups.
forms of life in a way that benefits both. (2) A cooperative relationship between two people or groups.
genesis(发生;起源):Origin, beginning.
generator(发电机;发生器;生产者):A machine by which mechanical energy is
changed into electrical energy.
changed into electrical energy.
(Genre)人名;(法)让尔;风俗画的;以日常情景为主题的):Kind, sort; especially a distinctive type or category of
literature, art, or music.
(Genre)人名;(法)让尔;风俗画的;以日常情景为主题的):Kind, sort; especially a distinctive type or category of
literature, art, or music.
carcinogenic(致癌的;致癌物的):Producing or causing cancer.
FUNCT——“to perform, carry out”
functionary(公职人员,官员;(做繁琐工作的)职员;正式的,官方的):(1) Someone who performs a certain
function. (2) Someone who holds a position in a political party or government.
function. (2) Someone who holds a position in a political party or government.
malfunction(发生故障,不起作用;故障,失灵):To fail to operate in the normal or usual
defunct(非现存的,失灵的,不再使用的;死的):No longer, living, existing, or functioning.
dysfunctional(机能失调的 功能障碍的):(1) Showing abnormal or unhealthy
behaviors and attitudes within a group of people. (2) Being unable to function
in a normal way.
behaviors and attitudes within a group of people. (2) Being unable to function
in a normal way.
MUT——“to change”
commute((搭乘车、船等)通勤;代偿;减刑;交换;用……交换;使……变成):(1) To exchange or substitute; especially to change a penalty to another one that is less severe. (2) To travel back and forth regularly.
immutable(不变的;不可变的;不能变的):Not able or liable to change.
permutation([数] 排列;[数] 置换):A change in the order of a set of objects;
rearrangement, variation.
rearrangement, variation.
transmute(使变形;使变质;变形;变质):(1) To change in shape, appearance, or nature,
especially for the better; to transform. (2) To experience such a change.
especially for the better; to transform. (2) To experience such a change.
FRACT——“to break or shatter”
fractious(易怒的;倔强的,难以对待的):(1) Apt to cause trouble or be unruly. (2) Stirring up
quarrels; irritable.
quarrels; irritable.
fractal(分形;分形的):An irregular shape that looks much the same at any scale
on which it is examined.
on which it is examined.
infraction(犯规,违法行为;(对法律、协定的)违背,违犯):The breaking of a law or a violation of another's
refraction(折射;折光):The change of direction of a ray of light or wave
of energy as it passes at an angle from one substance into another in which its
speed is different.
of energy as it passes at an angle from one substance into another in which its
speed is different.
TELE——“distant”or“at a distance”
telegenic(适于电视广播的,适于上镜头的):Well-suited to appear on television, especially by
having an appearance and manner attractive to viewers.
having an appearance and manner attractive to viewers.
teleological(目的论的):Showing or relating to design or purpose,
especially in nature.
especially in nature.
telemetry([自] 遥测技术;遥感勘测;自动测量记录传导):The science or process of measuring such things
as pressure, speed, or temperature, sending the result usually by radio to a distant station, and recording the measurements there.
as pressure, speed, or temperature, sending the result usually by radio to a distant station, and recording the measurements there.
telecommute((利用电脑终端机)远距离工作;(利用电脑终端机)远距离办公):To work at home using an electronic link
with a central office.
with a central office.
oenophile(酒品尝家;酒的行家;嗜酒的人):A person with an appreciation and usually knowledge
of fine wine.
of fine wine.
philatelist(集邮家):A person who collects or studies stamps.
Anglophile(亲英者;亲英派的人):A person who greatly admires or favors England
and English things.
and English things.
philanthropy(博爱,慈善;慈善事业):(1) A charitable act or gift. (2) An
organization that distributes or is supported by charitable contributions.
organization that distributes or is supported by charitable contributions.
NEG——“to say no”
negligent(疏忽的;粗心大意的):(1) Failing to take proper or normal care. (2) Marked
by or likely to show neglect.
by or likely to show neglect.
negligible(微不足道的,可以忽略的):So small as to be neglected or disregarded.
renege(食言;违例出牌;否认;出牌违例):To go back on a promise or commitment.
Number Words
decalogue(摩西的十诫(等于decalog)):(1) (capitalized) The Ten Commandments. (2) Any
basic set of rules that must be obeyed.
basic set of rules that must be obeyed.
decathlon(十项运动):An athletic contest made up of ten parts.
decibel(分贝):A unit based on a scale ranging from 0 to about 130
used to measure the loudness of sound, with 0 indicating the least sound that
can be heard and 130 the average level that causes pain.
used to measure the loudness of sound, with 0 indicating the least sound that
can be heard and 130 the average level that causes pain.
decimate(大批杀害,大量毁灭;大大削弱,使……严重失效;抽杀……十分之一的人;十中抽一,取十分之一):To reduce drastically or destroy most of.
CENT——“one hundred”
centenary((某重要事件的)一百周年;一百周年纪念(或庆典);一百周年的):A 100th anniversary or the celebration of it; a
centigrade(摄氏温度的;百分度的;摄氏温标):Relating to a temperature scale in which 0° is the
freezing point of water and 100° is its boiling point.
freezing point of water and 100° is its boiling point.
centimeter([计量] 厘米;[计量] 公分):A length measuring 1/100th of a meter, or
about 0.39 inch.
about 0.39 inch.
centurion(百夫长;百人队队长):The officer in command of a Roman century,
originally a troop of 100 soldiers.
originally a troop of 100 soldiers.
Unit 20
nominal(名义上的;有名无实的;[会计] 票面上的;[语] 名词性词):(1) Existing in name or form only and not in reality. (2) So small as to be unimportant; insignificant.
nomenclature(命名法;术语):(1) A name or designation, or the act
of naming. (2) A system of terms or symbols used in biology, where New
Latin names are given to kinds and groups of animals and plants.
of naming. (2) A system of terms or symbols used in biology, where New
Latin names are given to kinds and groups of animals and plants.
ignominious(可耻的;下流的):(1) Marked with shame or disgrace;
dishonorable. (2) Humiliating or degrading.
dishonorable. (2) Humiliating or degrading.
misnomer(用词不当;误称;写错姓名):A wrong name, or the use of a wrong name.
patrician(贵族的;显贵的;贵族;有教养的人):A person of high birth or of good breeding and
cultivation; an aristocrat.
cultivation; an aristocrat.
patriarchy(父权制;家长统治;父系社会):(1) A family, group, or government controlled
by a man or a group of men. (2) A social system in which family members
are related to each other through their fathers.
by a man or a group of men. (2) A social system in which family members
are related to each other through their fathers.
expatriate(移居国外,定居国外;流放,放逐;移居国外者,侨民;被流放者;移居国外的;被流放国外的):A person who has moved to a foreign land.
paternalistic(家长式作风的):Tending to supply the needs of or regulate
the activities of those under one's control.
the activities of those under one's control.
LEGA——“to appoint”or“to send as a deputy”
legate(罗马教皇的使节;使者;当做遗产让与):An official representative, such as an ambassador.
legacy(遗产;遗赠财物;遗留问题;后遗症):(1) Something left to a person in a will. (2) Something
handed down by an ancestor or predecessor or received from the past.
handed down by an ancestor or predecessor or received from the past.
delegation(代表团;授权;委托):A group of people chosen to represent the
interests or opinions of others.
interests or opinions of others.
relegate(贬职,把降低到,把……置于次要地位;使(球队)降级):(1) To remove or assign to a less important place. (2)
To refer or hand over for decision or for carrying out.
To refer or hand over for decision or for carrying out.
aggregate(合计;集合体;总计;集料;聚合的;集合的;合计的):A collection or sum of units or parts.
congregation(集会;集合;圣会):(1) A gathering of people, especially for
worship or religious instruction. (2) The membership of a church or temple.
worship or religious instruction. (2) The membership of a church or temple.
egregious(惊人的;过分的;恶名昭彰的):Standing out, especially in a bad way; flagrant.
segregate(使隔离;使分离;在…实行种族隔离):(1) To separate from others or from the general
mass; isolate. (2) To separate along racial lines.
mass; isolate. (2) To separate along racial lines.
FLU——“to flow”
affluence(富裕;丰富;流入;汇聚):An abundance of wealth.
effluent(污水;流出物;废气;流出的,发出的):Polluting waste material discharged into the
confluence((河流的)汇流点;(人或物的)聚集,合并):(1) A coming or flowing together at one point.
(2) A place of meeting, especially of two streams.
(2) A place of meeting, especially of two streams.
mellifluous(流畅的;如蜜般的):Flowing like honey; sweetened as if with
prehensile(适于抓握的;善于领会的):Adapted for grasping, especially by wrapping
apprehend(理解;逮捕;忧虑;担心):(1) Arrest, seize. (2) Understand.
comprehend(理解;包含;由…组成):(1) To grasp the meaning of; understand. (2)
To take in or include.
