The Authority of Nature: Conflict, Confusion, and Renewal in Design, Planning, and Ecology
2022-09-26 12:43:30 0 举报
The Authority of Nature: Conflict, Confusion, and Renewal in Design, Planning, and Ecology
Thesis Statement:
The author discussed from phenomenon of nature being cited as authority in planning and design to the definition of nature to the practice of designs which take nature as authority but differently. Then the author discuss again about how to redifine and renew the nature in landscape architecture.
How does the author structure their argument and what evidence do they provide to support it?
How does the text expand or change the way you understand and define “nature”?
What additional questions does the reading raise for you?
Highlight important vocabulary that was confusing to you.
The Nature of Landscape Design and Planning
the Fens
Columbus Park
Constructing Nature
The Nature of Nature
Columbus Park
the authority of \"nature\"
nature is both mirror and model for landscape design
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