Social media SOP 社交媒体SOP
2023-03-15 11:14:56 2 举报
项目立项 Project Development
合同签订(年度合同 or 月度推广协议) Yearly Contract /Montly Contract
合同执行-交付客户(年度甘特图-年度规划/季度内容主题规划/月度内容规划/广告预算 )Yearly Gantt charts/Yearly Plan/Quarterly Plan/Monthly Plan/Budget Social Ads
调研分析 Research Analysis
竞品分析 Competitor Analysis
竞品战略布局 Competitor strategy layout
目标拆解 Targets
按着合同上的的KPI指数 The brand of goal, brand awareness, community engagement, generate leads
每个品牌画下 Brand of buyers persona
广告预算(Ads budget)
平台矩阵 Social Media Matrix
脸书 Facebook
即时电报 Instagram
油管 Youtube
缤趣 Pintrest
领英 LinkedIn
抖音 Tiktok
推特 Twitter
色拉布 Snapchat
即时通讯 Whatsapp
即时信息 Telegram
账号内容策划 Content plan
年度内容规划 Yearly Content Topic Plan
季度内容规划 Quarterly Content Topic Plan
月度内容规划+素材设计 Monthly Content Plan / Using canvas to design
节日活动策划 Holiday Event Planning
按照运营沟通,按着节日做调整 Talk with operator communication and make adjustments
周数据填写及分析 Weekly data completion report and analysis
查看每个品牌的发布时间表,哪个时间段比较好,分析posts内容 Check the posting schedule of each brand, which time period is good to post, analyze the content of posts.
每周review reports数据 review reports data per weekly
查看每个品牌的发布时间表,哪个时间段比较好,分析posts内容 Check the posting schedule of each brand, which time period is good to post, analyze the content of posts.
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