To take in or include.
reprehensible(应斥责的;应该谴责的):Deserving stern criticism or blame.
TEMPER——“to moderate or keep within limits”or“to mix”
temper(脾气;(钢等)回火;性情;倾向;使回火;锻炼;调和;使缓和;回火;调和):To dilute, qualify, or soften by adding something more
agreeable; to moderate.
agreeable; to moderate.
temperance(戒酒;节欲;(气候等的)温和;温暖的;有节制的):(1) Moderation in satisfying appetites or passions.
(2) The drinking of little or no alcohol.
(2) The drinking of little or no alcohol.
intemperate(放纵的;酗酒的;酷烈的):Not moderate or mild; excessive, extreme.
distemper(瘟热(动物,尤指猫、狗的传染病);政治动乱;水浆涂料,胶画颜料;胶画法;用胶画颜料画):(1) A highly contagious viral disease, especially of dogs. (2) A highly contagious and usually fatal viral disease, especially of cats, marked by the destruction of white blood cells.
PURG——“to clean or cleanse”
purge(清除(不愿有的情感);消除(回忆、心情等);清除(一群不受欢迎的人);把某人从……上清除掉;弥补;将(某物)彻底清除;通便;净化;催吐;(对异己的)清洗;泻药):(1) To clear of guilt or sin. (2) To free of something unwanted
or considered impure.
or considered impure.
expurgate(删除,删去):To cleanse of something morally harmful or
offensive; to remove objectionable parts from.
offensive; to remove objectionable parts from.
purgative(净化的;通便的;赎罪的;泻剂,泻药):(1) Cleansing or purifying, especially from sin. (2)
Causing a significant looseness of the bowels.
Causing a significant looseness of the bowels.
purgatory(炼狱;涤罪;暂时的苦难;涤罪的(等于purgative)):(1) According to Roman Catholic doctrine, the
place where the souls of those who have died in God's grace must pay for their sins through suffering before ascending to heaven. (2) A place or state of temporary suffering or misery.
place where the souls of those who have died in God's grace must pay for their sins through suffering before ascending to heaven. (2) A place or state of temporary suffering or misery.
Number Words
MILL——“a thousand”
millefleur(万花斑驳的):Having a pattern of small flowers and plants all over.
millenarianism(千福年说(传说耶稣将重临人世统治的一千年)):(1) Belief in the 1,000-year era
of holiness foretold in the Book of Revelation. (2) Belief in an ideal society to come, especially one brought about by revolution.
of holiness foretold in the Book of Revelation. (2) Belief in an ideal society to come, especially one brought about by revolution.
millipede([无脊椎] 千足虫;倍足纲节动物(等于millepede)):Any of a class of many-footed arthropods that have a
cylindrical, segmented body with two pairs of legs on each segment, and, unlike centipedes, no poison fangs.
cylindrical, segmented body with two pairs of legs on each segment, and, unlike centipedes, no poison fangs.
millisecond(毫秒;千分之一秒):One thousandth of a second.
semitone(半音程):The tone at a half step.
semicolon(分号):The punctuation mark ; , used chiefly to
separate major sentence elements such as independent clauses.
separate major sentence elements such as independent clauses.
hemiplegia([内科] 偏瘫,半身麻痹,[中医] 半身不遂):Total or partial paralysis of one side of the body
that results from disease of or injury to the motor centers of the brain.
that results from disease of or injury to the motor centers of the brain.
semiconductor([电子][物] 半导体):A solid that conducts electricity
like a metal at high temperatures and insulates like a nonmetal at low
like a metal at high temperatures and insulates like a nonmetal at low
Unit 21-25
Unit 21
subconscious(潜意识的,下意识的;下意识(心理活动),潜意识(心理活动)):Existing in the mind just below the level of
subjugate(征服;使服从;克制):To bring under control and rule as a subject;
conquer, subdue.
conquer, subdue.
subliminal([生理] 阈下的;潜在意识的;微小得难以察觉的;潜意识;阈下意识):Not quite strong enough to be sensed or
perceived consciously.
perceived consciously.
subversion(颠覆;破坏):(1) An attempt to overthrow a government by
working secretly from within. (2) The corrupting of someone or something
by weakening their morals, loyalty, or faith.
working secretly from within. (2) The corrupting of someone or something
by weakening their morals, loyalty, or faith.
HYPER——“above or beyond”
hyperactive(极度活跃的;活动过度的):Excessively active.
hyperbole(夸张的语句;夸张法):Extreme exaggeration.
hypertension(高血压;过度紧张):High blood pressure.
hyperventilate(强力呼吸;换气过度;使强力呼吸):To breathe rapidly and deeply.
PRE——“before”or“in front of”
preclude(排除;妨碍;阻止):To make impossible beforehand; prevent.
precocious(早熟的;过早发育的):Showing the qualities or abilities of an adult at
an unusually early age.
an unusually early age.
predispose(预先处置;使…偏向于):(1) To influence in advance in order to create a
particular attitude. (2) To make one more likely to develop a particular disease or physical condition.
particular attitude. (2) To make one more likely to develop a particular disease or physical condition.
prerequisite(先决条件;首要必备的):Something that is required in advance to
achieve a goal or to carry out a function.
achieve a goal or to carry out a function.
PARA——“beside”or“closely related to”
paraphrase(释义;解释;意译):To restate the meaning (of something written or
spoken) in different words.
spoken) in different words.
paralegal(律师帮办;律师的专职助手;辅助律师业务的):Of, relating to, or being a trained assistant to a
paramedic(护理人员;伞兵军医;伞降医务人员):A specially trained medical technician licensed
to provide a wide range of emergency services before or during transportation to a hospital.
to provide a wide range of emergency services before or during transportation to a hospital.
paramilitary(准军事的;辅助军事的;准军事部队):Relating to a force formed on a military
pattern, especially as a possible backup military force.
pattern, especially as a possible backup military force.
metadata(元数据,诠释数据):Data that provides information about other data.
metaphorical(比喻性的,隐喻性的):Relating to a figure of speech in which a
word or phrase meaning one kind of object or idea is used in place of another
to suggest a similarity between them.
word or phrase meaning one kind of object or idea is used in place of another
to suggest a similarity between them.
metaphysics(玄学,形而上学):The part of philosophy having to do with the
ultimate causes and basic nature of things.
ultimate causes and basic nature of things.
metonymy(转喻):A figure of speech in which the name of one
thing is used for the name of something else that is associated with it or
related to it.
thing is used for the name of something else that is associated with it or
related to it.
percolate(过滤;渗出;浸透;使渗出;使过滤;滤过液;渗出液):(1) To trickle or filter through something porous. (2)
To become spread through.
To become spread through.
pervade(遍及;弥漫):To spread through all parts of something.
permeate(渗透,透过;弥漫;透入;散布):(1) To spread throughout. (2) To pass through the
pores or small openings of.
pores or small openings of.
persevere(坚持;不屈不挠;固执己见(在辩论中)):To keep at something in spite of difficulties,
opposition, or discouragement.
opposition, or discouragement.
antagonist(敌手;[解剖] 对抗肌;[生化] 拮抗物;反协同试剂):A person who opposes or is unfriendly toward
another; an opponent.
another; an opponent.
antigen([免疫] 抗原):A chemical substance (such as a protein) that, when
introduced into the body, causes the body to form antibodies against it.
introduced into the body, causes the body to form antibodies against it.
antipathy(反感;厌恶;憎恶;不相容):A strong dislike.
antithesis(对立面;对照;对仗):(1) The contrast or opposition of ideas. (2) The
exact opposite.
exact opposite.
CONTRA——“against”or“contrary to”
contraband(走私;走私货;战时禁运品(等于contraband of war);禁运的;非法买卖的):Goods that are forbidden by law to be owned
or brought into or out of a country; smuggled goods.
or brought into or out of a country; smuggled goods.
contraindication([医] 禁忌症;禁忌征候):Something (such as a
symptom or condition) that makes a particular treatment, medication, or
procedure likely to be unsafe
symptom or condition) that makes a particular treatment, medication, or
procedure likely to be unsafe
contravene(抵触;违反;反驳;否认):(1) To go against or act contrary to; to violate.
(2) To oppose in an argument, to contradict.
(2) To oppose in an argument, to contradict.
contrarian((尤指股票交易中的)逆向思维者;违反民意的):A person who takes a contrary position or
attitude, especially an investor who buys shares of stock when most others are selling or sells when others are buying.
attitude, especially an investor who buys shares of stock when most others are selling or sells when others are buying.
