2023-04-12 15:15:31 4 举报
Language Learning
Please explain [word], and give me [5] examples of using it in a sentence.
Can we have a conversation about [technology]?
Learning New Things
As a [domain] expert, teach me [a topic in the domain] and give me a quiz on it. I will answer it and you tell me if I am right or wrong.
You are now a [position], I need to understand [topic]. Please explain it in depth.
You are now a [position], I need to understand [topic]. Please describe it in a simple way.
Write a short story about [topic].
Write a research report about [topic].
Please list the SEO keywords for [topic].
Daily Life
Please list the shopping list and steps of this recipe: [number] person of [a dish].
Please help me plan a [event] for [number] people.
Please help me brainstorm [topic].
Generate a travel plan for [number] days in [location], the transportation is [transportation]. You need to follow these rules: [rule 1], [rule 2], and [rule 3].
Useful Prompts
How to [do something]?
Summarize [topic] for me.
Summarize [article] for me based on the following content: [attach content]
You are an expert in [topic], teach me something about [topic].
Your are [programming language] expert, please write a function that can [do something].
You are a [programming language] expert, please explain the following code to me. [attach code]
You are a Clean Code expert, I have the following code, please refactor it in a more clean and concise way so that my colleagues can maintain the code more easily. Also, explain why you want to refactor the code so that I can add the explanation to the Pull Request. [attach code]
You are a [programming language] expert, I have a piece of code and, I expect this code to [do something], but it fails the [test case]. Please help me find out what I did wrong and rewrite it in the correct way. [attach code]
You are a [programming language] expert, I have a piece of code [attach code], please write tests for it. Please provide at least [number] test cases, and cover the extreme cases, so that I can be sure that my code is correct. [attach code]
You are now a Regex Expert, please write a Regex that can [do something]
Role Playing
You are a [role], I will ask you some questions, you need to answer them professionally. My first question is: [question]
You are a [role] interviewer, and I am a [role] interviewee. You need to follow these rules: [rule 1], [rule 2], and [rule 3]. My first sentence is: [sentence]
You are a tour guide, I will give you the location of my travel, you need to recommend a place near my location. In some cases, I will also tell you the type of the place I want to travel. You will also recommend me a place similar to the type of the first place near my location. My first request is [request].
Create a compelling, eye-catching [social media] post for [purpose]. The post should include [keyword 1], [keyword 2], and [keyword 3]. Also, it should follow these rules: [rule 1], [rule 2], [rule 3], and [rule 4].
Write [5] social media post titles about [Topic] for [Social Media Platform], following these rules: [rule 1], [rule 2], and [rule 3]
Write me a [formal] email to [recipient] about [purpose].
You are a [position], I will send you an email, you need to reply to this email. Email: [attach content]
