2024-12-07 18:49:57 0 举报
The complete flow chart of SHENNIAN game
P - Lutan's team found the amnesiac Corrupted Monk in Tunisia and established a temporary base.
L - Lee loses self-awareness and fails to destroy XY.
A - Rules
Same Event
A - Athni screams in excitement.
N - Attends the SOS press conference.
L - Reality
L - Escape Route 3: Local police & bounty hunters.
S-Li Sen
S - Sees the STAR X Base infiltrated and collects intruder data.
L - Ring formed by the 108 Heroes.
A - The Water Judgement game starts in the town.
Switch to Athni
N - Lena did not detonate the explosives
A - Controls the police to hunt.
P - Lutan leaves Lee at the base and goes to find the other 108 Heroes to avoid SOS.
L - Wakes up in a truck and is told that The Flea on the Drum has lost his memory.
A - Uses XY to make the world cheer for him (familiarizing players with XY).
Switch to(Athni)?
Loong cross the Cloud
L - Lee begins his escape from the SOS base.
The Speedy Courier
A - Commands SOS to hunt.
P - The ICPO team and Lee found The Flea on the Drum in Greece
N - SHEN NIAN resonated; a letter from the beloved arrived
L - Yanqing in reality and SHEN NIAN is saved by Green-Eyed Slayer; the two die together. Lee never calls out Lena’s name.
L - A drone flies overhead; Lee loses consciousness.
L - Says goodbye to his lover.
L - Lee uses his father’s 108 Heroes data to find the corresponding people.
S - Contacts the team for rescue.
L - Discovers Gu Tian in Tunisia and uses his organ shop as a base.
L - Yanqing guards the SHEN NIAN temple in the database and battles Athni.
L - Escapes through stealth assassinations.
Success(High difficulty)
L - Stealth all the way.
Not Find
A - Athni sees Yanqing in SHEN NIAN being pierced by Green-Eyed Slayer.
S - Stores the collected evidence in SHEN NIAN space.
L - Entrance to the STAR X Base appears.
N - Lena realizes she was not controlled by Athni's XY
L - Links himself with Yanqing in The Water Judgement.
L - Implant false information in the SOS operations database.
Switch to (Lee)?
N-Take over Athni's mission
- Countless people in the city are laughing wildly.
A - The thief and the female shopkeeper laugh together.
L - A crowd self-immolates to the accompaniment of a band.
Lee is dead.
N - Reality
P - The ICPO team hid Lee in a truck
A - Athni orders his subordinates to kill the real-world counterpart.
L - The explosion disorients Lee; he vaguely sees a motorcyclist saving him.
N - Failed to find any trace of Lee
A - The X assault team is defeated.
Switch to Lee or Athni?
Information Clue
A - Controls Water Tyrant to exit the game area.
A - Beheading
L - Identifies the method to access his father's STAR X Base source code.
L - Sinner Brutality.
L - Escape Route 1: Villagers block the way.
A - Athni holds the opening ceremony of The Water Judgement in the Hall of Justice.
A - Controls the local residents.
P - ICPO brings the found 108 Heroes to the temporary base.
N - Lee rejects Lena's request; Lena protects Lee
A - Digital Athni unleashes an antimatter shockwave.
A - Lee dies.
L - LIANG members log into SHEN NIAN and gather in the Hall of Justice.
N - Confronts Lee and kills him
N - Lena pierced the Sinner next to Yanqing
Not connected
L - Escape Route 2: SOS assassins.
A - Successfully kills Lee.
A - Athni orders Lena to intercept Yanqing.
L - Hides in a tower gala but is still spotted by SOS; several SOS assassins close in.
A - Accuses Lena of weakness.
L - Modified by Athni.
P-Loong cross the Cloud
Force switch to Athni's line.
S - Li Sen is threatened.
L - Invisibility link to the \"Yanqing\" shell created by Athni.
Switch to (Athni & Lena)?
L - Athni defeats Yanqing in the database and triggers an antimatter shockwave.
A - Customize
L - Lee and the police found The Flea on the Drum in Greece.
Switch to (Military)?
A - Not intercept
L - Prepares to hide.
Switch to (Lena)?
A - A doctor tells Athni the surgery was successful.
L - Hijacks internal personnel to connect the STAR X Base portal.
A - Athni sees Lena blow up the truck in reality.
L - Sinner Lust.
P - Issues a wanted notice; Li Sen and his son become global enemies.
A - Burn to death
S - Decide whether to crush Lee's brain.