Greek and Latin Borrowing
in memoriam(悼念;为纪念):In memory of.
magnum opus(代表作;巨著;杰作):A great work, especially the greatest
achievement of an artist, composer, or writer.
achievement of an artist, composer, or writer.
memento mori(死的警告;死的象征):A reminder of mortality, especially a
human skull symbolizing death.
human skull symbolizing death.
habeas corpus(人身保护权;人身保护法):An order to bring a jailed person
before a judge or court to find out if that person should really be in jail.
before a judge or court to find out if that person should really be in jail.
rigor mortis(死后僵直):The temporary rigidity of muscles that sets
in after death.
in after death.
sine qua non((拉)必要条件;要素):An essential thing.
tabula rasa(白板(没有写字的书写板);白纸状的心灵):(1) The mind in its blank or unmarked state
before receiving any impressions from outside. (2) Something existing in its original pure state.
before receiving any impressions from outside. (2) Something existing in its original pure state.
terra incognita(未知领域;未发现的地域):An unexplored country or field of
Unit 22
acerbic(尖刻的(等于acerb);酸的;辛辣的):Sharp or biting in temper, mood, or tone.
acrid((气味)辛辣的,苦的;刻薄的):Unpleasantly sharp and harsh; bitter.
acrimony(辛辣;尖刻;严厉):Harsh or bitter sharpness in words, manner, or
exacerbate(使加剧;使恶化;激怒):To make worse, more violent, or more severe.
STRICT——“to draw tight, bind, or tie”
stricture(狭窄;苛评;非难):(1) A law or rule that limits or controls something;
restriction. (2) A strong criticism.
restriction. (2) A strong criticism.
restrictive(限制的;限制性的;约束的;限制词):(1) Serving or likely to keep within bounds. (2)
Serving or tending to place under limits as to use.
Serving or tending to place under limits as to use.
constrict(压缩;束紧):(1) To draw together or make narrow. (2) To limit.
vasoconstrictor(血管收缩剂;血管收缩神经;血管收缩的):Something such as a nerve fiber or
a drug that narrows a blood vessel.
a drug that narrows a blood vessel.
STRU/STRUCT——“to put together, build, arrange”
deconstruction(解构;拆析):Analysis of texts, works of art, and
cultural patterns that is intended to expose the assumptions on which they are
based, especially by exposing the limitations of language.
cultural patterns that is intended to expose the assumptions on which they are
based, especially by exposing the limitations of language.
infrastructure(基础设施;公共建设;下部构造):(1) The underlying foundation or basic
framework. (2) A system of public works.
framework. (2) A system of public works.
construe(分析;解释;翻译;作文法性的分析):(1) To explain the arrangement and meaning of words
in a sentence. (2) To understand or explain; interpret.
in a sentence. (2) To understand or explain; interpret.
instrumental(乐器的;有帮助的;仪器的,器械的;器乐曲;工具字,工具格):(1) Acting as a means, agent, or tool. (2)
Relating to an instrument, especially a musical instrument.
Relating to an instrument, especially a musical instrument.
proprietary(专卖的,专营的;所有的,所有权的;(行为)像所有者那样的,所有人(似)的;所有权,所有人):(1) Relating to an owner or proprietor; made or sold by one who has the sole right to do so. (2) Privately owned and run as a profit-making organization.
propriety(适当;礼节;得体):(1) The state of being proper; appropriateness. (2)
Acting according to what is socially acceptable, especially in conduct between the sexes.
Acting according to what is socially acceptable, especially in conduct between the sexes.
appropriate(适当的;恰当的;合适的;占用,拨出(专款等)):(1) To take exclusive possession of, often
without right. (2) To set apart for a particular purpose or use.
without right. (2) To set apart for a particular purpose or use.
expropriate(没收,征用;剥夺):(1) To take away the right of possession or
ownership. (2) To transfer to oneself.
ownership. (2) To transfer to oneself.
TORT——“to twist, wind, or wrench”
tort(侵权行为):A wrongful act that does not involve breach of contract and for
which the injured party can receive damages in a civil action.
which the injured party can receive damages in a civil action.
extort(敲诈;侵占;强求;牵强地引出):To obtain from a person by force, threats, or illegal power.
contort(扭曲;曲解):To twist in a violent manner.
tortuous(拐弯抹角的;冗长费解的;弯弯曲曲的,曲折的):(1) Having many twists, bends, or turns; winding.
(2) Crooked or tricky; involved, complex.
(2) Crooked or tricky; involved, complex.
VIV——“to live or be alive”
vivacious(活泼的;快活的;有生气的):Lively in an attractive way.
bon vivant((法)讲究美食及生活享受的人):A sociable person with a love of excellent food
and drink.
and drink.
revivify(使再生,使复活;使振奋精神;复活,再生;振奋精神):To give new life to; bring back to life.
vivisection(活体解剖):Operation on living animals, often for
experimental purposes.
experimental purposes.
SERV——“to be subject to”
serviceable(有用的,可供使用的;耐用的):(1) Helpful or useful. (2) Usable.
servile(奴隶的;奴性的;卑屈的;卑屈的):(1) Suitable to a servant. (2) Humbly submissive.
servitude(劳役,奴役;地役权;奴隶状态):A state or condition of slavery or bondage to
subservient(屈从的;奉承的;有用的;有帮助的):(1) Serving or useful in an inferior situation
or capacity. (2) Slavishly obedient.
or capacity. (2) Slavishly obedient.
CLUS——“to close”
occlusion(闭塞;吸收;锢囚锋):An obstruction or blockage; the act of obstructing
or closing off.
or closing off.
exclusive(独有的;排外的;专一的;独家新闻;独家经营的项目;排外者):(1) Not shared; available to only one person or
group, especially those from a high social class. (2) Full and complete.
group, especially those from a high social class. (2) Full and complete.
recluse(隐士;隐居者;隐居的):A person who lives withdrawn from society.
seclusion(隐居;与世隔绝的地方):(1) A screening or hiding from view. (2) A place
that is isolated or hidden.
that is isolated or hidden.
Greek and Latin Borrowings
acme(顶点,极点,最高点):Highest point; summit, peak.
catharsis([医] 泻法,导泻;净化;精神发泄):A cleansing or purification of the body, emotions,
or spirit.
or spirit.
colossus(巨像;巨人;巨大的东西):(1) A gigantic statue. (2) A person or thing that
resembles such a statue in size or activity or influence.
resembles such a statue in size or activity or influence.
detritus(碎石,[地质] 岩屑):Loose material that results from disintegration; debris.
hoi polloi(民众;大众):The general population; the masses.
kudos(荣誉;名望;称赞):(1) Fame and renown that result from an achievement;
prestige. (2) Praise.
prestige. (2) Praise.
onus(责任,义务;负担):A disagreeable necessity or obligation; responsibility.
stigma([植] 柱头;耻辱;污名;烙印;特征):A mark of shame: stain.
Unit 23
TEXT——“to weave”
textual(本文的;按原文的):Having to do with or based on a text.
context(环境;上下文;来龙去脉):(1) The surrounding spoken or written material in
which a word or remark occurs. (2) The conditions or circumstances in which
an event occurs; environment or setting.
which a word or remark occurs. (2) The conditions or circumstances in which
an event occurs; environment or setting.
hypertext([计] 超文本(含有指向其它文本文件链接的文本)):A database format in which information related to
that on a display screen can be accessed directly from the screen (as by a mouse click).
that on a display screen can be accessed directly from the screen (as by a mouse click).
subtext(潜台词;潜在的意思;潜在的性格):The underlying meaning of a spoken or written
PLAC——“to please or be agreeable to”
placate(抚慰;怀柔;使和解):To calm the anger or bitterness of someone.
placebo((无效果的或给无实际治疗需要者的)安慰剂;(试验药效用的)无效对照剂;<喻>安慰措施;为死者所诵的晚祷词):A harmless substance given to a patient in place of genuine medication, either for experimental purposes or to soothe the patient.
placidity(平稳;安静;温和):Serene freedom from interruption or disturbance;
implacable(不能安抚的;难和解的;不能缓和的):Not capable of being pleased, satisfied, or
automaton(自动机;机器人;自动机器):(1) An automatic machine, especially a robot. (2)
An individual who acts mechanically.
An individual who acts mechanically.
autoimmune(自身免疫的;自体免疫的):Of, relating to, or caused by antibodies that
attack molecules, cells, or tissues of the organism producing them.
attack molecules, cells, or tissues of the organism producing them.
autonomy(自治,自治权):(1) The power or right of self-government. (2)
Self-directing freedom, especially moral independence.
Self-directing freedom, especially moral independence.
autism(孤独症,自闭症;臆想):A condition that begins in childhood and causes
problems in forming social relationships and in communicating with others
and includes behavior in which certain activities are constantly repeated.
problems in forming social relationships and in communicating with others
and includes behavior in which certain activities are constantly repeated.