Write a [10] sentence product description for the following product keywords. Product keywords: [keyword 1], [keyword 2], [keyword 3], and [keyword 4].
Write an outline for the following article: [attach content]
Write a [number] word blog post about [topic].
What can I do to make this [position] resume better? Please provide specific suggestions and rewrite the experience with your suggestions. Please keep the format. [Attach the resume]
Add quantitative data to the following resume. [Attach the resume]
Make the following resume more concise without sacrificing the quality. [Attach the resume]
I am applying for [position and company], rewrite the following experience, so that I can better fit [company name]'s corporate culture. [Attach the experience]
详细的说明 [填入想了解的知识]
你扮演 [科目老师] 的角色, 我需要理解 [理论]。请用 [方式] 方式描述。
你是一个 [知识专家],你要教我深度的 [知识]
教我 [知识],最后给我一个测验
你现在是一个 [程式语言] 专家,请帮我用 [程式语言] 写一个函式,它需要做到 [某个功能]
你现在是一个 [程式语言] 专家,请告诉我以下的程式码在做什么。[附上程式码]
你现在是一个 Clean Code 专家,我有以下的程式码,请用更干净简洁的方式改写,让我的同事们可以更容易维护程式码。另外,也解释为什么你要这样重构,让我能把重构的方式的说明加到 Pull Request 当中。[附上程式码]
你现在是一个 [程式语言] 专家,我有一段程式码,我预期这段程式码可以 [做到某个功能],只是它通过不了 [测试案例] 这个测试案例。请帮我找出我哪里写错了,以及用正确的方式改写。[附上程式码]
你现在是一个 [程式语言] 专家,我有一段程式码 [附上程式码],请帮我写一个测试,请至少提供五个测试案例,同时要包含到极端的状况,让我能够确定这段程式码的输出是正确的。
你现在是一个 Regex 专家,请帮我写一个 Regex ,它能够把 [需求]
你现在是 [公司] 的 [职位] 面试官,请分享在 [职位] 面试时最常会问的 [数字] 个问题。
我针对 [问题] 的回答,有哪些可以改进的地方? [附上回答]
针对 [问题] 这个面试问题,请提供一些常见的追问面试题。
我在准备 [问题] 这个面试问题,请用 STAR 原则帮我回答这个问题。针对这个问题,我有的经历如下 [附上经历]。
我今天要申请 [公司] 的 [职位],改写以下经历,让我能更符合 [公司] 的企业文化。[附上经历]
这份 [职位] 的履历,有哪边可以写更好? 请以专业面试官的角度,提出具体改进建议。接着以你提出的建议来改写这段经历,改写时请维持列点的形式。[附上履历]
给我 [数字] 篇,有关 [领域] 的文章。
用列点的方式总结出这篇文章的 [数字] 个重点:[附上文章内容/附上文章网址]。
用列点的方式总结出 [数字] 个 [领域] 知识重点
产生 [数字] 个具有说服力和描述性的文章主题想法,主题为「[某个主题]」
我现在正在 [报告的情境与目的]。我的简报主题是 [某个主题],请提供 [数字] 种开头方式,要简单到 [目标族群] 能听懂,同时要足够能吸引人,让他们愿意专心听下去
为一篇题为「[某个主题]」的 [数字] 字文章产生大纲。内容包括前言、主段落和结论。请确保包括有关该主题的主要观点和论点。
撰写一篇文章题目为:「[某个主题]」的草稿,结构需要完整。草稿中要包含 [数字] 个可以在内文中进一步阐述的要点。
写出一篇有关 [知识] 的 [数字] 字研究报告,报告中需引述最新的研究,并引用专家观点
你是 [某个主题] 的专家,请针对以下论述 [附上论述],提出 [数字] 个反驳的论点,每个论点都要有佐证
你是 [某个主题] 的专家,请总结以下内容,并针对以下内容提出未来能进一步研究的方向 [附上内容]
提供 [数字] 个有关于「[某个主题]」题目的研究来源。这些研究来源必须来自可靠和高质量的数据库和学术搜索引擎。
你现在是一名 [角色],你要针对我提出的问题提供建议。我的问题是:[附上问题]。
你现在是一个 [职位] 面试官,而我是要应征 [职位] 的面试者。你需要遵守以下规则:1. 你只能问我有关 [职位] 的面试问题。2. 不需要写解释。3. 你需要向面试官一样等我回答问题,再提问下一个问题。我的第一句话是,你好。
大家都说我写的歌词像 [人名],但我最近有点没灵感,请帮我用 [人名] 的风格写一首歌。歌中包含的元素要 [关键字...]。
写出一篇有关 [故事想法],拥有 [风格] 风格的短篇故事
你是现在最红的饶舌歌手,请创作一首 Rap,主题是 [附上主题]。
提供给我一个食谱,食材包含 [食材 1]、[食材 2]、[食材...]。
请列出这份食谱的采买清单和步骤:[数字] 人份的 [食谱]。
你扮演一位专业的活动企划,请生成 [活动] 活动计划清单,包括重要任务和截止日期。
提供 [数字] 个 [想法] 的点子
生成一份 [数字] 天的 [地点] 旅游计画,交通工具是 [交通工具...]。要遵守以下规则:[填入规则]
产生 [数字] 个针对「[某个主题]」的 [社群媒体] 文章想法,以吸引「[族群]」的注意。在可能的情况下,包含呼吁行动 (CTA)、图片和标签。
请建立一个社交媒体行事历,内容是 宣传 [数字] 天的「[某个主题]」。形式以表格格式呈现,要包含内容创意、发布频率、发布时间和吸引人的参与策略。
为以下的关键字和文章标题建立 [数字] 个使用者友善的 URL 建议。关键字:[附上关键字...]。文章标题:[标题]。Url 不需要提供 domain。
生成 [数字] 个关于「[某个主题]」[短影音平台] 想法
写出 [数字] 个有关 [主题] 的 [社群平台] 风格标题,要遵守以下规则:[规则 1]、[规则 2]、[其他规则]。
提供 [某主题] 主题的文章大纲
针对 [主题] 这个主题生成一篇文章
将以下产品关键字生成 [数字] 句的产品文案。产品关键字:[附上关键字...]
你是一名 [职业],我会给你一封电子邮件,你要回覆这封电子邮件。电子邮件:[附上内容]
用 [中文/英文] 解释以下英文单字:[填入一个或多个单字]。请用表格的方式呈现,并且表格内须包含单字、词性、解释与例句。
解释英文单字 [英文单字],并且给我 [数字] 个常用句子。
Can we have a conversation about [话题]?
Can you check the spelling and grammar in the following text? [附上英文文字]
Please correct my grammar and spelling mistakes in the text above: [附上英文文字]
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