N - Ordered by Athni to hunt Lee at the hotel.
Lee is alive.
N - Assists Athni in hunting down Yanqing in the town.
A - Digital Athni attempts to kill Yanqing in the STAR X Base.
L - The news displays \"A man is buried by a bulldozer.\"
A - Double reward for killing Yanqing.
N - Lena sees on the screen a crowd of people lining up to commit suicide.
L - The news displays \"A man is placed in an oven.\"
L - Athni modifies Lee.
L - Lee sees the masked figure take him off the cliff and calls her true name: Green-Eyed Slayer.
N - Confesses to Athni about failing the mission
L - Scene of the wedding with Green-Eyed Slayer.
A - Intercept
L - The news displays \"A man drowns in a fountain.\"
N - Tells Athni about having developed genuine feelings
P - X Commando hijacks Athni's ally in reality and surrounds the SOS base.
S - The rescue team infiltrates the base and collaborates with Li Sen from within.
P-The Speedy Courier
L - SOS kidnaps the LIANG members.
Decline the call
N - Locate target position at the building's reception
P-Lady Sun
L - Father and son argue; Li Sen threatens to shut down LIANG.
L - Rescued by the police.
L - Sinner Ruthless.
L - The news displays \"A man dies from wrist slashing in a bathtub.\"
Force switch to Lee's perspective.
L - Sinner Voracity.
L - Digital Athni dies.
A - Attempts to kill Lee in the base.
L - Full firefight (hard mode).
L - Memory Maze
A - Athni witnesses Yanqing's battle and will kill the real-world counterparts (like Lee's 5 individuals).
S - The rescue team infiltrates the base.
L - The news displays \"A man dies after jumping into an ice bath.\"
A - Controls Lena.
A - Athni sees that Lee is not dead and realizes he has been tricked.
N - Rob the Data Base with Lee as Green-Eyed Slayer.
S - Injects a virus into XY.
L - SOS triggers a virtual fire.
Line 2
L - The protagonist sees the news of \"a man dying in a suicide explosion.\"
Answer the call
A - Game deaths will happen in reality.
A - Uses XY to control Lena to self-destruct and kill Yanqing and his companions.
P - Police
S - Collects evidence of SOS's crimes.
A - Witnesses Lee escaping.
L - Stares at the digital Li Sen.
he Flea on the Drum
L - Yanqing encounters Lena.
L - Sinner Pillage.
S - Attends the SOS press conference.
N - The antimatter bomb explodes
L - Share intel and decide to use his father’s data to locate the 108 Heroes.
S - Athni informs Li Sen that the SHEN NIAN elders are dead.
L - Lee vaguely sees someone giving a speech on stage.
A - Sends Lena to kill Lee.
Line 1
N - Continue tracking Lee (time-limited)
Release data.
- Yanqing battles the Sinners (kill a certain number to progress the story).
L - Yanqing vaguely sees a masked rider on horseback taking him away from the chase.
N - Lena's motorcycle is flipped and explodes. Lena dies in reality.
L - Rescued by a media drone.
A - Athni locates Lee's signal and sends Lena to hunt him down.
A - Do not leave the area.
Switch? (Athni)
A - Digital Athni enters the STAR X Base and battles Yanqing inside.
A - Persuades Lena.
A - Controls Lee to cause chaos worldwide.
Switch to (Li Sen)?
L - Scene of teaming up to steal “XY”.
L - Athni threatens Li Sen.
A - Lena defeats everyone in both reality and virtual worlds.SHEN NIAN STAR X Base data upload.
P - X Commando links Athni's ally's brain to their platform and infiltrates the SOS database.
Lady Sun
A - Assists Lee in hijacking the Data Base as \"The Wise Star.\"
A - Locates Lee in the town and begins the hunt.
Line 3
S - Controls Li Sen's actions in the SOS base.
L - Yanqing finds the digital Li Sen's source code and witnesses Li Sen disappear with the other SHEN NIAN elders.
Switch to(Li Sen)?
Switch to Lee
A - A group self-immolates to the band's accompaniment.
L - Yanqing sees the truck stop.
L - Stays at the temporary base to assist the police in rescue efforts.
A - Kill to survive.
Received Athni's order to intercept Yanqing
A - Witnesses Yanqing's escape and intercepts his distress signal from the building.
A - Wrist slashing
A - Fails to kill Lee.
P - ICPO rescued Lee at the News Hotel
Line 4
A - The mourners at the funeral stop crying and start laughing.

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