GRAT——“pleasing, welcome, or agreeable”
“grace, agreeableness, or pleasantness”
“grace, agreeableness, or pleasantness”
gratify(使满足;使满意,使高兴):(1) To be a source of pleasure or satisfaction; give
pleasure or satisfaction to. (2) To give in to; indulge or satisfy.
pleasure or satisfaction to. (2) To give in to; indulge or satisfy.
gratuity(赏钱,小费;赠物;[劳经] 退职金):Something, especially a tip, given freely.
gratuitous(无理由的,无端的;免费的):Not called for by the circumstances.
ingratiate(使迎合;使讨好;使逢迎):To gain favor or acceptance by making a
deliberate effort.
deliberate effort.
CLAM/CLAIM——“to shout or cry out”
clamor(喧闹,叫嚷;大声的要求;喧嚷,发喧嚣声;持续地喊声;喧嚷着说出):(1) Noisy shouting; loud, continuous noise. (2) Strong and
active protest or demand.
active protest or demand.
acclamation(欢呼,喝彩;鼓掌欢呼表示通过):(1) A loud, eager indication of approval,
praise, or agreement. (2) An overwhelming yes vote by cheers, shouts, or applause.
praise, or agreement. (2) An overwhelming yes vote by cheers, shouts, or applause.
declaim(慷慨陈词;演讲;朗读;慷慨激昂地发表):To speak in the formal manner of someone delivering a
proclaim(宣告,公布;声明;表明;赞扬):To declare or announce publicly, officially, or
aristocrat(贵族):The highest social class in a country, usually
because of birth and wealth.
because of birth and wealth.
autocratic(专制的;独裁的,专横的):(1) Having to do with a form of government in
which one person rules. (2) Resembling the ruler of such a government.
which one person rules. (2) Resembling the ruler of such a government.
bureaucrat(官僚;官僚主义者):(1) An appointed government official. (2) An
official of a government or system that is marked by fixed and complex rules
that often result in long delays.
official of a government or system that is marked by fixed and complex rules
that often result in long delays.
plutocracy(富豪统治,富豪统治集团):(1) Government by the wealthy. (2) A
controlling class of wealthy people.
controlling class of wealthy people.
punctilious(一丝不苟的;精密细心的;拘泥形式的):Very careful about the details of codes or
punctual(准时的,守时的;精确的):Being on time; prompt.
compunction(悔恨,后悔;内疚):(1) Anxiety caused by guilt. (2) A slight
acupuncture((中医)针刺疗法,针灸;对……施行针刺疗法):A method of relieving pain or curing
illness by inserting fine needles through the skin at specific points.
illness by inserting fine needles through the skin at specific points.
potential(潜在的,可能的;势的;潜能,可能性;电势):(1) The possibility that something will happen in
the future. (2) A cause for hope.
the future. (2) A cause for hope.
impotent(无力的;无效的;虚弱的;阳萎的):Lacking power or strength.
plenipotentiary(全权代表的;有全权的;全权代表;全权大使):A person, such as a diplomat,
who has complete power to do business for a government.
who has complete power to do business for a government.
potentate(统治者,君主;有权势的人):A powerful ruler.
Greek and Latin Borrowings
ambrosia(特别美味的食物;神的食物):(1) The food of the Greek and Roman gods. (2)
Something extremely pleasant to taste or smell.
Something extremely pleasant to taste or smell.
dogma(教条,教理;武断的意见):(1) Something treated as established and accepted
opinion. (2) A principle or set of principles taught by a religious organization.
opinion. (2) A principle or set of principles taught by a religious organization.
gratis(免费地,无偿地;免费的,无偿的):Without charge; free.
eureka(我发现了,我找到了):An exclamation used to express triumph and delight on a
per se
per se(本身,自身):By, of, or in itself; as such.
opus(作品):A creative work, especially a musical composition or set of
compositions numbered in order of publication.
compositions numbered in order of publication.
impetus(动力;促进;冲力;动量):(1) A driving force or impulse; something that makes a
person try or work hard; incentive. (2) Momentum
person try or work hard; incentive. (2) Momentum
thesis(论文;论点):(1) An opinion or proposition that a person presents and
tries to prove by argument. (2) An extended paper that contains the results of
original research, especially one written by a candidate for an academic
tries to prove by argument. (2) An extended paper that contains the results of
original research, especially one written by a candidate for an academic
Unit 24
mandate(授权;命令,指令;委托管理;受命进行的工作;托管):(1) A formal command. (2) Permission to act, given
by the people to their representatives.
by the people to their representatives.
commandeer(征用;霸占,没收;强取):To take possession of something by force,
especially for military purposes.
especially for military purposes.
remand(送还,遣回;还押;还押候审):(1) To order a case sent back to another court or agency
for further action. (2) To send a prisoner back into custody to await further trial or sentencing.
for further action. (2) To send a prisoner back into custody to await further trial or sentencing.
UND——“wave”“to rise in waves”
undulant(波状的;起伏的,波浪形的):(1) Rising and falling in waves. (2) Wavy in form,
outline, or surface.
outline, or surface.
inundate(淹没;泛滥;浸水;(洪水般的)扑来):(1) To cover with a flood or overflow. (2) To
redound(有助于,提高,改进(印象,声誉);产生反作用,报应;增添,累积,上升):(1) To have an effect for good or bad. (2) To rebound
or reflect.
or reflect.
redundancy([计][数] 冗余(等于redundance);裁员;人浮于事):(1) The state of being extra or unnecessary.
(2) Needless repetition.
(2) Needless repetition.
sanction(制裁,处罚;认可;支持;批准;鼓励):To give approval to.
sanctimonious(假装虔诚的;假装圣洁的;假装诚实的):Pretending to be more religiously
observant or morally better than other people.
observant or morally better than other people.
sacrosanct(神圣不可侵犯的;极神圣的):(1) Most sacred or holy. (2) Treated as if holy
and therefore immune from criticism or disturbance of any kind.
and therefore immune from criticism or disturbance of any kind.
sanctuary(避难所;至圣所;耶路撒冷的神殿):(1) A holy place, such as a church or temple,
or the most holy part of one. (2) A place of safety, refuge, and protection.
or the most holy part of one. (2) A place of safety, refuge, and protection.
LOQU——“to talk”
colloquium(讨论会;专题座谈会):A conference in which various speakers take
turns lecturing on a subject and then answering questions about it.
turns lecturing on a subject and then answering questions about it.
soliloquy(独白;自言自语):A dramatic speech that represents a series of
unspoken thoughts.
unspoken thoughts.
colloquial(白话的;通俗的;口语体的):Conversational in style.
loquacious(饶舌的,多话的):Apt to talk too much; talkative.
virility(男子气;男子特点;生殖力):Energetic, vigorous manhood; masculinity.
triumvirate(三人领导小组;三人统治集团;三方执政集团):(1) A commission or government of three. (2)
A group or association of three.
A group or association of three.
virago(泼妇;悍妇;有男子气概的女子):A loud, bad-tempered, overbearing woman.
virtuosity(精湛技巧;对艺术品的爱好;艺术爱好者):Great technical skill, especially in the
practice of a fine art.
practice of a fine art.
valor(英勇;勇猛(等于valour)):Personal bravery in the face of danger.
equivalent((在价值、数量等方面)相等的;等价的;等效的;等量的;同意义的;对等的人(或事物);当量):(1) Equal in force, amount, value, area, or volume. (2) Similar or virtually identical in effect or function.
prevalent(流行的;普遍的,广传的):Widely accepted, favored, or practiced;
validate(证实,验证;确认;使生效):(1) To make legally valid; give official approval to. (2)
To support or confirm the validity of.
To support or confirm the validity of.
CRE/CRET——“to come into being”“to grow”
crescent(新月;新月状物;伊斯兰教的标记;土耳其的新月形国徽;新月形的;逐渐增加的;以新月形物装饰;使成新月形):(1) The moon between the new moon and first quarter, and between the last quarter and the next new moon. (2) Anything shaped like the crescent moon.
accretion(积聚层,冲积层;加,积聚(过程);积淀物,增加物;吸积):(1) Growth or enlargement by gradual buildup. (2)
A product of such buildup.
A product of such buildup.
excrescence(赘生物;瘤;赘疣;多余的东西):(1) A projection of growth, especially when
abnormal. (2) A disfiguring, unnecessary, or unwanted mark or part.
abnormal. (2) A disfiguring, unnecessary, or unwanted mark or part.
increment([数] 增量;增加;增额;盈余):(1) Something gained or added, especially as one
of a series of regular additions or as a tiny increase in amount. (2) The
amount or extent of change, especially the positive or negative change in
value of one or more variables.
of a series of regular additions or as a tiny increase in amount. (2) The
amount or extent of change, especially the positive or negative change in
value of one or more variables.
FUS——“to pour out”or“to melt”
transfusion([临床] 输血;[临床] 输液;倾注;灌输):(1) The process of transferring a fluid and
especially blood into a blood vessel. (2) Something transfused.
especially blood into a blood vessel. (2) Something transfused.
effusive(流露感激之情的;(火山岩)喷发的;(岩浆)大量喷发的):(1) Given to excessive display of feeling. (2) Freely
profusion(丰富,充沛;慷慨):Great abundance.
suffuse(充满;弥漫):To spread over or fill something, as if by fluid or light.
Greek and Latin Borrowings
apologia(辩解书;辩解文;辩解):A defense, especially of one's own ideas, opinions,
or actions.
or actions.
atrium(中庭,天井前厅;[解剖] 心房):(1) An open rectangular patio around which a house is
built. (2) A court with a skylight in a many-storied building.
built. (2) A court with a skylight in a many-storied building.
oligarchy(寡头政治):A government in which power is in the hands of a
small group.
small group.
encomium(赞美,称赞;赞辞):Glowing, enthusiastic praise, or an expression
of such praise.
of such praise.
neurosis([心理] 神经症;神经衰弱症):A mental and emotional disorder that is less severe
than a psychosis and may involve various pains, anxieties, or phobias.
than a psychosis and may involve various pains, anxieties, or phobias.
opprobrium(耻辱,不名誉;责骂,咒骂):(1) Something that brings disgrace. (2) A
public disgrace that results from conduct considered wrong or bad.
public disgrace that results from conduct considered wrong or bad.
referendum(公民投票;外交官请示书):(1) The referring of legislative measures to
the voters for approval or rejection. (2) A vote on such a measure.
the voters for approval or rejection. (2) A vote on such a measure.
ultimatum(最后通牒;最后结论;基本原理):A final proposal, condition, or demand,
especially one whose rejection will result in forceful action.
especially one whose rejection will result in forceful action.
Unit 25
verbose(冗长的;啰嗦的):Using more words than are needed; wordy.
proverb(谚语,格言;众所周知的人或事):A brief, often-repeated statement that expresses a
general truth or common observation.
general truth or common observation.
verbatim(一字不差地,逐字地;一字不差的,逐字的):In the exact words; word for word.
verbiage(冗词;废话;措辞方式):An excess of words, often with little content;
SIMIL/SIMUL——“like, resembling, similar”
simile(明喻;直喻):A figure of speech, introduced by as or like, that makes a
point of comparison between two things different in all other respects.
point of comparison between two things different in all other respects.
assimilate(吸收;使同化;把…比作;使相似;同化):(1) To take in and thoroughly understand. (2) To
cause to become part of a different society or culture.
cause to become part of a different society or culture.
simulacrum(像;幻影;影):A copy, especially a superficial likeness or
simulate(模仿;假装;冒充;模仿的;假装的):(1) To take on the appearance or effect of something,
often in order to deceive. (2) To make a realistic imitation of something, such as a physical environment.
often in order to deceive. (2) To make a realistic imitation of something, such as a physical environment.
SCEND——“to climb”
transcend(胜过,超越):To rise above the limits of; overcome, surpass.
condescend(屈尊;俯就;(对某人)表现出优越感):(1) To stoop to a level of lesser importance or
dignity. (2) To behave as if superior.
dignity. (2) To behave as if superior.
descendant(后裔,子孙;(由过去类似物发展来的)派生物;(机器等)后继型产品;下降的;祖传的):(1) One that has come down from another or from a common stock. (2) One deriving directly from a forerunner or original.
ascendancy(优势;支配地位(等于ascendency,ascendence)):Governing or controlling interest; domination.
ONYM——“name, word”
antonym([语] 反义词):A word that means the opposite of some other word.
eponymous((书、戏剧等中的人物)与作品同名的;以……的名字命名的):Of, relating to, or being the person for whom
something is named.
something is named.
patronymic(源于父亲(或父系)的姓或名字;取自教父名的;源于父名的;表示父名的):Part of a personal name based on the name of
one's father or one of his ancestors.
one's father or one of his ancestors.
pseudonym(笔名;假名):A name that someone (such as a writer) uses
instead of his or her real name.
instead of his or her real name.
SCRIB/SCRIP——“to write”
conscription(征兵;征兵制度;征用):Enforced enlistment of persons, especially
for military service; draft.
for military service; draft.
circumscribe(约束,限定;在……上画圈;包围;(几何学)外接):(1) To clearly limit the range or activity of
something. (2) To draw a line around or to surround with a boundary.
something. (2) To draw a line around or to surround with a boundary.
inscription(题词;铭文;刻印):(1) Something permanently written, engraved,
or printed, particularly on a building, coin, medal, or piece of currency. (2)
The dedication of a book or work of art.
or printed, particularly on a building, coin, medal, or piece of currency. (2)
The dedication of a book or work of art.
proscribe(剥夺……的公权;禁止):To forbid as harmful or unlawful; prohibit.
FALL——“to deceive”
fallacy(谬论,谬误):A wrong belief; a false or mistaken idea.
fallacious(谬误的;骗人的;靠不住的;不合理的):Containing a mistake; not true or accurate.
fallibility(易误;不可靠;出错性):Capability of making mistakes or being wrong.
infallible(绝对可靠的;绝无错误的;永远正确的人;绝无谬误的事物):(1) Not capable of being wrong or making mistakes.
(2) Certain to work properly or succeed.
(2) Certain to work properly or succeed.
SOLU——“to loosen, free, release”
soluble([化学] 可溶的,可溶解的;可解决的):(1) Able to be dissolved in a liquid, especially water.
(2) Able to be solved or explained.
(2) Able to be solved or explained.
absolution(赦免;免罪):The act of forgiving someone for their sins.
dissolution(分解,溶解;(议会等的)解散;(契约等的)解除;死亡):The act or process of breaking down or apart
into basic components, as through disruption or decay.
into basic components, as through disruption or decay.
resolute(坚决的;果断的):Marked by firm determination.
hydraulic(液压的;水力的;水力学的):(1) Relating to water; operated, moved, or brought
about by means of water. (2) Operated by the resistance or pressure of liquid
forced through a small opening or tube.
about by means of water. (2) Operated by the resistance or pressure of liquid
forced through a small opening or tube.
dehydrate(使…脱水;使极其口渴;使丧失力量和兴趣等;脱水;去水):(1) To remove water from. (2) To deprive of energy
and zest.
and zest.
hydroelectric(水力发电的;水电治疗的):Having to do with the production of
electricity by waterpower.
electricity by waterpower.
hydroponics(水栽培,水耕法;[植] 溶液培养学):水栽培,水耕法;[植] 溶液培养学
Greek and Latin Borrowings
aegis(保护;庇护;支持;赞助):(1) Something that protects or defends; shield. (2) Sponsorship
or guidance by an individual or organization.
or guidance by an individual or organization.
charisma(魅力;神授的能力;非凡的领导力):(1) An extraordinary gift for leadership that attracts
popular support and enthusiasm. (2) A special ability to attract or charm; magnetism.
popular support and enthusiasm. (2) A special ability to attract or charm; magnetism.
ego(自我;自负;自我意识):(1) A sense of confidence and satisfaction in oneself; self-esteem.
(2) An exaggerated sense of self-importance.
(2) An exaggerated sense of self-importance.
ethos(民族精神;气质;社会思潮):The features, attitudes, moral code, or basic beliefs that
define a person, a group, or an institution.
define a person, a group, or an institution.
hubris(傲慢;狂妄自大):Unreasonable or unjustified pride or self-confidence.
id(遗传素质;本能冲动):The part of a person's unconscious mind that relates to basic needs
and desires.
and desires.
libido(性欲;生命力):(1) Sexual drive. (2) In psychoanalytic theory, energy that
is derived from primitive biological urges and is usually goal-oriented.
is derived from primitive biological urges and is usually goal-oriented.
trauma([外科] 创伤(由心理创伤造成精神上的异常);外伤):(1) A serious injury to the body. (2) An abnormal
psychological state caused by mental or emotional stress or physical injury.
psychological state caused by mental or emotional stress or physical injury.
Unit 26-30
Unit 26
muralist(壁画家):A painter of wall paintings.
intramural(校内的;内部的;城市内的):Existing or occurring within the bounds of an
institution, especially a school.
institution, especially a school.
extramural(市外的;校际比赛的;单位以外的):Existing outside or beyond the walls or
boundaries of an organized unit such as a school or hospital.
boundaries of an organized unit such as a school or hospital.
immure(把……嵌在墙上;监禁,禁闭):To enclose within, or as if within, walls; imprison.
politic((行动)明智的,讲策略的;(人)谨慎的,精明的;从事政治活动):(1) Cleverly tactful. (2) Wise in promoting a plan or plan
of action.
of action.
politicize(使具有政治性;参与政治):To give a political tone or character to.
acropolis((古希腊都城的)卫城;城堡):The high, fortified part of a city, especially an
ancient Greek city.
ancient Greek city.
megalopolis(特大都市;人口稠密地带):(1) A very large city. (2) A thickly
populated area that includes one or more cities with the surrounding suburbs.
populated area that includes one or more cities with the surrounding suburbs.
NUMBER——“number”“to count”
numerology(命理学;数字命理学):The study of the occult significance of
alphanumeric([计] 字母数字的):Having or using both letters and numbers.
enumerate(列举;枚举;计算):To specify one after another; list.
supernumerary(多余的,过剩的,额外的;后备的;定额以外的人或物;(临时雇佣的)跑龙套演员):Exceeding the usual number.
kilobyte([计] 千字节,1024字节):A unit of computer information equal to 1,024 bytes.
kilometer(公里;千米(同 kilometre)):A unit of length equal to 1,000 meters.
kilohertz([物] 千赫):A unit of frequency equal to 1,000 cycles per
kilogram(公斤;千克):A unit of weight equal to 1,000 grams.
microbe(细菌,微生物):An organism (such as a bacterium) of microscopic or
less than microscopic size.
less than microscopic size.
microbiologist(微生物学家):A scientist who studies extremely
small forms of life, such as bacteria and viruses.
small forms of life, such as bacteria and viruses.
microbrew(微酿啤酒;小厂啤酒):A beer made by a brewery that makes beer in
small amounts.
small amounts.
microclimate([农][气候] 小气候,[气候] 微气候(指森林、城市、洞穴等局部地区的气候)):The essentially uniform local climate of a
small site or habitat.
small site or habitat.
multicellular([生物] 多细胞的;多空隙的):Consisting of many cells.
multidisciplinary((涉及)多门学科的,有关各种学问的,多专业的):Involving two or more
subject areas.
subject areas.
multifarious(多种的;各式各样的;多方面的;多样性的):Having or occurring in great variety;
multilateral([数] 多边的;多国的,多国参加的):Involving more than two nations or parties.
disparity(不同;不一致;不等):A noticeable and often unfair difference between
people or things.
people or things.
nonpareil(无可匹敌的人;极品;无比的):Someone or something of unequaled excellence.
subpar(低于标准的;在平均水平以下的;次佳的):Below a usual or normal level.
acrophobic(恐高症,高处恐怖症):Fearful of heights.
agoraphobia(旷野恐怖;[心理] 广场恐怖症;陌生环境恐怖症):A fear of being in embarrassing or
inescapable situations, especially in open or public places.
inescapable situations, especially in open or public places.
xenophobe(仇外;害怕生人者;畏惧和憎恨外国人的人):One who has a fear or hatred of strangers or
arachnophobia(蜘蛛恐惧症):Having a fear or dislike of spiders.
Medical Words
hemorrhage([病理] 出血(等于haemorrhage);番茄汁):(1) A large loss of blood from a blood vessel. (2) A
rapid and uncontrollable loss or outflow.
rapid and uncontrollable loss or outflow.
hematology([基医] 血液学):The study of blood and blood-forming
hemophilia([内科] 血友病(等于haemophilia)):A bleeding disorder caused by the blood's
inability to coagulate.
inability to coagulate.
hemoglobin([生化] 血红蛋白(等于haemoglobin);血红素):The element in blood that transports oxygen
from the lungs to the body's tissues and transports carbon dioxide from the tissues back to the lungs.
from the lungs to the body's tissues and transports carbon dioxide from the tissues back to the lungs.
bursitis(黏液囊炎;[外科] 粘液囊炎):Inflammation of a lubricating sac (bursa), especially of
the shoulder or elbow.
the shoulder or elbow.
hepatitis(肝炎):Inflammation of the liver.
bronchitis([内科] 支气管炎):Inflammation of the bronchial tubes.
tendinitis(腱炎):A painful condition in which a tendon in the arm
or leg becomes inflamed.
or leg becomes inflamed.
Unit 27
nanotechnology(纳米技术):The science of manipulating
materials on an atomic or molecular scale, especially to build microscopic
devices such as robots.
materials on an atomic or molecular scale, especially to build microscopic
devices such as robots.
nanosecond(纳秒;十亿分之一秒):One billionth of a second.
nanostructure(奈米结构):An arrangement, structure, or part of
something of molecular dimensions.
something of molecular dimensions.
nanoparticle(纳米颗粒;毫微粒):A tiny particle whose size is measured in
billionths of a meter.
billionths of a meter.
SUPER——“over, higher, more than”
superfluous(多余的;不必要的;奢侈的):Beyond what is needed; extra.
insuperable(不能克服的;无敌的):Incapable of being solved or overcome.
supersede(取代,代替;紧接着……而到来;推迟行动):To take the place of; to replace with something
newer or more useful.
newer or more useful.
superlative(最高的;最高级的;过度的;最高级;最好的人;最高程度;夸大话):Supreme, excellent.
DE——“down, away”
debase(降低;使…贬值;掺杂):To lower the value or reputation of someone or something.
defamation(诽谤;中伤):The harming of someone's reputation by
libel or slander.
libel or slander.
degenerative((疾病)恶化的,变性的;退化的,变坏的):Causing the body or part of the body to
become weaker or less able to function as time passes.
become weaker or less able to function as time passes.
dejection(沮丧;粪便):Sadness, depression, or lowness of spirits.
null(无效的,无价值的;等于零的;零,[数] 空):(1) Having no legal power; invalid. (2) Having no elements.
nullity(无效;无价值的事物或人;[数] 零度;退化阶数):(1) Nothingness. (2) A mere nothing.
nullify(使无效,作废;取消):(1) To cancel legally. (2) To cause something to lose its
value or to have no effect.
value or to have no effect.
annulment(取消;废除):An official statement that something is no longer
armada((西班牙的)无敌舰队):A large group of warships or boats.
armistice(停战,休战;休战协议):An agreement to stop fighting a war; a truce.
armory(军械库;兵工厂(同 armoury)):A place where weapons are made or stored.
disarming(使解除警戒心的;使人消气的;解除武装;使息怒(disarm的现在分词)):Tending to remove any feelings of unfriendliness or
SURG——“to rise,spring up”
upsurge(高潮,高涨;涌起):A rapid or sudden increase or rise.
insurgency(叛乱;暴动;叛乱状态):A usually violent attempt to take control of a
government; a rebellion or uprising.
government; a rebellion or uprising.
counterinsurgent(反暴动战士;反暴动战士的):A person taking military or
political action against guerrillas or revolutionaries.
political action against guerrillas or revolutionaries.
resurgent(复活的;复苏的;复活者):Rising again into life, activity, or prominence.
stratum((组织的)层;[地质] 地层;社会阶层):(1) A layer of a substance, especially one of a series of
layers. (2) A level of society made up of people of the same rank or position.
layers. (2) A level of society made up of people of the same rank or position.
stratification(层理;成层):The process or state of being formed,
deposited, or arranged in layers.
deposited, or arranged in layers.
substrate(基质;基片;底层(等于substratum);酶作用物):(1) An underlying layer. (2) The base on which an
organism lives.
organism lives.
stratocumulus([气象] 层积云):A low-lying cloud formation appearing as extensive and often dark horizontal layers, with tops rounded into large balls or rolls.
lateral(侧面的,横向的;侧部;[语] 边音;横向传球):Of or relating to the side.
bilateral(双边的;有两边的):Involving two groups or countries.
collateral(抵押品,担保品;旁系亲属;附属的;旁系的;并行的):(1) Associated but of secondary importance. (2)
Related but not in a direct or close way.
Related but not in a direct or close way.
equilateral(等边的;等面的;等边形):Having all sides or faces equal.
appendectomy([外科] 阑尾切除术):Surgical removal of the human
gastrectomy([外科] 胃切除术):Surgical removal of all or part of the
tonsillectomy([耳鼻喉] 扁桃腺切除术):Surgical removal of the tonsils.
mastectomy([外科] 乳房切除术):Surgical removal of all or part of the breast.
iatrogenic(医源性的;因医生的治疗而引起的):Caused accidentally by medical treatment.
bariatric(肥胖症治疗学):Relating to or specializing in the treatment of
geriatric(老人的;老年医学的;老年病人;衰老老人):Of or relating to old people.
podiatrist(足病医生):A doctor who treats injuries and diseases of the
Unit 28
median(中值的,中间的;中位数的;在中央的,通过中点的;中值,中位数;(三角形的)中线;梯形中位线):In the middle; especially, having a value that is in the middle of a series of values arranged from smallest to largest.
mediate(调解;斡旋;居中;调停;传达;间接的;居间的):(1) To work with opposing sides in an argument or
dispute in order to get an agreement. (2) To achieve a settlement or agreement by working with the opposing sides.
dispute in order to get an agreement. (2) To achieve a settlement or agreement by working with the opposing sides.
intermediary(中间的;媒介的;中途的;中间人;仲裁者;调解者;媒介物):A person who works with opposing
sides in a dispute in order to bring about an agreement.
sides in a dispute in order to bring about an agreement.
mediocrity(平庸之才;平常):The quality of being not very good.
rhomboid(长斜方形,长菱形;[数] 长斜方形的;长菱形的):In geometry, a shape with four sides where only the
opposite sides and angles are equal.
opposite sides and angles are equal.
deltoid(三角肌;三角形的):A large muscle of the shoulder.
dendroid(树状的):Resembling a tree in form.
humanoid(像人的;类人动物):Looking or acting like a human.
SCOP——“to look at”
endoscope([临床] 内窥镜;内诊镜):A lighted tubular medical instrument for viewing
the interior or a hollow organ or body part that typically has one or more channels to permit passage of surgical instruments.
the interior or a hollow organ or body part that typically has one or more channels to permit passage of surgical instruments.
arthroscopic(关节镜):Relating to a fiber-optic instrument that is
inserted through an incision near a joint to examine the joint's interior.
inserted through an incision near a joint to examine the joint's interior.
laparoscopy(腹腔镜检查,内视镜检查):Examination of the interior of the
abdomen using a fiber-optic instrument inserted through a cut in the abdomen's wall.
abdomen using a fiber-optic instrument inserted through a cut in the abdomen's wall.
oscilloscope([电子] 示波器;示波镜):An instrument that shows visual images of
changing electrical current on a screen.
changing electrical current on a screen.
TRANS——“through,across,or beyond”
transient(短暂的;路过的;瞬变现象;过往旅客;候鸟):(1) Not lasting long; short-lived. (2) Passing
through a place and staying only briefly.
through a place and staying only briefly.
transfiguration(变形;变容;变貌):A change in form or appearance;
a glorifying spiritual change.
a glorifying spiritual change.
transponder(异频雷达收发机,(发射机)应答器,转发器):A radio or radar set that emits a radio signal
after receiving such a signal.
after receiving such a signal.
transcendent(卓越的;超常的;出类拔萃的;卓越的人;超绝物):(1) Exceeding or rising above usual limits;
supreme. (2) Beyond comprehension; beyond ordinary experience or material existence.
supreme. (2) Beyond comprehension; beyond ordinary experience or material existence.
proactive(前摄的(前一活动中的因素对后一活动造成影响的);有前瞻性的,先行一步的;积极主动的):Acting in anticipation of future problems, needs, or changes.
pro bono(无偿的;为了公益;为慈善机构和穷人提供的免费专业服务):Being, involved in, or doing professional work, and
especially legal work, donated for the public good.
especially legal work, donated for the public good.
proponent(支持者;建议者;提出认证遗嘱者):One who argues in favor of something: advocate.
pro forma((拉)形式上的;估计的):Done or existing as something that is required but
that has little true meaning or importance.
that has little true meaning or importance.
PRO——“before,in front of”
protrude(伸出,突出;(动物)使(身体部位)突出):To jut out from the surrounding surface or context.
prophylaxis([医] 预防;预防法):Measures designed to preserve health and prevent the spread of disease.
promulgate(公布;传播;发表):(1) To proclaim or make public. (2) To put (a law) into effect.
prologue(开场白;序言;加上…前言;为…作序):(1) An introduction to a literary work. (2) An
introductory event or development.
introductory event or development.
remorse(懊悔;同情):A deep regret arising from a sense of guilt for past
reiterate(重申;反复地做):To state or do over again or repeatedly.
rejuvenate(使年轻;使更新;使恢复精神;使复原;复原;变年轻):To make young or youthful again; to give new
vigor to.
vigor to.
reconcile(使一致;使和解;调停,调解;使顺从):(1) To make agree. (2) To make friendly again.
reciprocal(互惠的;相互的;倒数的,彼此相反的;[数] 倒数;互相起作用的事物):(1) Done, given, or felt equally by both sides. (2)
Related to each other in such a way that one completes the other or is the equal of the other.
Related to each other in such a way that one completes the other or is the equal of the other.
revoke(撤回,取消;废除;有牌不跟):To officially cancel the power or effect of something (such
as a law, order, or privilege).
as a law, order, or privilege).
regress(逆行,倒退;复归;回归;退回;使…倒退):To return to an earlier and usually worse or less developed
condition or state.
condition or state.
dermal(真皮的;皮肤的):Relating to the skin and especially to the dermis.
epidermis(上皮,表皮):The outer layer of the skin.
taxidermist(动物标本剥制者;剥制师):One who prepares, stuffs, and mounts the
skins of dead animals.
skins of dead animals.
dermatitis([皮肤] 皮炎;皮肤炎):Inflammation of the skin.
endocrine(内分泌(腺)的;内分泌;内分泌腺;内分泌物;激素):(1) A hormone. (2) Any of several glands (such as
the thyroid) that pour their secretions directly into the blood or lymph.
the thyroid) that pour their secretions directly into the blood or lymph.
endodontic(牙髓学的):Relating to a branch of dentistry that deals
with the pulp of the teeth.
with the pulp of the teeth.
endogenous([生物] 内生的;内因性的):Developing or originating within a cell, organ,
body, or system.
body, or system.
endorphin(内啡肽(有镇痛作用的内分泌激素)):Any of a group of proteins in the brain that are
able to relieve pain.
able to relieve pain.
Unit 29
NECRO——“dead body”
necrosis(坏死;坏疽;骨疽):Death of living tissue, usually within a limited area.
necromancer(巫师):One who conjures the spirits of the dead
in order to magically reveal the future or influence the course of events.
in order to magically reveal the future or influence the course of events.
necropolis(大墓地;史前时期的坟场):A cemetery, especially a large, elaborate
cemetery of an ancient city.
cemetery of an ancient city.
necropsy(验尸;尸体剖检):An autopsy, especially one performed on an
PALEO——“ancient”“older than old”
Paleolithic(旧石器时代的):Of or relating to the earliest period of the Stone
Age, characterized by rough or chipped stone implements.
Age, characterized by rough or chipped stone implements.
paleography(古文书,古文书学;古字体):(1) The study of ancient writings and
inscriptions. (2) Ancient writings.
inscriptions. (2) Ancient writings.
paleontology(古生物学):A science dealing with the life of past
geological periods as known from fossil remains.
geological periods as known from fossil remains.
Paleozoic(古生代的):The era of geological history, ending about 248
million years ago, in which vertebrates and land plants first appeared.
million years ago, in which vertebrates and land plants first appeared.
circuitous(迂曲的;绕行的;迂回线路的):(1) Having a circular or winding course. (2) Not
forthright or direct in action.
forthright or direct in action.
circumference(圆周;周长;胸围):(1) The perimeter or boundary of a circle.
(2) The outer boundary or surface of a shape or object.
(2) The outer boundary or surface of a shape or object.
circumspect(小心谨慎的,考虑周到的,慎重的):Careful to consider all circumstances and
possible consequences; cautious.
possible consequences; cautious.
circumvent(包围;智取;绕行,规避):(1) To make a circuit around. (2) To manage
to get around, especially by clever means.
to get around, especially by clever means.
minimalism(极简派艺术;最低纲领;极保守行动):A style or technique (as in music,
literature, or design) that is characterized by extreme spareness and simplicity.
literature, or design) that is characterized by extreme spareness and simplicity.
minuscule(极小的;(字母)小写;微不足道的(非正式);小写字体;小写字母):Very small.
minutiae(微小;不重要的细节(minutia的复数)):Very small or minor details.
diminutive(小的,小型的,微小的;爱称;指小词;身材极小的人):(1) Indicating small size. (2) Very small.
intercede(调解,调停;求情,说项):(1) To act as a go-between between unfriendly
parties. (2) To beg or plead in behalf of another.
parties. (2) To beg or plead in behalf of another.
interstice([建] 裂缝;空隙):A little space between two things; chink, crevice.
interdict((法庭)禁令;(天主教)禁罚;阻断,封锁;禁止):(1) To prohibit or forbid. (2) To destroy, damage, or
cut off (as an enemy line of supply) by firepower to stop or hamper an enemy.
cut off (as an enemy line of supply) by firepower to stop or hamper an enemy.
interpolate(篡改;插入新语句):To put something between other things or parts,
especially to put words into a piece of writing or a conversation.
especially to put words into a piece of writing or a conversation.
SUR——“over, above”
surmount(克服,越过;战胜):To rise above; overcome.
surcharge(超载;额外费;追加罚款;使…装载过多;使…负担过重):An additional tax or charge.
surfeit(过度;饮食过度;恶心(由于饮食过度所引起);使饮食过度;使厌腻;使过度沉溺于):A supply that is more than enough; excess.
surreal(超现实主义的;离奇的;不真实的):Very strange or unusual; having the quality of a dream.
coalesce(合并;结合;联合;使…联合;使…合并):To come together to form one group or mass.
cogeneration(废热发电(利用废气热能发电)):The production of electricity using
waste heat (as in steam) from an industrial process, or the use of steam from
electric power generation as a source of heat.
waste heat (as in steam) from an industrial process, or the use of steam from
electric power generation as a source of heat.
codependency(互相依赖):A psychological condition or a
relationship in which a person is controlled or manipulated by someone
affected with a condition such as alcohol or drug addiction.
relationship in which a person is controlled or manipulated by someone
affected with a condition such as alcohol or drug addiction.
cohesion(凝聚;结合;[力] 内聚力):(1) The action or state of sticking together. (2)
Molecular attraction by which the particles of a body are united throughout
the mass.
Molecular attraction by which the particles of a body are united throughout
the mass.
SYN——“together”“at the same time”
syntax(语法;句法;有秩序的排列):The way in which words are put together to form phrases,
clauses, or sentences.
clauses, or sentences.
synthesize(合成;综合):To make something by combining different things.
synergy(协同;协同作用;增效;协同效果(游戏术语)):The increased effectiveness that results when two or
more people or businesses work together.
more people or businesses work together.
syndrome([临床] 综合症状;并发症状;校验子;并发位):A group of signs and symptoms that occur together
and characterize a particular abnormality or condition.
and characterize a particular abnormality or condition.
Words from Mythology and History
Adonis(阿多尼斯;美少年,美男子;花花公子):A very handsome young man.
amazon(亚马逊;古希腊女战士):A tall, strong, often masculine woman.
chimera([遗] 嵌合体;虚构的怪物;妄想):An often grotesque creature of the imagination.
cornucopia(哺乳宙斯的羊角;装满花果及谷穗表丰饶的羊角状物;丰饶的象征):(1) A container shaped like a hollow horn
full of fruits, vegetables, and ears of grain. (2) An abundance of something desirable.
full of fruits, vegetables, and ears of grain. (2) An abundance of something desirable.
Elysium(极乐世界,天堂;至福之境):A place or condition of ideal happiness; paradise.
epicure(老饕;美食家;享乐主义者):A person with cultivated taste, especially for food and
drink; a gourmet.
drink; a gourmet.
exodus(大批的离去):A situation in which many people leave a place at the
same time.
same time.
gorgon(蛇发女怪(希腊神话中的一个形象);丑陋女人):An ugly, repulsive, or terrifying woman.
Unit 30
toxin(毒素;毒质):A substance produced by a living organism (such as
bacteria) that is highly poisonous to other organisms.
bacteria) that is highly poisonous to other organisms.
toxicity([毒物] 毒性):The state of being poisonous; the degree to which
something is poisonous.
something is poisonous.
toxicology([毒物] 毒物学,[毒物] 毒理学):A science that deals with poisons and their
neurotoxin([生化] 神经毒素):A poisonous protein that acts on the nervous
tenuous(纤细的;稀薄的;贫乏的):Having little substance or strength; flimsy, weak.
attenuated((力量或效果)衰减的;(人)瘦长的;使减弱;使变细;稀释(attenuate 的过去式和过去分词)):Thinned or weakened.
extenuating(情有可原的;使减轻的;为…找借口;能减轻…的严重性;轻视(extenuate的ing形式)):Partially excusing or justifying.
distended((使)膨胀,肿胀(distend 的过去式和过去分词)):Stretched or bulging out in all directions; swelled.
TECHNI/TECHNO——“art, craft, skill”
technocrat(技术统治论者;专家政治论者;技术统治):A scientist or technical expert with power in
politics or industry.
politics or industry.
technophobe(技术恐惧者):One who fears or dislikes advanced technology
or complex devices and especially computers.
or complex devices and especially computers.
technophile(技术爱好者;爱好技术的):One who loves technology.
pyrotechnic(烟火的;令人眼花缭乱的;出色的):Of or relating to fireworks.
longitude([地理] 经度;经线):Distance measured by degrees or time east or west
from the prime meridian.
from the prime meridian.
elongate(拉长;使延长;使伸长;伸长的;延长的):(1) To extend the length of; stretch. (2) To grow in
longueur((小说、剧本、乐曲等)冗长而又乏味的部分):A dull and boring portion, as of a book.
oblong(椭圆形的;长方形的;椭圆形;长方形):Longer in one direction than in the other.
IDIO——“one's own”or“private”
idiom(成语,习语;土话):An expression that cannot be understood from the
meanings of its separate words but must be learned as a whole.
meanings of its separate words but must be learned as a whole.
idiomatic(惯用的;符合语言习惯的;通顺的):In a manner conforming to the particular forms
of a language.
of a language.
idiosyncrasy((个人独有的)气质,性格,习惯,癖好):An individual peculiarity of a person's
behavior or thinking.
behavior or thinking.
idiopathic(先天的;自发的,特发的):Arising spontaneously or from an obscure or
unknown cause.
unknown cause.
aerial(空中的,航空的;空气的;空想的;[电讯] 天线):(1) Performed in the air. (2) Performed using an airplane.
aerate(充气;让空气进入;使暴露于空气中):To supply with air or oxygen.
aerobic(需氧的;增氧健身法的):(1) Living or occurring only in the presence of oxygen.
(2) Involving or increasing oxygen consumption.
(2) Involving or increasing oxygen consumption.
anaerobic([微] 厌氧的,[微] 厌气的;没有气而能生活的):(1) Living or occurring in the absence of oxygen.
(2) Relating to activity in which the body works temporarily with inadequate
(2) Relating to activity in which the body works temporarily with inadequate
CAD——“to fall”
cadaver([医] 尸体;死尸):A dead body, especially one that is to be dissected; a
decadent(颓废的;衰微的;颓废者):Marked by decay or decline, especially in morals.
cadence(节奏;韵律;抑扬顿挫;终止式;使有节奏):(1) The close of a musical phrase, especially one that
moves to a harmonic point of rest. (2) The rhythmic flow of sound in language.
moves to a harmonic point of rest. (2) The rhythmic flow of sound in language.
cadenza(装饰乐段):A virtuosic flourish or extended passage by a soloist,
often improvised, that occurs shortly before the end of a piece or movement.
often improvised, that occurs shortly before the end of a piece or movement.
TRIB——“to give”or“to pay”
tribute(礼物;[税收] 贡物;颂词;(尤指对死者的)致敬,悼念,吊唁礼物):(1) Something (such as a gift or speech) that is given or
performed to show appreciation, respect, or affection. (2) Something that proves the good quality or effectiveness of something.
performed to show appreciation, respect, or affection. (2) Something that proves the good quality or effectiveness of something.
tributary((大河或湖泊的)支流;进贡国,附属国;纳贡的;促进的):A stream flowing into a larger stream or a lake.
attribute(属性;特质;归属;把……归于):(1) To explain by indicating a cause. (2) To regard as
likely to be a quality of a person or thing.
likely to be a quality of a person or thing.
retribution(报应;惩罚;报答;报偿):Something given in payment for a wrong;
Words from Mythology and History
halcyon(宁静的,田园诗般美好的;翡翠鸟;神翠鸟(神话中的神鸟)):(1) Calm and peaceful. (2) Happy and successful.
meander((河流、道路等)蜿蜒,曲折前行;漫步,闲逛,徘徊;漫谈,闲聊;(文章)行文散漫;河流(或道路)弯道,河曲;漫游):(1) To follow a winding course. (2) To wander slowly without a specific purpose or direction.
oedipal([医] 恋母情结的):Relating to an intense emotional relationship with one's
mother and conflict with one's father.
mother and conflict with one's father.
ostracize(放逐;排斥;按贝壳流放法放逐):To exclude someone from a group by common
consent .
consent .
paean(赞美歌,欢乐歌):(1) A song of joy, praise, tribute, or triumph. (2) A work that
praises or honors its subject.
praises or honors its subject.
philippic(激烈的抨击):A speech full of bitter condemnation; a tirade.
satyr(好色之徒;萨梯(希腊神话中森林之神);眼蝶科):A man with a strong desire for many women.
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